DERRICK THE EXECUTIONER WAS A REAL FUCKING GUY. I knew almost everyone else, except maybe my wife, Fuku, was a real person, but holy shit!
God damn. I fucking love Team Ninja
DERRICK THE EXECUTIONER WAS A REAL FUCKING GUY. I knew almost everyone else, except maybe my wife, Fuku, was a real person, but holy shit!
God damn. I fucking love Team Ninja
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Kek holy shit that's awesome
>Derrick in particular had been convicted of rape but was pardoned by the Earl of Essex (clearing him of the death penalty) on the condition that he became an executioner at Tyburn.
>Derrick executed more than 3,000 people in his career including his pardoner, the Earl of Essex, in 1601.
Sir Dee was real too. He was a mathematician.
He was famous for his method of counting using nuts. Which is where we get the modern phrase Dee's Nuts.
Most of the characters were historical figures and a lot of the events were historical events too.
The game just caked history in fantasy and mixed it up.
It's a shame it felt disjointed and I stopped paying attention because of it.
>The mention of Nioh on Derrick's wiki
Gamers are so cringe
Kou Shibusawa games always do this, fampai.
I thought the main character is supposed to be Samurai William
>Cringe this
>Cringe that
Have people really lost the ability to articulate themselves these days without use of buzzwords?
He was a legit occultist too, studied alchemy, hermetic tradition shit, astrology etc.
Ain't gonna lie, keked
It's a single line that states the fact that he was a supporting character.
I need to play more of his games then. I love historical fiction
That is exactly who William is inspired from. Derrick is the first boss you face in Nioh. his name just sounded so generic, I was amazed that he was real
>Derrick in particular had been convicted of rape but was pardoned by the Earl of Essex (clearing him of the death penalty) on the condition that he became an executioner at Tyburn.
>Derrick executed more than 3,000 people in his career including his pardoner, the Earl of Essex, in 1601
Capcom did it
Based Derrick
I hope we can get a sequel but you play as Queen Elizabeth.
>Edward Kelly was also a real guy who was deep in the occult shit
oh ok then, they did their research.
The japan expedition and the ships lost during it are also 100% real
You actually play as Rowan Atkinson as Black Adder.
Anyone else notice some of the anime nods in the Amrita Memories? The one describing Kelley talks about a being made from alchemy having to live in a sealed flask, which is pretty much straight FMA.
Is this worth it for the slow PS4?
>The japan expedition and the ships lost during it are also 100% real
Based Team Ninja
Make it so you play as Francis Drake, that way she can be a pirate.
Too bad the story is messed up as fuck. Seriously I'm already at the second region and I have absolutely no idea of what the fuck is going on. And yes I read the briefs before a mission.
This game attracted the wrong kind of people: people who don't know jack shit about the Sengoku Period
At least Samurai Warriors knew who its audience was
Black dude was real too
he also talked to angels thru an obsidian mirror
Do what I do. Roleplay an irish guy of the period who is confused when the yellow slant eyes make their heathen grunt noises but likes that they keep giving him weapons and clothes. just skip the cutscenes and kill.
Nah that was Kelley. When he talks about knowing "an Enochian spell" in the game, that's what he named the angel language he made up.
>Already knew about real life Edward Kelley so feel smug about people learning about him from vidya
>Remember I learned about him from Bayonetta because all the angels speak Enochian
Actually that would be a fun DLC, William fighting christian angels and demons screaming enochian at him
Hello ladies and gentlemen, this battle will contain slaughter for the entire duration
The only people I cant find are Okatsu and Fuku
Nioh even has Sakata Kintoki. Shit was awesome.