What cologne do you use for gaming Sup Forums? Any recommendations?

What cologne do you use for gaming Sup Forums? Any recommendations?

That's eau'du toilette you dumbass


How am I supposed to know that I'm literally a Sup Forums poster?

But that's a good thing. Eau Du Toilette induces berserker status when equipped and is worth a bit of bp at the end of the game.

infinite for infinite combos

oh shit, i have the same cologne

Is it any good my man?

Shits glorious.

some weird cologne called toilet water

yeah its pretty good. i love the smell and it lasts pretty long

hey user, what plug do you use for vidya? :3


Eau de toilette is a type of cologne.

Armani code has been my favourite for a long time. Freedom by Tommy Hilfiger when I need something lighter on a day out

I got it as a gift from my dad, all I know is the name is "Vera Wang". Smells good, he gave me a bottle back in highschool too and a girl complimented me on it.

Call me ringtail :3 rawr

The bottle is gay as fuck
But it smell good

more like a dude toilet lmao



I love sitting on my bf's dick but you niggas are fucking gay.

the deodorant version is better

Axe Body spray.

In American English cologne = EdT

Wearing a buttplug but fucking women is not gay, fucking men is. You are the gayest.

Everyone has their vices, faggot. Degeneracy is degeneracy, no matter how extreme.

There are actually vidya fragrances.
They aren't that great though.

This and A lot of D&G cologne is fantastic, but these two are my favorite.

An e-celeb thread would have been more relevant.

This just made me smell like a mosquito candle. My body runs too hot.

>wearing cologne
>being a numale

You don't go out a lot, right user?

cologne has existed for a pretty long time, not wearing cologne is what's numale

cologne smells like toxic fumes

literally what a numale would say

What dildos do you use for gaming Sup Forums?

Some truck dropped off a case of these at my job at it went unclaimed so the boss passed them around.

I get at least a compliment a week with this at college.

I dont know who Sean John is.

People wear cologne with the idea that it'l attract women.Does anyone really enjoy the smell?Can you say its pleasant, or good?


>Using garbage to mask your manly musk that makes women swoon

Now could you please stop 4k projecting your numaleness onto others? Thanks, lad.

>dont wear any (atheism)
>dont get compliments

>wear some (religion)
>get occasional compliments

Shit, I like the name. The bottle/packaging looks very stylish also. Probably smells good. The problem with nice cologne like this, is that I never find a reason to use it.

I'll spray myself with Lynx (it's a budget ~$5 deodorant if you don't know what that is) and then still have people tell me I smell good so clearly nobody knows the difference between the good stuff and the cheap stuff.

I'll tell you what I don't like. When I walk near some middle eastern guy and he smells like he BATHED in cologne.

>wearing animal piss
>being gay

>manly musk
Is that what you call your sweaty pits and Doritos odor?

Because I like to smell like a man, not a numale

Who /$20Avon/ here?