It's called having a competent developer. You should see the fucking wizard shit people pulled off on the Gameboy.
Technically he doesn't work for the CIA.
What is the burn notice of video games?
Alpha Protocol.
Go away Larry.
Splinter Cell series?
>they never made a Burn Notice video game
Fiona's eyebrows are too large for our modern day computers to handle.
get the new 3ds, you won't have to deal with as annoying load times and the little track pad things is a godsend. although if I play for any longer than an hour I usually have to have a shirt or something to keep enough traction to actually use it though.
>you will never beat up Brennan and save Michael's brother in the What If mode
So new 3DS is slightly more powerful/better then the original 3DS?
both look like shit, if you want to play xenoblade do it on a emulator
was this show good till the end? I loved the first few seasons if they were really formulaic, but I didn't keep up with it, and lost all interest after feeling like it had taken a bunch of turns, after getting a quick and dirty recap from a friend who had been following it.
>you will never have a creep father figure who kills everyone continue to try to convince you to kill everyone even after you have proven without a shadow of a doubt you don't want to kill everyone.
Vice city
The last season was hit and miss, but it was pretty great besides then for a normalfag show.
The target audience wasn't us. If there was one, it would be a shit mobile game.
I think it went to shit after they introduced Jesse and cleared up the first big bad shadow organization only to introduce another big bad shadow organization.
I think it did alright but do agree with over all that it was pretty good with some issues in its final season
and in that Jesse was unnecessary.
Yeah I'm aware but still would've been nice to have a Meta Gear/Splinter Cell styled 3rd-person-perspective stealth/action/adventure style game for Burn Notice.
It was shit, when they start doing muh fiona near the end it went down to the shitters.
I could watch 50 seasons of nothing but michael doing odd jobs to people just to get by while the agency keeps cockblocking him from getting back in the spy game
Larry pls go.
Vaughn and evil-not Dr. Cox were my favorites, also the rollercoaster that was season 6 was just impossible to top.
it I believe it's just a better CPU that makes it more powerful. it doesn't fix all of it's problems but it is noticeably better.
also you get the little nubbin' track pad which helps a lot in giving you more control in a game, especially in action games like monhun.
I'll watch it from the start again since it's been ~6 years since I've even seen a rerun, but I just wanted to know what to expect.
bald guy, that they took in right? I stopped close after he was introduced. friend told me he gets somewhat betrayed my mike, and then goes kinda haywire. that along with some other turns in the story just killed my motivation to catch up with series again at the time.
Sam Axe movie surprisingly good. Bruce Campbell was phenomenal in this show. I'd pay just to see more Michael/Sam hijinks.
Not speaking for anyone else but I only liked the one-off episodes where he helps some random nobody. Whenever it got into the larger plot it had its moments but it wasn't as interesting to me.
It's like an Assassin's Creed game, everything not related to the meta-plot is pretty good.
Donnovan honestly overshadows Campbell imo.
So basically you think the show should've just stayed as secret agent version of MacGyver.
yup, always liked the episodes where it was just an agent working with limited resources in fairly common criminal dealings.
Think of developer and the type of game genre you'd want a Burn Notice game to be. Who makes it and what would its focus be gameplay wise?
Old school Telltale and have it be like an Adventures of Sam and Max series focused around unorthodox solutions to problems.
Rockstar would be fun. But less focus on gunplay and more on unarmed combat with a takedown system, puzzle solving, and detective stuff like in the Batman/Arkham games by Rocksteady. But again less focus on combat and more on stealth and problem solving.
>Sega making Burn Notice games with Sakamoto directing them
IOI, probably seeing as they did a great job with Hitman.
Creative Assembly might actually do a decent job, too.
or CDPR circa 2007 with their alchemy system.
genre would be stealth. more of a Hitman styled game with more of a focus on non-lethal over lethal, and disguises needing certain persuasion checks along with encouraging the player experiment heavily with the engine and mechanics.
>persuasion checks
Fuck now I want to see Obsidian making a Burn Notice or Hitman game.