Have you ever bought a gun due to its appearance in a videogame?

Have you ever bought a gun due to its appearance in a videogame?

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AK-74 because of STALKER

I bought mine because of Insurgency

Marlin 336 because of New Vegas

First learned about it from games. Been eyeing it for a while. And no, not because of shitty CS:GO..

I bought a glock 19 because of an Arma 3 mod.

Have you ever bought a videogame due to its appearance in a gun?


wonder if anyone bought a gun from FO3 or FO4?

No, but I played Far Cry 3 because one of my guns is in it, if that counts

>tfw gun control

>have you ever bought a gun



no because guns are illegal where I live :(

HK is overpriced german shit
the company has publicly stated that america sucks and doesn't deserve their products

HK post 90s is overpriced shit. They used to make quality guns.

Nice hammer bite, tasteless clown.

i really want to buy a glock for the 16+1, but
it's not worth much to get a 10-round glock, right? i'm just going to buy a shotgun or something

>want to buy P90
>live in a country with strict gunlaws
>automatic weapons are pretty much an instant no

>hammer bite
t.limp wristed faggot who cant shoot

>HK is overpriced german shit

Which is why you can find P2000's, P30SK's and VP9's for less than $600?
>what are engineering/R&D costs
>what are export fees

>the company has publicly stated that america sucks and doesn't deserve their products

Except that they were one of the few companies that supported the US gun market when they tried to argue against the ATF's classification of what "sporting purpose" is and imported several guns such as the HK94 and HK91

>what are German export laws
>what are US import laws

Right, this is Sup Forums. Where the only HK's you see are the MK23 and USP so you automatically think that they're expensive.

Look up a PS90

Shorter barrels are like 300 bucks though.

No, but if I did it'd be a Beretta 92 or this beauty.

This /k/ hk shill copy pasta is pretty stale.

I buy my weapons based on reliability, ease of cleaning and maintaining, cost of ammo and the cost of the weapon.
I don't see the point of spending 2000 dollars on a weapon that takes expensive obscure ammo with that's a pain to clean and take apart and the possibility of it breaking.

That being said, I love my Glock 19.

people simply collect

>That being said, I love my Glock 19.

Bought a Glock 19 last month and I'm genuinely impressed.
>deceptively compact for a 15+1 9mm
>can literally detail strip it in 3 minutes without the need of dealing with roll pins, painstakingly fitting small parts
>spare parts are dirt cheap and abundant (came from shooting and maintaining a Sig P226)

Only gripe about it is the BTF which I'm hoping to get fixed soon.

I live in a nogunz country but if I could I would buy an MP446, Winchester 1886 and a Kar98k.

Playing CS:S kinda made me want a Sig P228 chambered for .357.

It's apparently a pretty good gun, though a bit overpriced for what you get (from what I've read).

how is source? i skipped it and jumped to CSGO. apparently, there are a lot of people like me who skipped the middle installment from what i've read and even spoken to IRL

I choose my guns on how fast they can mow down knidergarteners

I guess it's kinda related, but when I saw The Terminator I had to go out and buy an AR-180 because the movie made me want one so bad.

I would download a gun

I almost bought a SPAS 12, but I was a day late on grabbing it.

>It's apparently a pretty good gun, though a bit overpriced

"Good guns" have like two criteria

1. Cheap

2. Fires bullets

You are no better than one of those fags who buys a Desert Eagle for $1200 and doesnt realize the ammo costs $200 a box and it jams often

Nah, the P226 and it's variants are all expensive. The P228 was discontinued in 1997, but the P229 is essentially the same gun but with a stainless steel slide instead of the folded sheet metal slide of the P228.

T2 made The Winchester Model 1887 my gunfu.

Not a gun, but I bought a zweihander because of Dark Souls

Good; it's actually a little overrated.

Gonna help an user out here

>P228 "M11-A1" 9mm

This is as good as a deal's gonna get.


The reason why Sigs are bumped up a bit in price is because some variants come with night sights (specific model is a waste of money imho) and either G10 grips or E2 grips that range from $70-$100 in extra costs.

My German P226 cost me $500 so I was luck with that.

I always used the AK-47 in every vidya I played. Bought a Romanian AK with a red finish as soon as I turned 18. Ammo use to be cheap as fuck but I can never find surplus ammo anymore, just the shit steel casings.

Pretty sure in CS:S it's a P229, since the P228 was never made in .357 SIG.

I know it's not a very good gun. I've just wanted one since I was young because muh movies and muh vidya. It would have been more of a collecting piece or a rare showoff range toy than anything I'd use practically.

If only pipe shotguns fired bullets. They would be the best guns in the world.

>beretta 92

Why spend around $600 on a gun that only shoots 9mm?

I am not a lowly American, so no.

>Wanting coons with guns
>Wanting bogans with guns
>Wanting anyone at any time to be able to decide if you live or die with the pull of a trigger

based Howard for keeping that bullshit out of everyday life.

There are another caliber conversions for the 92. But it's sweet shooting, especially with the Brigadier model.

>actually responding to such a ridiculous post with rationale

If memory serves, since the army dropped the 92fs, that would make it now an army surplus gun.

They're going to be selling them off I think.

>They're going to be selling them off I think.

Fuck no they won't.

You are correct. It is referred to as the P228 in game, but the P228 was never chambered for .357 SIG.

Most of my love for CS:S is from having played it for so long. CS:GO is better in a lot of ways, but I just hate the way CS:GO is monetized. I don't like the idea of having to pay to play on servers, use specific maps, use sprays, etc.

