Where did it all go so wrong?

Where did it all go so wrong?

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Why do they feel the need to constantly add new mechanics instead of just adding new cards?

Really should've stopped at xyz

Should've stopped at fusions

>tfw mods seariously still try to fight YGO threads

But I mean I understand it, there could be an important shitposting or LOL thread in this place right now!

Rituals and fusions were all I ever needed. I never liked the xyz thing, but I accept it, pendulum and what the fuck this shit is now is just no.

Go ahead and target me, I could use the extra attack you blue card red edged punk

Someone explain to me, why did they duel on motorbikes, and why are they fighting with fist and kick now WHILE dueling with cards? Saw a clip when one guy tried to duel while the other decided to ruin his solar plexus and won the game by K.O him in with his fist.

I'll explain it to you the only way that's acceptable here.


I don't even get how pendulums work, let alone this.

Concept's not really difficult.
Only one standard summoning zone for extra deck monsters. Can get more by summoning link monsters that make every zone one of those arrows are poointing at a new viable ED summon zone.

Take a good look


Entertainment Duels
Cooking Duels
Quiz Duels
Martial Arts Duels
What the flying fuck happened? The card game was fun enough by itself. Is like they are trying to destroy the wheel by adding other forms to it.

>Starter deck
>Magnifier included!

LINK 6 boss monster that needs Link monsters as materials when?

What does that card even do and is it as broken as stardust dragon?

>tfw to smart for mtg

>yugioh regional tourny finals
>play my one eye raging dragon
>"destroy as many cards as your opponent controls as possible"
>begin to furiously rip apart every card my opponent possesses
>they can only look on in horror as the state sanctioned referee holds them back, allowing me to use my card's effect
>my opponent enters their draw phase
>all that remains of their deck is tatters of paper
>I win

>Trying to get into R&D when the corp rezzes this bad boy

wat do?

Okay, Duel Links got me back into it. What are the best classic Yu-Gi-Oh games? I might even play that 5D's game on the Wii.

>linked to each adjacent card that it's coloured arrows is pointing to
>can tribute one of your cards that is linked to it to neg any targeting effect
>gains 500 for each linked card


>game drastically slowed down now

Thank god I stopped at Tele-DaD, this game is fucking trashed.

Doesn't this mean that if you use the second effect and destroy 5 or more cards, you essentially win?

They should've just stopped at Synchros

No, because it's Yugioh and all of the cards he destroyed get to proc their graveyard effects, and then the opponent probably has a hand trap that ends the battle phase and gives them a free Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

>the power creep in yugioh got so bad that they made legal versions of the god cards
>on top of this, said cards are now shit tier
Should have just changed them to be that they're unaffected by your opponents' card effects, then they might be decent

>One of the first Links is an earth monster that boosts ATK
It's Naturia's time.


The mechanic is what has everyone shitting their pants.

The new mechanic in YGO is Link monsters and basically it means that Fusion, XYZ, Synchro and Pendulum Summoning is way, way harder because you can only summon a monster from your extra deck into a monster card zone that is being pointed at by one of the lit up arrows on a Link monster. The monster itself is nothing more than a generic beater with okay stats.

If you want more detail then look it up yourself.

New thread means post your favorite card.


Obelisk was used sometimes in Rulers

>Really should've stopped at xyz
should have stopped at fusion or ritual honestly.

>tfw you got this from a random pack you bought
feels good man

HOnestly I am interested in YuGiOh for the first time forever

Try again mate. It's all about XX Sabers.

>tfw, jamal always beats me in penis duels

My cardfu

Can someone ecplain why links makes a bunch of other cards obsolete?

All of the talk for Duel Links had me interested in Yugioh for a bit.

The new cards are complete garbage though. They have a paragraph description for so many of the newer cards, and the names are fucking retarded.

Prime Example

>Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon
>Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon

You can only control 1x Extra Deck monster without Links.

Before them, you couls synchro summon, fusion summon, xyz summon and pendulum summon as many cards as you were able to, now you are limited only to 1 per turn if you do not have a Link monster already out and if you do, you're still only limited to 2 or 3. It makes character decks focusing on decks that rely on extra deck methods completely dead. For example, Lunalights, Gem-Knights, Mellodious, HEROES and Frightfur decks are all kill for fusions.

