Quick question Sup Forums
Is dmc4 SE on steam any good?
it's 50% off on steam right now
and i'm just making my way through the HD trilogy on ps3
Quick question Sup Forums
Is dmc4 SE on steam any good?
it's 50% off on steam right now
and i'm just making my way through the HD trilogy on ps3
4SE is the definitive edition of 4, second best game in the series and I'm still putting hours into it, I'm over 200 now.
is the steam version fine, or is it better on ps3?
because the metacritic scores are quite different
I'm going to be honest with you OP, you can't base your opinion off of other peoples scores, you'd be better off playing the game yourself if you haven't. Steam has a refund if you don't like it. 4SE has on steam has a better frame rate, and mod tools.
How about you actually read the reviews instead of treating the numbers alone like they're scripture?
i know
i just don't know when i'm going to get around to playing it
i've regretted a lot of purchases recently
i'm just gonna get it though
it's only £10
Last I heard there was some performance issues.
Well, I just don't think you would run into that with 4SE, I think it's a very fun game if you love the franchise and even if you don't put in the autistic hours like me just going on to finish Dante Must Die mode is a great ride
It's a difference between 300FPS and 200FPS I don't think that's a big deal personally.
i thought that was the dmc3 port?
weirdly enough i trust Sup Forums more than i trust mongs that write reviews
and making a thread on Sup Forums is easy enough
>never before played a DMC game
>see DMC4 on the Playstation Store for ten dollars
>pick it up
>play the first five stages and have a blast
Are the other DMC games this good?
3 is better but that doesn't diminish 4. 1 is different but I think Sup Forums will agree with me that it's a timeless classic that deserves to be played.
3 is okay but a bad port from what I remember.
If you want a similar blast go play MGR.
Yes, except 2 and the Donte game.
So I hear this game works on toasters, but what's the cut-off mark? Like, what's the bare-minimum system requirements? Is what's shown on the Steam page accurate?
i'm just going through the original dmc right now
and i think it's really great
you can really tell that it was supposed to be RE4 as well, it's quite strange
i reckon the hd trilogy on ps3 is worth it
i picked it up for only £7
Anything above a laptop
MGR makes me sad sometimes desu, all that potential that will never be fully realized.
i know what you mean
MGR sorta felt like a tech demo
if only they would've spent a lot more time in development. It needed a lot more content than it did
That doesn't mean it isn't good though
>If you want a similar blast go play MGR.
MGR is in no way a similar blast. Not even close.
DMC3 is considered one of the best in the genre for a variety of reasons. It isn't a rushed out low budget game who's only quality is the combat system and soundtrack.
oh yeah, i wan't saying that it's a bad game
i think it's fucking great
I know, I was just sayingq
eh, it is and it isn't
I actually wanted to get it for someone else, but he only has a laptop at the moment.
The PC version is sort of unoptimized
How did they think it was ok to ship a game with no quick swapping between primary weapons?
DMC4 made some steps forward and some steps backwards. It's hard for me to say for sure which is better. Style switching and all those playable characters are huge pluses.
too late nigga
i'll live
I agree but there's just something about 3 that puts it above 4, I honestly think it might solely just be because of the 3 vergil fights.
You haven't even gotten to the actual DMC part of it yet. Apart from the shitty ass level design the best is yet to come.
I really like 3 because it puts all of it's focus into one character, making Dante really really fun to play, while DMC4 makes a bunch of characters just pretty fun to play.
This exactly
Well, I think Dante is extremely fleshed out in 4 like he was in 3 because he was in vanilla, I know Trish and Lady aren't very deep but I find them (mostly Trish) extremely fun to play as. I loved Vergil in 4, he was a straight upgrade from his form in 3 and I think he might be the most I've ever had playing a character in any video game. I mean really, imagine putting DMC4 Vergil into pretty much any game out there and I think it would be a straight improvement.
I think I'll prefer the "arena" level design of 4, traversing the castle in 1 is kind of a drag between the fun combat segments
I don't know how 3 is laid out and I believe I'll just skip 2. might play it if I get into the series
I know. It's really hard to say which is better because they both do so well.
I think what Dante in 3 might edge out 4 Dante is with the weapon selection, what do you think? Is it better to have more weapons available to you than the styles all being available at once?
I think the weapon variety may be just a bit better than the weapon switching, but that's more because I'm not a huge fan of DMC4's Dante weapons.
Really? What was your opinion on Lucifer?
Yes, fucker it is worth it. Get it on steam for those sweet ass mod tools PLUS trainer. Now, if you want to get good you don't need a trainer or cheat tables, but for me I used (and still use them sometimes) for jump cancelling practice, setting up specific combos, changing up Bloody Palace, custom outfits/particle effects, Dante Must Style mode, etc., etc. I don't really see the point of getting it on anything other than Steam.
I wasn't a fan of Lucifer or Pandora. Lucifer doesn't fell like a weapon you can use on it's own. It feels like something to work in between your other weapons. Pandora just feels sort of clunky.
If you want to fit in with the other retarded bronies then yes, otherwise get dmc1/3 or NGB
Anyone else prefer running through the campaign rather than doing the bloody palace?
It's sort of unoptimized for toasters, but it's nothing initweaking, hex editing, and configuring can't solve. I know this because I got it to run 80+ on my toaster laptop. Before tweaking, it was like barely 30 fps.
i have to make it through dmc2 first nigga
i promised myself that i will play every game in the franchise
wish me luck
First I whip it out.