I like to just hop on my favorite server (a server that plays lesser-known, well-made hostage maps) and have some fun. If I want something a bit more fast-paced and mindless, I'll join a reverse turbo GunGame server in my favorites. There are also a lot of maps and mods for CS:S that I'm not sure exist for CS:GO, like variations on GunGame, Zombie Mod, Hide and Seek, and a few others.

The biggest reason I haven't switched to CS:GO though is that I'd have to relearn all of the weapons.

I kinda want a Mark23 because of MGS, but I´m not sure if I shouldn´t just get a nice Les Baer instead.

You should get the MR73 shown in the same pic

>thinks theres a huge difference in shotguns

Meh. Don´t buy a US-made SIG if you already got a german one.

What did he mean by this?

He's gonna be paying a premium to find a non beat to shit MR 73.

>Meh. Don´t buy a US-made SIG if you already got a german one.

German Sigs are overated as fuck. The best Sig is a US made early 00's stainless.

I almost bought one as a collectors item a few years back. Kinda glad I didn't since they haven't gone up much. I may regret it in the future but for now it wouldn't had been a good investment.
It's a great shotgun. Problem is how old it is.

>it's a /k/ episode

>It's a great shotgun
There's a loading gate that locks and requires a button to be depressed to unlock it, aside from the gas issue there's a few other glaring issues I could mention.


>that picture

More like shitty outdated reddit infograph riddled with bad information and unfunny memes episode

But it´ll be worth it.
Even a beat to shit MR73 is amazing.

The best are the X-series made in Eckernförde.
But even those don´t hold a candle to the "real" SIG

I kinda want to get one of these just for target shooting. They're under $400.


It's just a quirk and it's easy to get used to. The gas issue isn't really an issue either. It's just how the gun was designed.

>The best are the X-series made in Eckernförde.
>>But even those don´t hold a candle to the "real" SIG

Oh, it's a collectorfag talking.

>When you fall for the Golden Eye meme and think the P90 isn't shit IRL

And the safety lever?

May as well get a Thunder instead, they're just better made overall and cheaper.

Not him but it was removed in later batches that still got into the US.

no that's pretty autistic lmao

A big fuck up that was fixed with the button safety. It's only an issue you want an autisticly screen accurate JP/Terminator gun.

The gun wasn't even suppose to really have a safety. It was going to use a grip safety.

No, someone who competes in target shooting. We can´t even "collect" in the traditional sense where I live. You have to be smart about what gun you chose for a specific purpose. You can´t buy as many as you want.
I hate it.

That still doesn't really negate the lever safeties out there that are on the guns.

And then there's the rubber gaskets and o-rings if memory serves? Those things seem to wear out pretty quick if I recall correctly.

>And then there's the rubber gaskets and o-rings if memory serves?
There's a guy who is making those parts. Which is nice. But that goes back to what I said was the gun's main problem. It's old.

It's nice that there's someone out there willing to make new parts for it, but, that really seems to me like a design flaw to have a part wear out quickly like that, yeah know?

But... it's James Bond's gun!

After 20+ years? Seems fine to me. Buffers on old AR15s go to hell also.

There's a glut of great .380s out there these days.

Number of rounds rather than time seems to be the issue.

Again, I could be mistaken. And if I am, correct me if I'm wrong.

When I was 16 I bought a Co2 gun which was a replica of an Uzi because it was in Vice City.

No idea. Manual doesn't state it I don't think.

Not yet, but playing the RE games gets me interested in a Beretta 92FS. One like this. How to acquire it?

The Samurai Edge is a 92FS brigadier model, which has that heavier slide with the bump on it. You need that, a stainless steel barrel, some custom grips, and someone to engrave the stuff on the slide for you.

Old model dust cover 92fs is the accurate one. Doesn't matter if it's a brig model. It does use a brig slide though.

A guys makes the wood the grips. You can order them.

>Buying guns
>Supporting death economy
>Not creating your own self-defense weapon perfectly taliored to your lifestyle and self
Come at me with the gun, I can defend myself using a cigarette lighter in my fist

just make one yourself. it's fairly straightforward

i got one cuz of black lagoon

>tfw in posession of an illegal gun
b-but letters on a piece of paper allow you to own them!

cuckolderniness is a state of mind
you can be free as long as you allow yourself to be


WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I love my USP Compact!

Bought a Sig p226 in 9mm Stainless Steel with wood grips.

Paid $1100 USD for it. Probably a bit high, but it shoots nicely. It's soft, not too much kick, and it's never jammed or anything. I take good care of it. Pretty fun to shoot. My grouping is usually pretty good.

Couldn't decide for a while if I regretted buying it or not, but I don't at this point. I love it. Especially love how my dad constantly criticizes me for paying 1100 for a gun, even though he won't pay more than 250-300 for one, and buys old used guns that have been prone to constantly jamming or having problems.

Oh yeah - bought it because it was in STALKER CoP (in .45 though), and it was one of my favorite sidearms to have with me.

Used to want one because I was obsessed with it in Hitman Contracts.

Glad I never got one.

MK23s are upwards to about 2500, and most ranges, unless the gun is used, won't let you test fire either to see how it actually feels and whether you really want it or not.

You could buy 2 guns for that much.

>buying a gun
Y-yeah r-right


Almost got one of these in .40S&W at my local gun store.

In the end, ended up not getting it because it was like, 1,450 and I didn't wanna pay that. Thought about getting one of the black ones and paying 400 less, but ended up buying a used Walther P99 in 9mm because of Nightfire.

Beretta-fags WW@?

It's also a motherfuck of a huge gun. Similar in size to a Desert Eagle. If you don't have big hands, you're gonna have a bad time handling it.