I didn't even know that the Vita still exist
Its weird but kinda cool Falcom games are finding their way to PC again. First Tokyo Xanadu, now this
>Ys after Origin
No thanks
Also, reminder that Origin is getting a PS4 port. I'd rather have Oath though.
Where were u when Xseed got cucked hard
Neither does your education apparently.
what happened with xseed?
hope you enjoy it, EOP friends
>Neo Sup Forums hates xseed.
Its time to go.
busy with other games/not enough man power
>There’s no need to worry about us: we’re doing just fine. The reason you haven’t heard much from us lately is because we’ve been busy finishing up big projects like Fate/Extella, Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns, Akiba’s Beat, Trails of Cold Steel II, and Trails in the Sky the 3rd, all of which are massive projects that ate up months of time for each of us, and most of which are only just now starting to wind down.
We certainly would’ve loved to work on Ys 8 ourselves, but Falcom made a business decision to work with NISA on it, which we respect. We wish our friends at NIS America much success with this release, and I’ll tell you right now, I’ll certainly be preordering a copy.
>Sold out everywhere in the west
>Scalpers buying them up and selling for marked up price after hacking it
>All new supplies goes to the east
>Is more alive than ever in the east
Apply yourself.
Did XSeeD even try to get the localization rights? They also passed on Tokyo Xanadu it seems.
Any extra features or is it just a 1:1 port?
In all seriousness Kondo said NISA came up to them and proposed a good deal so they went with them. They have their own porting team too iirc so they're making the PC version as well.
That storm in california better kill everyone.
Does Adol fuck the new blue haired girl
NISA and Dotemu ruining Ys games in the west.
Nisa does have their own porting team, but it's 3 monkeys and a hamster
But Hatsuu is a psycho. Thundertits should announce Cold Steel III already. Or some other game. Like Natsuiro Highschool.
She'll get over it.
I'm pretty sure he sees events through her perspective and vice versa for half the game, so it's sort of like next-level metaphysical consciousness intercourse if you want to think of it like that
other than that probably not because he has better girls to go for like Ricotta
thank fucking christ
I haven't played a new Ys game since Ys Origin, since they've all been console only since then
Would be hilarious if they pick up a NIS game later on.
3 very smart and extremely quick monkeys and a hamster if that's the case. Their PC ports are surprisingly solid. And quick to release, as opposed to being late like other companies do
Isn't the PS4 version of Ys VIII enhanced, and has bonus content?
Why would you pick up the Vita one?
Aksys did the jewish thing and is going to release the Vita version a few months before the enhanced PS4 version of Tokyo Xanadu.
To be fair XSeed is a teeny tiny company and as a result they have problems other companies don't often have. Their releases often suffer delays, and as can be seen with Story of Seasons, they can't afford to bring things over for free like other companies might be able to.
>Implying is not 3 monkeys, a hamster and a spider pulling on the strings
Yeah but seeing NISA of all people get their hands on Ys is the worst.
Holy shit NISA made Hatsuu cry. Do these shitbags have any redeeming qualities anymore?
If there's anything NISA's really fucked up in the last few years besides the censorship of certain games, it's been their PC ports. I remember Disgaea and phantom brave being unplayable garbage at release. The only difference between now and their ps2 days is that they can patch the game breaking bugs a few months later. if they feel like it
>if they feel like it
do they?
>Isn't the PS4 version of Ys VIII enhanced, and has bonus content?
Well they flat out gave up on fixing Disgaea 2 DHD's dlc.
Varies per game
People going
Need to realize that NISA is a shitty company in terms of translations. Development too if you take into account all of the bugs over the years. Just search up the bullshit they did to danganronpa of all things. The fact xseed got fucked is for the worse not the better
Sometimes. It's very rare however.
I agree on this.
Honestly, people give way too much leeway to XSEED when they constantly fuck up, "but Tom stands up for pedofags so they're cool"
That said, I feel terribly sorry for any series going to NISA, they're literally gutter trash in the loc industry
>Phantom Brave PC
>unplayable on release
Disgaea 1 had this problem, but Disgaea 2 and Phantom Brave never suffered this. Where on Earth did you get the idea Phantom Brave was unplayable on release?
They spent about a year giving constant updates to Disgaea 1, so yes.
>Yeah but seeing NISA of all people get their hands on Ys is the worst.
Words cannot describe how shellshocked I am that they gave it to fucking Nisa. Fuck this gay earth.
>Holy shit NISA made Hatsuu cry. Do these shitbags have any redeeming qualities anymore?