Black feathers, Synchron, Superheaveies, Speedroid,Red Demons and Cardian decks are killed for Synchro

Ciper, Galaxy, Raidraptors,Phantom Knights and whatever the fuck you can call Yuma's deck are all killed for Xyz

Pendulum Magician,Performage, Performapal, Yosenju and Abyss Actors are all kill for Pendulum as well.

Konami basically just blackmailed the entire fanbase that if they want to keep playing the game they HAVE to buy and run these new Link monsters or else, the biggest suffering of all goes to the DDD deck. They need extra deck and the normal spell and trap zones to do their signature move of pendulum,fusion,synchro and xyz summoning in a single turn, while having contracts that prevent the DDD's negative effects from screwing them over


Obelisk was also sometimes used in Frog Monarchs.
I loved the mirror match and Creature Swaping my opponents Obelisk for a Treeborn Frog.

Was my first monster card mang

No more spamming ED monsters. The power in XYZ and pendulum lies not really in super strong effects but swarming the field with monsters. That now is no longer easily possible without setting up the field with link monsters first.
Though you just know that later there will be spell and trap cards taking that role for easy extra summons again...


Oh please, synchros were completely fine. It's XYZ that started the shit show.

Mai waifu

The power of synchro was generating hand advantage while swarming with synchro monsters to use with synchro tuners to summon out stronger synchro monsters. Accel synchro and rank up, xyz change, is damn near impossible now.

>mfw read the full manual to this game trying to get into it and it's still a clusterfuck that i can't understand

mtg really is the better in every way

I like boss cards.

Another man of taste and sophistication I see.

I hope YGopro keep the option of using old rules.

>Ara Ara~ ;-;

They might as well reboot the game at this point if you gonna kill 90% of old decks.

>still trying to play Yugioh
I made my Dark Magician deck recently and that was it for me. I only play with my best friend. We tried playing with other people at card shops but its always a shit show
>filled with the stereotypical greasy neckbeards but not the kind you can actually have a conversation with, the kind that quote TFS
>barely any creative decks, everyone is running some cancerous meta deck they obviously copied from a decklist
>can't open a pack without people swarming you like vultures asking for trades
>the one girl that's there and has been beta orbitted so hard she looks like she hates herself

You did well, everyone is saying that Dark Magician will be meta now.

They should've stopped at Normal Monsters.

For sure.
People will just make a Traditional-NoExtraDeckRestriction format just like they did when not wanting their old cards be unplayable by bans,

That's exactly what they're doing with these Link monsters.

Just so you know, the extra deck is still just 15 slots and if you're a fusion user who has to use xyz monsters to keep up with the pace of the game you still have to use those but now you also have to use Links so you can summon more than 1 fusion or xyz monster to cover your ass. This is a death sentence to Synchros who were hurting the most for extra deck space and a punch to the teeth for old style fusion decks that didn't use xyz . Pendulums also got fucked, now their zones have been integrated into the usual spell and trap zones meaning to use them you've just cut your avaliable spell and trap zone space by 2.

On the bright side, with these ne rules there's really no execuse to keep cards like

Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Disk Commander
Level Eater
Wavering Eyes
Super Polymerization banned.

But Konami could always be dicks and keep them there just to make life harder for older decks and extra deck summoning as a whole, The people who are happy about this are mostly DMfags because Dark Magician's deck along with Monarchs, Ritual heavy decks like Nekroz and Cyber Angels have now become the stronger cards.

They should've stopped before tributes.

Friend made a Blue Eyes deck and its pretty good too

Love him ever since ive had my spell counter deck

Wait wait wait Decode Talker has an arrow pointing UP. Does that mean you can summon an extra deck monster onto your opponent's side of the field?

It's a good patch to slow down the pace of the game. Everyone crying about how fast the game is with OTK and TTKs should be rejoicing over the implementation.

