Spyro Thread

Just what animal was she again?

Only dorks don't know

some kinda goat

She's a goat-human hybrid you penis.

Superior fauns.

A bandicoot

A semen demon

i dont know but i bet she smells like SHIT

A satyr you nerd

A doggy

She's a female centaur but instead of horse its a goat or a doe or something like that thing in dota

>crash gets his revival
>spyro still a slave to the eternal jew

>that level's contrast between elders and new age cunts
Fucking loved Spyro 2's levels.

I'm hoping that if the Crash remake does well maybe Spyro will get some love.

See, I kind of don't want to see spyro get updated graphics, I still think it looks excellent today, they way they used texture pop-in was absolutely perfect in those games and looks really nice, if they remake it I'm afraid we'll just get a generic supersaturated look

link pls

it says the fucking link in the image you dork

Isn't she the same as Phil, Hercs trainer?

It's fucking neat that whatever people post here, some magnificent bastard comes up with an instant reply like this. I'm not even kidding, this user made my day.

Only dorks don't know truly

kill yourself, faggot.

>doesn't get the reference

kill yourself

>you could look up their skirts

My earliest fap