Then I thrust it.
With great force!
Every angle..!
It penetrates!
With great strength!
I.. ram it in!
In the end, we are all satisfied, and you are set free.
original DMC4 was absolutely killer on PC, it's one of the most optimised games ever on PC, and that's something coming from Japan.
Special Edition for whatever reason doesn't perform quite as well, but the difference is like a solid 144fps on my 5 year old system for DMC4 vs a solid 60+ on my 5 year old system for Special Edition.
hmm, I felt like DMC4 wasn't meant to have you focus on one weapon specifically like 3 kind of made you do, I always felt like 4 was designed around you not relying on one weapon or style but switching between them as the situation dictated and in that sense, I think it accomplished what it was meant to do
would you say the added content is worth the drop in port quality?
i suppose it shouldn't hurt too much
>Special Edition for whatever reason doesn't perform quite as well
they moved to a newer version of the engine DMC4 ran on originally so likewise the requirements went up.
how is xbox emulation?
Non existant
is there really a performance difference or is just people getting getting mad because regular version ran at 300 fps vs se running at 190 and they can enjoy video games unethey have giant overlay text on their screen showing a zillion fps?
There is but it isn't that significatn
absolutely, it performs perfectly, it's just that you're going down from ridiculously high fps to a high fps.
Good luck with that one my man, but it will make you appreciate DMC3 and DMC4 more.
Dafuq nigger I run it on my toaster medium graphics with 60fps
You don't have to commit to 2 user, but at least finish Dante's disc
read the thread dude
there is a performance difference, but it's insignificant
The first PC port ran better
They added new graphics shit like motion blur and some other crap that drags performance down. You couldn't turn it off without hex editing the exe, maybe they fixed that? In any case, you can fix the performance issues for the most part.
there are no fucking performance "issues" for fuck sake
oh no the added effects make it drop from it's 300fps
i guess i'll never play NGB then...
I'm not him
niggas just say NGB because there's no way to play it aside from paying $100 for an Xbox copy
makes you feel special
>it will make you appreciate DMC3 and DMC4 more
that's pretty much my reasoning for playing it, user
will do
it's all good then
It's an issue when they add unwanted graphical effects and make them mandatory too, you fuck. Them eating up the framerate is just the icing on top.
yeah it's such a big deal for it to eat up framerate in a game that originally ran at an unnecessarily high fps
there is no god damn issue with it, it's an issue perhaps if you're trying to play it off your windows 98 machine and it's dropped all the way down to a solid 60fps
They said they have a new character on SE, actually two new characters. Is it worth it?
It's three characters; Trish, Lady and Vergil
can you play Vergil since the start of the game or it's entire new chapter?
I don't really understand that question
You can play as Vergil right away and it has a new intro cutscene and a new final cutscene
You play the 20 chapters as him
ok thanks!
I was asking if they added more chapters (new missions).
Oh ok
They really didn't add anything else besides the new characters, only thing i can think of is that i think it's a bit more balanced now (tighter i-frames, etc)
Is the PS4 version worth $10?
where can I find the PS4 version for 10 bucks? is it the Special Edition?
Last time I checked it wasn't on sale
Yeah, it is.
There's a flash sale going and it's ten dollars.
>DMC4SE for 10 bucks
why do steam cucks brag about their 15-30% off sales?
>capcom will never fix DMC3 on PC
They don't need to, modders did.
Did they? Every time I looked at the page the reviews were always all negative so i assumed it was just fucked beyond repair
People want instant gratification so they don't even bother doing the appropriate research to fix the problem. Research that would take all of 1 minute on google to remedy the problem. That said, just emulate it.
>Capcom announces DMC5
>Capcom announces RE:2 Remake
E3 this year may be the best E3 since 2013
Remember to actually have fun with the mechanics and play around instead of just plowing through the story modes.
Except for 2, just power through as much as you can take
How do you fight him as Dante? Mod?
Oh, nvm, I saw the timer so it must be bloody palace. It's just that the level looked like an actual arena where you fight him.
bloody palace
Bloody palace, there's a timer under the health bar that's a dead giveaway.
There are trainers for skipping to certain levels if you don't want to play through like 99 levels to fight all the bosses
>RE:2 Remake
i really fucking hope that this is still a thing
just to let you know where i am
i just bet nelo angelo for the 3rd time on dmc1
sparda seems quite beastly
but no devil trigger
Donte's game is on sale too. Is it worth it for a bored Saturday afternoon?
Fucking no
Okay. Continuing Vergil's campaign on 4 then.
I am thinking of giving the series a go. Is 2 worth playing? I have heard it is pretty shit.
It's the best one.
Yes it is bad, but DmC is worse.
it's honestly worse than DmC
>only melee weapon is sword, slow sword, and fast sword
>multiple bosses that can only be harmed by guns
>Dante has zero personality
>Most Bosses have zero personality
>Level designs are all bland as fuck
So should I just skip it or is it still playable?
This is all true, but i still defend it because at least i kinda liked Dante this way, in DmC he's just a retarded edgy kid and the game has poor direction. The game also has a second playable character, so that adds to it.
But nevertheless...
It will be an annoying experience in 2, it's true, i can't defend it gameplay wise, i honestly would skip it, wouldn't want to go through the pain of doing that again.