If you are willing to line up for at least 10 hours, you can pretty much be guaranteed one at Target at launch for 285 USD after red card.


A shop in my town just opened preorders yesterday, because they didn't have stock confirmations until now. I snagged one.

I also preordered BotW, ARMS and Mario Kart because Gamestop had a trade-in deal that let me cash in my 3DS games.

I think you're a lying faggot, I'm going to go down to my local Target tomorrow and ask the manager if they can guarantee me they'll have them, AND if they'll be selling them as soon as the doors open.

All the Gamestops in my local city are sold out and most likely won't be getting anymore.

Try Toys-R-Us and Target. They'll be first come first serve. Some Walmarts seem like they're getting a separate stock from their preorders. Try calling yours.

Actually the UK has more

the issue is that Amazon doesnt ship outside like that

Which makes me more angry at Britbongs

They will NEVER buy a Nintendo system

>People saying HURR I CANCELLED MY PRE-ORDER After Zelda Season pass

>I STILL can't find any preorders

The reason he said Target will have them is because Target (and Toys-R-Us) didn't take preorders. Whoever gets there first will get a Switch.

I was gonna post DPCI info so you could check inventory and stock per store on launch night To secure the right pace and ease your mind, but oh well.I'm just a lying faggot I guess, you wouldn't believe me.

>you can get one on ebay for $380
>after you figure you would have paid $330 at least after tax/shipping, it's only $50 more
Demand is really low
If you just show up at Target a couple hours before opening on March 3rd you should easily land one

>Demand is really low

Whatever, guess I'm going to be fucking standing outside for like EIGHT fucking hours Thursday night before the Switch comes out, goddamn it.

Already know it's going to be packed probably

>Couple hours early

Yeah, no. Try like 8 hours before opening, I'm sure people will be lining up really early.

>not pre-ordering the second they went live

Only have yourself to blame. I did even though I wasn't sure if I wanted it at the time just in case I changed my mind and I'm glad I did. Ordered the limited edition BoTW at the same time just in case.

I do this all the time and would recommend others to do the same.

The more likely answer is that the sellers haven't or can't pay off their preorder so they need it sold before launch. The real scum bags and desperate fools come out after launch.

Pre-orders didn't even sell out in most of Europe

>I'm sure people will be lining up really early.
I am less convinced. The Switch is expensive and it only has 1 game. It's also fucking March. This is nothing like a primetime holiday release.

I got an extra one on Amazon preorder, still debating if I wanna get it and try and flip it for a profit or not. Seems like demand is real real low

>most of Europe
Civilized (Western Europe) it has, mostly.

Amazon UK/Germany/Italy are all out of preorders, etc

I have one on ebay for $550 with a copy of Zelda included. Its cheaper than the $700+ idiot bundles

Feel free to buy it and pay for most of my own Switch preorder :)

$16 for a fucking amiibo??


You should cancel it so someone like me can get it instead because I don't even have one pre-ordered, and I'd like to pre-order one.

Tell me how $550 isn't a rip off when a Switch + Zelda: BOTW is only $380?

I don't get it. There are plenty where I am and I'm in Canada just north of the US border. Come up and buy one here brah.

well post it any way nerd. I want that shit.

Because it's a meme to hate on Nintendo, when actually people like their games. Same folks that shit on it will probably still end up buying it and secretly enjoying it.

Mostly it's teenagers and maladjusted 20-somethings that want to appear "more mature" by hating on Nintendo, when anyone with any sense don't give a fuck and just play what they like.

Faggots, stop buying consoles at launch without decent launch titles. You fuckers are going to be the first to complain about buyer's remorse and NOGAMES.

suck shit Amerifat

>Amazon UK/Germany/Italy are all out of preorders, etc

UK probably has more stock than any other European country.
Only Germany is out of stock according to nowinstock.com tracker

France, Italy, Spain all have stock on Amazon, and Amazon's relationship with Nintendo is piss poor

God I really hate faggots like you

>Buyer remorse

Zelda:BoTW is all I need, I realize I'll eventually beat it and get bored of it but it'll keep me pre-occupied for a bit.

I'm a poorfag. I either get a Switch or go to 3 days at Wondercon.

What do.

I have 2 preorders of BotW Master's Edition; ordered the second one because I didn't trust Gamestop. Should I keep the second one to sell or just cancel? Does this stuff appreciate in value? Zelda's really the only series I go out of my way to get limited editions for.

>Faggots, stop buying consoles at launch

This is actually my first launch console, unless you count the PS4 Pro but that's just a new model instead of a new system, and unless BoTW is hiding some really bad shit we haven't seen yet there will be no buyers remorse from me as it's quite literally the perfect console/handheld as far as I'm concerned.

