What are games with good castle sieges?

What are games with good castle sieges?

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Lock's quest

Team Fortress 2



King Arthur's Gold (still surprisingly populated)


Mount and Blade: Warband okay, not going to lie, sieges are probably one of the worst parts of that game with people walking in straight lines up a ladder, but they're still fun as hell and mods will fix it

bump fortress 2 is a good game with good bump sieges

yes user i agree

needs more walls sieges are best w/walls

How many people does King Arthur's Gold have around these days? The organic, instant strongpoint building-and-holding was so fasntastic in that game

Total war has some good sieges.

Enough for about 2-3 fully populated servers at any one time. I'm in Australia and we usually have 1 or 2 populated servers, and when I can't play there I play on EU or US servers as a Builder.

Yeah, it's a great game. I wish the developers had taken a slightly different direction in balancing it, but it's really one of the most fun experiences I've had.

Community can be real insular cunts though.

Anyone seen where OP went?

Sorry, and by "2-3 fully populated servers" I mean per region.

Worldwide there are about 9 active official servers, and a bunch of semi-populated community servers, many of which are running mods or are locked and require a password.

The mods are mostly okay.



Fuck I love sieges.

Stronghold series before it went to shit

Aoe2's art is so pretty

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

At what specific point would you say it went to shit?

I've never played HOMM3. What's the best way to play it, like should I buy it on Steam or get it from somewhere else?

How do sieges work in that game?

Shogun 2 is quite good.


can't even tell what I'm about to post, but some nice siegey images coming right up

Honestly now that I think about it, only 1 and Crusaders are the good games in the series, but they are REALLY good. I guess crusaders 2 is alright

Nice, it was siege-related. I'm reposting another great user's image dump by the way, there is heaps of cool siege stuff in here

the best part about sieges is the mix of comfiness and adventure


Get Homm3 complete from GoG.
Steam lacks the expansions.

Yeah baby gimme sum dat

Thanks user.




Battle for Middle Earth 1/2.
Armies of Exigo.

Anyone still here?

I'm not OP, I just stole his thread on a whim, but I agree Battle for Middle Earth is the absolute shit.

>captcha: rout island


>like should I buy it on Steam or get it from somewhere else?
Steam version is shit since it's basically vanilla HoMM without any expansions (and bug fixes) and with "HD" update that's just photoshop filters.
Source code for expansions is long lost and they went for a laziest cashgrab possible overall.
Just pirate it since original devs are long dead, you really shouldn't support Ubisoft and there are HD mods to tweak the resolution the way you want to

siege towers r cool

Thanks for the info user!

Unfortunately I haven't pirated a game in like four years so I don't know what sites are safe anymore.

They won

rutracker.org for all your pirating needs.
They tend to have both russian and english version of just about anything, it's the biggest resources of such kind in Russia and survived multiple attempts to shut it down.

Actually based. Please don't be trolling me, I can't into computers.

Avoid ru sources like the plague. Infested with malware by default.



Get it off the /vr/ HoMM general pastebin. New World Computing has been dead for almost 20 years.

Now I don't know who to believe, but I am probably pretty vulnerable to malware.
Thanks user I'll head there while this posts.

Can't even tell what this one is yet.

It's one of the best moderated resources there is.

>Now I don't know who to believe, but I am probably pretty vulnerable to malware.
malware only hurts if you buy stuff online, if you're a 100% pirate poorfag then download ru without worries.

O nice

I do buyfag pretty often.

M&b but find mods or else it will just be a cluster fuck of single lines

Why are squared built environments so damn good?

I'm mad as hell that Total Warhammer can make siege maps that """look""" good but Rome/Attilla could actually make interesting and usable siege maps with lots of variety.

Just attack one wall dude. One wall is all you need.

It really is a shame dude, the best made games aren't always the best advertised or most popular games.


what is this from??


when it finally comes out it will


is this game worth playing overall? I always want to play it then think

"meh I'll play a total war game instead"

;_; i want to go back user

That looks pretty sick, IS it?

If only we had a time machine user

>tfw doing CW at combat level ~60-something
>tfw doing any members minigame at combat level 60-something


It's one of a kind.



Medieval Total War 1 and 2 maybe?

In the meantime I will play TF2 for my siege fix


Haha, no.

Sieges became good in TW with Shogun2. Everything before that is painfully clumsy trash and street camping.

PTSD right there


>Shogun 2

Sieges were fine in Rome 1 and Med 2. Shogun sieges were practically just open battles

wait shit i need more vidya sieges

AI could actually handle manoeuvring in S2.

Okay I'll give you that one.

Still when the ai finally managed to get their asses to the walls, shit could be epic.

Especially if it's you assaulting a multi layered castle

Awwwwwwwwww yeah now this is technically a siege

raibow six siege is ok

>Still when the ai finally managed to get their asses to the walls, shit could be epic.
One game I managed to get a glorious clusterfuck
>manage to capture some upgraded fortress deep in enemy territory
>AI keeps assaulting it every turn with multiple stacks
>it's not enough to simply win, I have to win well enough that I have enough troops left for the battle next day
>crazy manoeuvring just to stay alive each assault
>takes 10+ turns till I manage to rush in some reinforcements to capture some more territory and relieve the constant pressure
Felt like Stalingrad. I've never had anything like that in any pre-Shogun 2 game.

>good game
It's literally "Optimal map setup every game build the same thing to win every time:" the game

Custom challenges.

For Honor


>I haven't played the game and base my opinion on that I don't like Ubisoft

I've played the game, it isn't good
>scissors paper rock counter system
>shallow combat which encourages turtling and defensive play
No more replies to shillbait

>Shit taste, the post

Medieval 1 sieges were fine, I hardly remember any streets in castles at all.

Medieval 2 was okay as long as you were attacking a castle or fort. Cities were harder, but that was because of the retarded way streets were with units.

>4v4 in a closet while some flavor animations happens in the skybox is a siege

That's basically just low level newbie play.
Obviously you didn't get gud.

>Those endless hours I spent on AoE map editor, which was so simple and easy to use yet comfy and effective
>Tried to make a map for old times sake the other day and got carpal tunnel from having to click so much

Fuck I'm getting old

Has anyone here played the Age of Chivalry mod for Age of Kings?


>carpal tunnel

Pic related

look like men of war

best siege of a fortress coming thru

Where do you get BfME 1&2 from?
I tried pirating it since I can't find it anywhere and I couldn't get it to work.

You for real?

dwarf fortress

dwarf fort sieges are pretty weak though as a long time player

>goblins get fooled by a simple floodgate

I really want toady to expand on building-destroyer goblins, and maybe even goblins that can mine through walls (if he also allows us to rebuild rough-hewn walls for aesthetic purposes)

I want him to drop everything else and focus on improving late game performance, the fact that the game still grinds to a halt with 200 dorfs is ridiculous

Can you build those wall? Or is it everything pre placed

I wish you could build towers into walls in Cossacks.

Just asking, can Dwarf Fortress run on a toaster? I always feel like playing it but I never get around to trying.