Pendulums got hit too

hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

They should've stopped at Bandai Yugioh

I hate these new archetypes
>running Chronomoly
>enemy special summons Aria
>I lose because that bitch singlehandedly shuts down anything I can do
I only won because of Mud Golem's piecing. I also played against Aquaactress and it's equally annoying. Do I need to start playing Lightsworn again or get BFTO every time?

>I have zero reading comprehension.

Seriously every thread these niggers come out and tell us how retarded they are. It's getting a little ridiculous.

Synchros were always a way bigger cancer than synchro. You don't have xyz decks that wank themselves for 20 minutes on the first turn and shit out monsters that can endlessly activate effects.

Rank-Up's the exact same as it always was

No, I think it means your opponent gets a free extra monster zone

Wavering Eyes and Disk Commander would still be stupidly busted
Agree on the rest though


You're thinking infernity which was released in the synchro age, nice try though.

why are there so many weak high level monsters? I'm talking about the ones with ridiculous costs to summon that barely have more than 2500 ATK. And why the fuck are there level 4 monsters that have just as much attack power (synchros)?

Super Poly would also still be really good.
Fusions are getting more generic making it easier to sack your opponents stuff with it, all the while not giving them a chance to respond to it..

Right, that'd make more sense. Crushes my dreams of monster shenanigans though I guess. Like if I summon a monster to their field, it'll survive being Raigeki'd and it'll block off one of his monster zones.

>Should've stopped at fusions

Should've stopped at rituals

They should give Demise some dedicated legacy support. Demise OTK was the shit back in the day.

>nerfed hard xyz and pendulums
Literally nothing wrong with this
>neferfed in the same way synchros and fusions

Idk why people complain about Yugioh mechanics this was just revealed today and I already understand it. It's not hard to grasp.

>synchros can be summoned only by tuners, basically fucking in the ass any deck that didn't work with tuners before (i.e. all of them)
>XYZs can be summoned with ANY monster that respects the level requirement, and can be summoned easily in any deck that isn't monarch without much work
Synchros are objectively worse and a mistake

>be a kid, still into yugioh
>bought the warrior starter deck and modified it over time
>made a deck in the GBA game and always used total defense shogun
>my sister buys me one of those packs with one holo and 3 packs inside for my birthday
>the holo is Total Defense Shogun
>i have never loved my sister more
>she never even knew how much the card meant to me

Superheavy samurais are an entire archetype built on Defense Shogun concept, it's pretty cool

Why are there so many useless fusions?
Who the fuck would bother to put this in their decks?

So I'm trying to make a deck around this guy, but I'm missing those last few pieces to give in that *umph*. Any suggestions?

They were expected to be used as tribute fodder, so if you had the specific materials you could fusion out a zombie warrior or something then get out a Shapesnatch

>XYZ, that worst thing in yugioh got fucked
>duels are now longer than 2 turns

How is this card not banned? It's just a Victory Dragon, except better

Shogun was my ace in the 2005 GBA game.
>tfw Superheavy Samurai is getting fucked over by the new rules

It clearly says at the bottom. "This card cannot be used in a duel.". Victory Dragon is the only card like that that could be legally used in a duel, but it's banned anyway.


XYZ is a fine mechanic, arguably the best new mechanic they added to the game, but some of the cards printed were just way too powerful, and things like rank 4 toolkit and BA got way out of hand. If it weren't for that, XYZ would have been a universally fantastic addition because it gives a whole new set of strong, easily-accessible options to literally every deck.

Ironically, Pendulum summoning was a subtle nerf to XYZ because it synergizes with every summon mechanic except for XYZ. Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and even Tribute summons get a lot more powerful when the monsters you would send to the graveyard can just be Pendulum summoned back immediately afterwards.

My nigga

I think every card that refers to Monster Card Zones, are now going to be counted as referring to the Main Monster Zones, and therefore can't affect Extra Monster Zones.

>tfw when Links only serve to make Zoods better by nerfing other decks.

I'll judge once I see how the meta evolves and what it's gonna be like. I strongly disliked the super fast speed at which you dueled for the past few series but I still think it's a tad unfair for people who have spent thousands of dollars on the game. Personally, I like the direction where this is going, but my final verdict will be made once we actually get to see those cards in action.