What went wrong?
The Xbox 360 was a great console, how did they fuck this up so badly?
What went wrong?
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>The Xbox 360 was a great console
It was though
It was.
Except it completely was, whether you like it or not, halo was a system seller
x360 was alright. It was a sleek version of the original Xbox, with a lot of games. Great way for casuals (uncritical of internal resolution and framerate) to get their game fix 7-8 years in a row. It also didn't have a super strange Cell CPU like the PS3, so although PC ports were often shit, at least they were there.
The Xbone and PS4 are basically the same x86 hardware, so most games are multiplat + PC unless Sony or MS paid for exclusive development. And MS and their shoddy exclusives + Kinect, have performed miserably vs the PS4
No good exclusives.
Making literally every "exclusive" playable on W10.
It was weaker than the competition at what it's supposed to do. Resolutiongate didn't help its cause and it was also more expensive.
>inb4 any retard says exclusives
Exclusives mean jack shit in 99.9999% of console sales.
This, especially since most played games on PS4 are CoD and FIFA
Weaker than the PS3? Maybe against gooks who understood how to properly make games that run well using cell but you could count the amount of companies with this skill on one hand.
The discussion is about xbox one here, not xbox 360.
I honestly don't know much about the games but on a hardware basis it was. The GPU on release was more powerful and capable than any GPU out at the time. It used an AMD prototype based off the R580 (X1900) layout but using features taken from the development of the R600 (2900 XT), including Unified Shaders which was an absolutely massive deal. It took a full year until the release of G80 (8800 GTX) for PC graphics to surpass it. The CPU was very good, took about 6 months for PC to catch up.
this of course doesn't account for exotic setups like Crossfire/SLI or 4x4
oh shit, well I am a retard. This is what happens when you skim through an op post quick.
Yeah xbox one is a blunder in terms of power.
Did you remember the reveal?
I think it's pretty good
look at these games I got for gold this month
i thought it was obvious. Corporations arrogantly delude themselves that they can shove into customers' gobs whatever the heck they want once they earn their loyalty.
Shit didn't fly for PS3 after Sony enjoyed the success of PS2, and big shots don't learn from history nothing.
Last month I got Rayman Origins. Been wanting to get an hd version of that and I finally did. Thank god for being patient. And at the very least I'll always get to keep it since it's a 360 game. That being said I don't plan on renewing gold this year.
>big shots don't learn from history
The most accurate to describe the video game industry. Nintendo lost the top spot to Sony then they lost it to the 360 only for Microsoft to trade it for tv and Kinect. Sony current success is a product of their competitors incompetence.
The ps plus shit isn't any better
Don Mattrick
Yeah, it was
>Weaker than the ps4
>100 dollars more expensive at launch
>The review was the worst ever, worse than fuckin giant enemy crab
>All intrusive always online, always kinect, always watching you bullshit.
>Only exclusives are halo, tomb rider (share with pc) and forza
>I have the feeling that dudebro gaming is slowly dying and series like halo are losing strength
This is what you ranjeets shill Xbox Live for?
I've had an Xbox One since August 2014 and I have yet to have any kind of real issue with the thing. My PC is decent but pretty much any multiplat at this point will probably run better on the Xbone, so I just get all my multiplats on it. I love Halo and Gears is pretty cool. All of my friends play the Xbox version of Destiny as well so there's that. My real disappointment with this gen is Nintendo. The Xbox and the Playstation are okay for exclusives, you just gotta decide which ones you'd rather have, or if you want an Xbone, decide if your PC can run the W10 Xbox Play Anywhere titles instead.
Remember the E3 when the consoles got announced. Microsoft fucked up so badly that Sony was able to walk out and make fun of everything they did. Sony won the console war at E3 due to marketing. At that point Microsoft was so far behind they was nothing they could due to catch up. Hence 57million PS4 sold and 25million Xbox One sold.
Badly thought from the start because of Don Matrik.
But it recovered pretty nicely after Spencer took over. MS only needs to sort their games line up better without canceling big games.
