Game has a playable casino

>game has a playable casino

Other urls found in this thread:

>using drugs has positive effects

>game has playable casino
>and has the best outfit as a prize
>but the casino has a daily play limit
>and is only available online
>and the servers are dead

Fucking Sega.

>game has Poker mini-game
>I still haven't bothered learning how to play

Chihuahua racing is the shit fuck you.

>too dumb to play poker

>Pokemon has game corner
Fucking banned!

course the anime watcher doesn't know how to play a simple card game

Anime friends are too intelligent to gamble, don't blame them.

Literally me desu. Fuck blackjack, poker and any other western card gambling.
I can't be bothered to learn these normalfag games.

>It's faster to grind cash off enemies and buying tokens/chips than it is to gamble

>game has playable casino
>save point in the next room

jojo reference?

>Casino is the only place to get certain items

>Phantasy Star

It's a tough life.

>rng is gimped against you if you abuse save/reload

do you want me to slap the fuck out of your face?

>game has arcades with older games from the same company fully playable

W-what is that anime girl watching?


>porygon was my favorite as a kid
Fucking casinos man.

>Casino has playable games

Post casino themes:

>tfw got porygon in firered
I got real good at the timing

Being a Phantasy Star fan is suffering


>casino is incredibly easy to game allowing you to buy tons of shit you shouldn't be able to afford

Godhand, Fallout 3 and NV to name a few

just post your face when you realize there's a stranger looking in the window at her feet

If you can't learn blackjack, you might legitimately be fucking retarded.

What the fuck

Blackjack is easy

>Keep getting cards until you either get close enough to 21 or go over

>game has gambling minigame
>it's just a fantasy / sci-fi variant of blackjack
>you can get new cards from enemies/chests[/spoilers]

>game has a playable casino
>playing for a while in the high rollers section gets you noticed and begins a side quest

>game has a playable casino
>game also has RPG stats including luck
>maxing out your luck has an actual positive effect on gambling
>a player with maxed out luck doesn't just win more often they almost always win
>if you win too much the NPCs will ban you from gambling there again because you're bleeding them dry
>there's an achievement for getting banned from every casino for winning too much

>instantly have more than enough money to complete the game 10 fold

Robert Jordan, is that you?

I'm still mad SoulSilver and HeartGold didn't have slots

best theme coming through lads

>the only activities left for 100% are gambling minigames
>it's japanese gambling

>Donald has 10 Luck

>game has playable casino
>luck influences casino results
>maxed luck only gets you slightly-better-than-average odds

>game has card game
>end game
>lacking best items
>can't get certain items until you get rare cards
>grind mini-card game for hours
>for items that actually suck fucking assholes
If you can't tell I'm talking about VIII then just fucking leave

>game has a poker minigame
>spend more time on that than the game itself
Far Cry 3 is still fun for that.

i'm not even going to bother

>western card gambling
>"everyone is weird for not learning japanese and playing complicated card games!"
Holy shit, you're not even self-aware. Fucking weebs.

The Witcher 1 and 2 taught me how to play
poker with the dice minigame.

>having max luck is almost an automatic win in casinos

>go to vegas at level 2
>earn tens of thousands of caps and get combat armor mk2
Feels good.

>game has combat


>only game is the slot machine

>mmorpg comes with popular card game from previous game in series
>pretty good lobby/matchmaking system, unexpected for this particular publisher
>you can't play it in-game or during the 9 hour update
>make a few amazing friends playing it, still in regular contact
>game keeps a small niche community for about 10 years
>then publisher shuts it down

>Platinum has slot machines
>"oh that's kind if cool, let's have a game"
>interact with slot
>it just gives you coins


Who is this cutiepatooty?

>game has irony

Come on mate even I know Blackjack.

>80 hours into any Yakuza game
>60 of them spent playing mahjong

My wife, don't touch her.

>never learned card games as a kid

What is she from? I promise not to do anything obscene

Did you learn to finally read the flow?

You really expect sissy white boys who post anime to have had a strong male role model teach them card games growing up?

What a blast from the past, I used to play mahjong with the f/a/ggots back when Akagi was aired and mahjong was actually badass and not so kawaii kimochii saki-chan desu shit.


>has never played blackjack and spent the winnings on coke and a hooker

Pure pazaak


>mfw majong and shoji in Yakuza 0

It's ok, I'm her mother and it'll just be for a split second

Anime is fucking dead.

Definitely. I like the way the tension slowly builds up over the course of the round in mahjong compared to poker.

The anime about trumpets I think

KON by gayer and with more brass.

Don't forget there's tons of missable cards and since they're some of the best, if you lose a single one of them it's reverting save for you.

Are you retarded or in psychosis? When did you see that user calling anyone a normalfag or imply "everyone is weird for not learning japanese and playing complicated card games"? I think you might have had too much Sup Forums for your own good, leave and don't come back.

>game doesn't have a playable casino, as it was removed by censors


The saxophone anime

>game has a playable casino
>its staffed by literal monsters

Wha did Level 5 mean by this?


>Plot is heist-themed
>Huge ass casino in the city
>Literally nothing of value to you. No missions, heists or minigames for it

It was cut content

I also meant , calm down virgin weeb.

Either that or future DLC story.

>in return has withdrawal effects if got addicted
>killed by deathsquads who were hunting you down

Damn, now I want do a run where I kill all druggies even inside settlements on NV.

>place small bet
>place larger bet
>go all in
>every CPU folds

This works in most poker mini-games.

>rival gangs keep tipping the police on your whereabouts

>Hunting drug dealers in GTA SA.
I imagine thats what Duterte play in his free time.

Not Yakuza, japs can do everything but good AI.
Whether its GT6 or Yakuza 4, or Ni No Kuni the AI is stuck in the 90's so such nuances like psychological pressure wont work.

>game lets you play slot machines in the casino level
>Announcer tells you it's a waste of money and you should stop now

>game has another playable casino in DLC
>cheesing it with a maxed luck stat gives you near-infinite money and consumables and breaks whatever game balance that was left

>Play KOTOR 1 & 2 countless times
>Never once learned how to play Pazaak

>game character will never look at you like this

Nope, cut. There won't be any story DLC for singleplayer, and because Shark Cards are a thing they'd have to jump through a whole slew of legal hoops to get in-game gambling into Online

>playing obscure japanese porn game
>only gameplay is an obscure variant of mahjong
>controlled using mouse
>emulator doesn't show mouse cursor
>no indicator if you're hovering the cursor over one of the pieces

the greatest gaming experience in my life

do it.

It is "I'm the cook" video

Not untill we enter fully realistic & immersive VR era in 10 years.

So user, I know they are waiting. But bear with us those couple more years.

>You then spend all your money on getting more combat armor because nothing else can repair your mk2 armor and the game has no armor repair kits

It's impossible to maintain good armor without exploiting for caps.