When are you faggots going to realize that Nintendo makes hardware suited to children and adult nips?

If you don't live in Japan, you won't enjoy all the little gimmicks of this console as an adult.

>without decent launch titles
>Breath of the Wild is a launch title

How bad does someone want it? Supply and demand. When you get out of middle school you may learn about it.

Buy 2 something in demand, sell 1, get someone else to pay for your personal copy


I thought no one fucking bought the Wii U, now everyone suddenly fucking has it.

>Buy 2 something in demand, sell 1, get someone else to pay for your personal copy
Switches aren't going for anywhere NEAR that. Once you factor in eBay and Paypal fees, most scalpers are making less than $50 per Switch. You'd have to sell 6 of them for someone to buy you a single Switch. And that's assuming no one scams you. There are far better ways of making money.

>deciding between the newest game console or taking a trip purely for pleasure
You don't know what poor is you fucking brainless ape.

I know what supply and demand is, faggot. Personally you're just scalping if you're marking up the price by 30% or some shit and hoping to make an extra couple hundred.

That's a nigger thing to do, you didn't NEED two of them. You only bought two because you knew you could extra money on the second one, but you're still marking up the price. I'd rather just wait for a Switch instead of giving my money to faggots like you.

>Enjoyed the Gyro + Analog aiming in Splatoon
>not a child or nip
Huh. I guess you're wrong?

>not a child
Not physically perhaps

Its called making a profit. Not my fault your mom made you go to bed when preorders went up. If you could get a switch for free youd do the same thing.

>You fuckers are going to be the first to complain about buyer's remorse and NOGAMES.
Don't put words in my mouth husk, only useless retards own a single platform. I'll be too busy playing Nier Automata to care about a Switch dry spell.

*autistic screeching*

You should have pre-ordered the day they went out, kind of like I did.


Also, I hope you get a pre-order set, bro. Good luck

No I wouldn't, I would pay $299 with my money that I EARNED from my JOB because I'm not a nigger faggot like you.

Eat shit

Handhelds are for poor people

Any chance they'll be restocked online March 3rd?

>preordering anything
>buying a console at launch

When are people gonna realize how stupid they sound when they use this meme?

You're the one who sounds poor to me

Best bet will be to camp out a store like Target before it opens

Online is prime target for scalpers, plus they tend to get very limited supply

If I wasn't poor I'd have both :^)

Maybe, I guess I'm just gonna go fucking stand in line at Target or Toys R Us like every other faggot since at least those two places will be selling them at the door when they open. Plus they don't take pre-orders so it's first come first serve.

Please tell me again about all those opportunities you'll have to play with your new toy while riding a bus

I own a car, but nice implying. Though I'm sure you love riding your local transit everyday.

Maybe, but I wouldn't discourage them. There are always devs holding off until a system has a proven install base. Let the people with money and without patience take the hit and hopefully well share the fruits of it.

how long after launch will it be until a decent restock?

And how is it you're able to play with a handheld while driving?

They're shipping 2 million throughout March

i dont think youre a lying faggot, can you post it?

Then why do i have 2 and you have 0? Ill also have mine paid for me by a tard like you who didnt preorder

The anger from your jealousy makes me erect

I can't, but you act as though I can't just take it with me when I go to places and play it there. I don't think anyone is planning to play this in their car, you're a faggot for even thinking that.

Also never reply to me again

There will be plenty by late April. They'd only be hurting themselves if they were still having stocking issues by the time Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out.


Plus, I wanna get a Switch when the eventually software hacks happen that let's me play pirated games :)

Well then they're stupid for giving scalper faggots like you money, but if they don't mind dropping $500 on something that cost $299 in stores then that's their business.

Personally I think they're retarded but some people don't mind paying extra so more power to them if they have the cash to waste.

>I can't just take it with me when I go to places and play it there.
Please describe this scenario to me. I am genuinely curious. Because when I drive places, it's because I need to be somewhere or I need to do something or I need to see someone, and the opportunity to play video games very rarely presents itself. And then it's done, and I drive home. And then I'm home. And I'd much rather play on hardware that isn't complete garbage, on my big screen TV.

Handhelds only make sense of peasants who use public transportation.

Handhelds only make sense for poor people.

I honestly don't see how you couldn't just walk into the fucking store and buy one.

Artificial scarcity, that's who

>I don't play handhelds in my public because I'm afraid of what people will think of me.
>The Switch has a portable handheld function but I'm not planning to use it because playing video game handhelds in public is for losers
>I'm only going to play my Switch on the TV at my house

That's you, that's what you sound like and it's pathetic and laughable.

>Handhelds only make sense of peasants who use public transportation.
>Handhelds only make sense for poor people.

Are you fucking retarded? You don't think people take books, electronics and etc. with them to kill time, or ever seen people do this? Because I live in a heavily populated area and I see this a lot.