PS3 was objectively weaker. Cell got neutered hard by having an SPE disabled for yields, and another reserved for the OS. GPU was just an off the shelf G70 (7800 GTX), not even G71 (7900 GTX). This was during a time when the AMD top end R580 (X1900) was already faster.
nah what happened was the SPE's, being basically four wide vector SIMD processors with zero branch prediction, were used for graphics calculations along with the GPU. The best looking games on the PS3 didn't really strain the CPU much and mostly ran on the single PPE. Far more available resources on the 360, but the CPU just couldn't be used in the same way.
As a note: GCN is basically a sixteen wide vector SIMD with very little branch prediction.
Price tag. Bad press.
That's literally it.
They could've beaten the PS at least in the US market had they just released the current weaker spec'd XBone for $350 from the start.
By the time they got rid of kinect and lowered the price, the damage had already been done.
halo got crazy worse and so did gears
they were supposed to be system sellers
like halo wars 2 is coming out next week and no one cares
How in the heck did they think trading it for TV and kinect was a good thing, especially after the first failure.
Because it's a RTS. Most people don't care about that genre, but MS thinks we do.
I would play it but I ain't installing Windows 10 and paying for it
Course I love strat
It was more expensive because of the Kinect.
The Kinect is actually really nice for doing shit if the controller's off, and turning it on with your voice is still neat after three years even if Microsoft threw away the gesture controls.
So, everyone agrees that the xbox is going the steam machine way?
Microsoft will merge the xbox brand to win10 (or 11 in the future) and allow third party manufacturers to assemble different models of xbox that simply gaming pcs of varying strength with gaming skins on the OS.
There is no Windows 11, there never will be. They'll just continually add more ads and such to Windows 10 in mandatory patches, and drop the whole idea of making people pay for updates.
My theory is that it was supposed to be some multimedia beast even people who didn't play video games would want, which is why it had so much TV and sports (two of the most normie things there are.)
If the xbox division burned to ashes, they still wouldnt have payed enough for the damage they did to the industry
Paid online, dlc, microtransactions, dudebro gaming, significant consolization of games (there were some pretty twitchy ps3 first person shooters far better than what we have today)
All comes from microsoft. Say what yoy want about EA, Ubisoft, Bioware. Microsoft is worse than it all.
Dreamcast had paid online first.
>he forgot about Haze
but I didn't
Even a super expensive streaming solutions like Apple TV were cheaper than a whole console. So were decent tv recorders and other crap.
Because it's a spin off and a RTS (the Metroid Prime series of Halo). Fans want to play Halo 6 staring the Master Chief.
While Windows 11 is never happening you hit it right on the mark.
>exclusives mean jack shit
>the system with no exclusives was a failure
really energizes my transistors
With Sony shitting the bed with crappy underpowered hardware in the ps4 pro and with the switch looking doa, Microsoft are the last hope. MS are taking us back to the eras when the console hardware was flagship for its time. The actual hardware inside the xbox Scorpio isn't even out yet.
This happened
>Halo MCC was buggy af
>Halo 5 was mediocre
And now they are headed the same way.
I guess the name wont change, but the idea is the same. The free, ad ridden half botnet that Windows is tosday. I dont care about its name.
No, it wasnt. The failure rate is inexcusable, and the introduction of a paid online multiplayer service is cancerous. Literally everything bad about current originated with 360. Plus, it had about 3 exclusives minus halo and gears.
Are you just retarded or trolling? This whole windows 10 exclusives thing wasn't even announced until 3 years into the xbox life. It was selling bad even before that announcement and actually had a massive boost in sales after the announcement and won a bunch of NPD months across USA, UK and Australia. If anything that announcement actually encouraged sales probably due to the cross play and multi buy system.
an yet the slim which came out after they'd completely given up on the idea of exclusives was a success.
yeah because it has no exclusives. it never had any
It was.
t. Sony/Nintendofag
You're assuming it's Vega 10, it's probably Vega 11 which is undoubtedly going to be below the 1080. Unless AMD pulls a rabbit out of its ass and the variable width SIMD implementation actually makes a massive difference.