The fact that they're bringing shit to pc, especially the backlog of disgaea games, is their one redeeming quality, but it shouldn't save them from the most justified of bankruptcies.
more complete version related.
But it is, and it does
pls no
What did they do to danganronpa?
She already knows that they are gonna fuck it over.
A shit translation.
>The fact that they're bringing shit to pc
Shit being the keyword. Fucking faggots need to release Soul Nomad on steam already instead of that disgaea shit.
>No Dual Audio
>Takes forever to localize
>Dual Audio
>Faster localization
>PC Port
You getting the PS4 release in April? I am.
What a fantastic game.
This. None of these mistakes were fixed in the PC version of course. Most of their other games suffer shitty translations too.
>decent translation
>shit tier "at least they didn't use Google" translation
Well, since it's not Neptunia, they can't meme it up, right? Right?
>Voice acting
I'll wait for the English release
Everyone already knows that. The only people who are happy about this news are SK shills who have a hateboner for Xseed because they don't run superbowl commercials for SK games.
You clearly don't know how NISA operates.
Does the Vita version run fine?
>Visible pantsu
Take this fucking slut out of here.
I will gladly take a long awaited release with a decent TL and only eng dub over a dual audio product with a terrible translation and bugs out the ass.
>Shit being the keyword. Fucking faggots need to release Soul Nomad on steam already instead of that disgaea shit.
Imma let you sing praise of Soul Nomad friendo, but Disgaea 2 is the greatest game OF ALL TIME
seriously though, what happened to all the staff that made nisa halfway decent? Did they all jump ship before they started work on Disgaea 3?
>go into the stream hoping for Coven and Soul Nomad
>get crushed hopes and dreams
NIS started bleeding employees about a decade ago and has nearly gone bankrupt now. It's part of the reason NISA started going down the drain.
>Everyone already knows that. The only people who are happy about this news are SK shills who have a hateboner for Xseed because they don't run superbowl commercials for SK games.
What is with those people by the way? I've never heard of anyone having anything bad to say about Xseed until Senran Kagura made its big splash.
Origin shits all over Oath lets be honest.
>>decent translation
30 fps with dips here and there but it's playable
Oh boy I can't wait to have memes in my Ys
Exactly what I said. They're upset that Xseed doesn't buy superbowl commercials for the SK series and thinks that they treat their Falcom games better (even though SK games actually get physical releases and LEs that include more than "hurr a steel case for two games of a trilogy")
People who want to be contrarian.
Last thread had people defending NISA just out of spite.
I'll take a scottish accent for a kansaiben character over DUDE BAZINGA LMAO any day.
Nice, thanks user.
I know it's her character but I honestly had trouble understanding Becky's words with that speak
Faithful to the character, if you're going to shitpost at least use a better screenshot like from FC PSP.
Yes that is a good translation for a character with an accent. At least actual effort was put into it instead of making her a redneck.
Even then they were fucking up. Ar tonelico is famous for having game breaking bugs and they localized those. NISA is dying and only danganronpa is keeping them afloat so they put all the marbles in on ys
That's not even bad.
>Adventure allowing any girl to get near her Adol
Never happening.
My point exactly. You can't call a translation, or in this case, a localization choice good when the audience has difficulty understanding what the character is trying to say. Becky's speech reaches a point where they might as well have left it in moon since it would have been just as understandable as the gibberish they wrote for her.
Have you ever tried to read kansaiben?
Did you even read what I wrote?
Scotish is to english as kansaiben is to japanese and no? I don't know a lick of scottish and I managed to get what she was saying every single time
so is xseed dying
All they have is Senran Kagura
>Scotish is to english as kansaiben is to japanese
Not quite, kansaiben has its quirks but is not as thick as scottish. Tsugaru ben would be a more apt comparison
I stand by my point, they overdid it with Becky. It's similar to what Honeywood did for DQIV on the DS, shit was unreadable
do you think the average jap can understand kansaiben out the gate?
Yes. They sacrificed themselves to give us Sky SC and Third T_T
delete this
This day and age? Yes. Kansai comedians are common enough for the average mainlander to catch on the quirks. There are worst dialects in japan than kansaiben, user
No thanks
I wonder if CSIII will go somewhere else other than xseed
>xseed doesn't port celceta or 7
>gets cucked by nisa
This. I thought the vita was erased from reality.
Sweet, something to play in the fall.
Did you? Kansaiben is difficult to understand if it's not your native dialect. You don't even know what an incomprehensible localization looks like if you think Becky is it.