You can't fucking walking into the store and buy something they don't have in stock, it's sold out meaning there are none left at the store.

Mona is helpful and loyal, but never lets anyone step on her.

She's not gonna post it, might as well ask her nicely in her next thread.

And like I was suppose to know that, I've never seen that trip at all.

I thought it was just some random namefag

Nintendo is pretty notorious for understocking, though it depends on exactly how much they understock. Considering it's March and a lot of parents are unwilling to buy their little shit a Nintendo for no reason it won't be a holiday-level rush, but the Switch does seem pretty popular among normies.

How many of those normies will be willing to go to a store and fight for a Switch? No clue. Probably less than half if I had to guess, especially since it's launching on a weekday.

A lot of them could just ask for that Friday off work, I'm sure some of them already are planning to do just that so they can go to the store and buy one Friday morning.

Mona's been here for the last decade bro, who do you think started Nintendo generals and deal threads?

>asking stupid questions even a retard would know

How does it feel to have absolutely no capacity to think a simple thought?

>That's you, that's what you sound like and it's pathetic and laughable.
But that's not what I said at all. I said the opportunity just rarely presents itself. Simply, because I drive a car, when I'm not driving, I'm doing what I left the house to do. And when I'm not doing that, I'm driving back home.

At what point was I going to play video games? I can imagine only a few fleeting moments like if I'm waiting at a doctor's office or something, and I'd just as soon whip out my phone and see what's going on in the world

This scenario reads very differently if you're a peasant who relies on public transportation, as it naturally involves a lot of waiting, both for the transportation to arrive and riding on it.

Yeah, usually at bus stops.

want mine no meme im selling it for a 100 dollar markup

>Nintendo is pretty notorious for understocking
No they're not. The NES Mini, sure, but the demand for it was way greater than anyone understood. People just don't want to accept that Nintendo is still popular. Mario Kart 8 is one of the best selling games of this generation, beating out every single exclusive on either other console.

>not sure of who person is even though is obviously being helpful
>instantly accuse them as scum because lol I don't care
>whine about not getting info

>No they're not.
You know nothing

>He doesn't just drive to random places and play this handheld console in public
>He doesn't go to the mall, park, or a restaurant and play his Switch in public.

Kekking at your life

But I had PS4, PS3, Wii U, Wii, N3DS, and 3DS at launch. I've never had buyer's remorse, and I've never had to deal with "NOGAMES". I haven't stopped playing games since I started at 2 years old in 1989.

If Nintendo understood supply and demand they'd actually, you know, supply the demand for a Switch

Oh well

sucks that some faggot ruined it for everyone, i just want a switch

Why on earth would I drive some place *just* to play video games?

Why would anyone?

If it was an arcade or something, sure, but do those even exist anymore? A LAN party or something I can even comprehend, but you're not even using the local multi argument here

I didn't say anything about Nintendo being unpopular or Mario Kart or any of that other shit. Nintendo is fine. I like their games. This scarcity bullshit is consistently a problem with Nintendo and only Nintendo. Unhook your brain from console war 101 and use it for once in your life.

No doubt, though I can't imagine it's a huge chunk of people.

New batch of preorders just opened up on Amazon.ca at $399.99 CAD, should be able to ship to US
probably will be sold out in a few minutes

Go to fucking Target or Toys R Us on release day like 6 people have fucking said in this thread to do, Jesus.

You're practically guaranteed one on release day if you get there early enough.

You can't comprehend it because you're what we call a NORMALFAG.


That's in Canadian currency, right? I mean it's only $299 in US, I'm not going to spend $100 if I can get it for $299 in the US.

>waste gas
>get skin cancer
>just to do what I can do in the comfort of my home
Please tell me I'm being baited

Breath of the Wild will be a long-term game, Yooka-Laylee will probably be shit but might as well see for myself and Sonic Mania will be dece for on-the-go. After that there'll be presentations around mid-year so it's not really the end of the world.

But how do I make it cheaper at target, why is it cheaper there? Where is 285 listed anywhere else?
Skin cancer at night?

Sorry I didn't read the thread, I was just looking over some posts while playing vidya. How early do you think is enough? Do you think toys are us is my best bet or will target or something be good too?


>Implying I don't live close to all those places
>Throws skin cancer in my face as an argument
>Is too shy/anxious to do things in public


Guess you need some kind of Target credit card or some shit to get the cheaper price, it's only like a $15 discount.

I think either one will be fine, as for how early will it depends on how badly you want one. If the doors open at 8am then you might want to get there by like 7am or possible even earlier.

>drive to a park in the middle of the night to play video games you could have played at home
Whatever you say

CAD = canadian dollaroos
$399 CAD = $304 USD