NCU a fun, primitive shader a fun
>Plus, it had about 3 exclusives minus halo and gears.
What a retarded statement. The xbox 360 had a fuckload of exclusives and even Japanese weebshit for the first 5 years of the gen. It was massively superior to the ps3 in that time by exclusives alone.
t. Ps3 owner
The only thing that hurt the 360 were RROD and Don Mattrick who was also cancer to the Xbox One. 360 from the end of 2005-2008 was a great console when it came to software.
go to bed steve
So you're saying it sold more because of it apparently having no exclusives?
Isn’t project cars supposed to be pretty good?
>no exclusives
But it does since Xbox One and the Scorpio along with future Xboxes are Windows 10 deices those games are still exclusives, Windows 10 exclusives. Xbox has become Microsoft's entire game division for both Windows and Xbox consoles so since Microsoft owns both Windows OS and Xbox consoles, those games that can only be played on Windows 10 and Xbox are exclusives.
Yeah it's a good game and the graphics are on point even on the consoles
I think it's neat, I wasn't shitposting when I made that post tho
>t. Ps3 owner
lolno, you are not.
You probably were. It's really easy to tell that by the way you vent furiously out of the ass.
just got it
looks great, plays alright
the simulation aspects range from amazing to awful
it's a tough leap though after i've been playing forza 3 so much
Actually I am. Why are you so assblasted that I can admit the xbox 360 was better than the ps3 for the first 5 years? Grow up.
Honestly i say the 360 was a average console. It took sony to fuck royal with a 600 dollar machine that no one knew how to code for the 360 to take off, and even with the massive headstarters, sony caught up and i would say that the gen ended tied between the 2. (Wii won, but that is another story)
Microsoft had got a position they normally wouldnt have if it wasnt for sony itself. They had to play cool and with care to not fuck themselves over. So of course they though they were the kings of the world and made a very bad console and were aggressive agaisnt their own clients.
Of fucking course they are on the shit right now. The ps4 pro was lame, but not offencive borderline scam like the Xbone. If scorpio dont perform some miracle, ms might as well giv up.
Who the fuck is talking about sales? The 360 had a massively superior game library in terms of exclusives and multiplat versions for the first 5 years of the console gen up until ~2011 when they started promoting that kinekt shit. Everyone who isn't some deluded assmad fanboy unanimously agrees with this. The 360 and ps3 sold the same anyway so sales wouldn't even be an argument.
Even if MS died, Sony would never stop jewing you up the ass with paid online and DLC, so what's the point.
Sony has the advantage of the japanese xenophobia meaning they well never buy a whitu-piggu console, so a lot of games only get made for the Playstation
ms are this industry last hope
Nah early on in the 360 gen there were loads of Japanese games. They were all top quality too like lost odyssey and blue dragon.
So in other words you want the only thing keeping Sony from going full Jewish on your ass to die off so Sony can jam their dicks far up your anus? Kill yourself
Xbox 360 2005-2008 had a far better library than the PS3.
Sony hasn't jewed anyone except when they were pulling bullshit of copying other companies with Paid online.
Sony are a company that want to make big money, like Valve and Nintendo.
They are not even in the same league of pure evil as Microsoft though.
My Source is living through the 90's seeing Microsoft fuck absolutely everyone out of everything.
Also my source on Sony being great even when winning is the ps2 Gen where even when they were 50million units ahead they still had game after game coming out.
Meanwhile during 360 period Microsoft were 20mil ahead and dropped all support in favour of the Kinect.
However, I absolutely agree, If Microsoft fucked off tomorrow Sony and Nintendo would still charge for online and it's fucking bullshit.
But you can't deny then that it's entirely Microsoft's fault that this business practice exists.
>This post
>Plus, it had about 3 exclusives minus halo and gears.
>Forgetting Ace Combat 6
Wow, your argument was so easily to destroy.
The 360 was a fluke. If Sony hadn't fucked up with the PS3 they'd still have been third but they'd be third even harder. The Xbone is just them playing to form.
bait thread from faggot sony employee