God bless Gabe

God bless Gabe

Other urls found in this thread:


Are those kids? I'm a weeb as much as the next guy but I think lolicon is a line Steam will never cross

>shitty drawn generic VN with no porn

jesus christ what did they mean by this

>made way for thousands of low quality, low effort english pleb weaboo (in it's original definition, not nu-Sup Forums speak) VNs which don't even have porn as only redeeming quality

>loli VN on steam
wew lad
>that art
When are the good smug loli simulator VNs gonna drop on steam

>Play a work safe loli VN to redeem self

Loli is a yandare confirmed

>Rustle patreon and more loli games on steam

Ok, they are merely building criminal profiles at this point.

Yes, buy this morally questionable game with your credit card and personal information. Don't forget to give us your telephone number while you are at it.

do you instantly assume when a loli shows up on screen she's going to get fucked ?

>romantic comedy
>related to Higurashi
I have a feeling that this guy has never read/watched higurashi and just saw it on steam and went

>I think lolicon is a line Steam will never cross

Written in the Sky


This sound so wrong on the same sentence.

Yeah if you're an epic redditor who doesn't know that steam has at least few games by now that contain loli nudity or even lewd

Wow when you put it that way it feels like no biggie at all. brb gonna order that loli succubus figure

God bless everyone except Canada.

Maitetsu is 95% translated. It's from the same authors
Sekai will probably gut out bonus sex scenes but main story had plenty of lewd too, and I already got the artbook

No but I'm extremely disappointed when it doesn't happen
A shame that Maitetsu wasn't nearly as good as Monobeno

Yes my friends, buy this fantastic game


>/things/don't click/cp/cp
every time

Just give me the gist

I fucking loved this game. One of my favorite VNs

>mfw played it wrong the first time because of the clever hiding of the loli path.

Niggaboo tries to play off his tons of CP as a joke and the FBI doesn't buy it

Lose is working with Shitkai Project, don't buy it. Force them to find a non-retarded publisher.

pedo bragged about having cp

on facebook

>implying I'd ever buy that fucking shit
I already imported the jap version so if anything I'm gonna pirate this shit

Gaaabe :3


pretty horrifying desu senpai

fuck off battle chilli

>Thad gets released in 18 months

How long til he fucks up and goes back in?

I am interest!

nah it was all a joke haha, just for laughs lol

Why though

>Rustle patreon
Wait, nigga isnt going blind anymore or was it just a translation error?

Here is your ticket to jail

I got this badge, then realized it was probably a bad idea to have this badge.

That's cute.

damn, I want that badge

I can't see anything wrong with the badge.

Rustle actually went to a doctor and found out that his eye issues are fixable so it's all good now

Considering that he broke his probation on the first day by looking up CP online I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say a week

I need the source, please

>milf thread 404'd
>loli thread stays
Mods like em young huh

Anyways, how long is this VN? I just started reading it.

I need this badge desu

It's fucking wierd. I personally hate the art style, but I heard it was wierd so I wanted to check it out.
Too much for me.

Loved that chan part.

What game?

this is also on steam


it's the kraut vn user, name under your post

Spotted the subhuman pedoNEETs

ah yes, I realized it after I posted it, thank you


>unironically liking KnJ

You are late by years.

Great job detective you found us! We were in the loli VN thread all along

Is nekopara considered lolicon or is it normieshit?

Tits too big. Do not want.

Yeah, i'm pretty good.


Normie meme game tier.

Why do you hate good literature?

It's one of those games the normalfags gift to each other as a joke so take a guess

I played the demo and thought it was charming but OK. Redirect me to some good VNs then.

Are they lolis?

Mangagamer has a pure lolige iirc.

The normiest VN out there. A staple of the ironic weeb.

No but that doesn't matter for the correct answer.

Thank god Greenlight is getting replaced so garbage like this won't make it on to Steam anymore.

Such as?

The part with loli lactation.

It's a short one-heroine game, nothing impressive.

Picked up.

You're right. Now they'll just be able to pay 500 bucks and get in with no votes at all. Praise gaben



>level 5
>all cards are 0.5€
god damn, do I just fake run this shit all day and hope for drops or what?

Or just settle for lesser level badges. Personally I think level 2 is the best.

Life is unfair

It's not even normalfag shit, it's fucking cancer is what it is.

Day 1 purchase
Does anyone else weeb XD

Should've put at least one of the German loli VN girls in there.

Kinda has to have lolis to be lolicon you dumb piece of shit

It doesn't matter because it's normie shit either way.

There's some faggot who says all the girls are lolis in that vn.

>doesn't matter
>is this vn that has no lolis a loli vn?

>some faggot said something retarded
literally who cares

>Normalfags who like shit VNs don't know what a loli is
Colour me surprised.

steam is a such a piece of shit now

Like, are you talking some artistic merit vn shit, or I wanna be in on the joke with this porn game crowd vn shit


Ive been saying this since HL2 came out, it was never untrue.

>he doesn't like lolis
kill u are self

what are some good NTR vns?

nah, weebs hate that "western art" from the game for some reason.

there are none, NTR is shit

Well, the important thing to realize is, that "lolicon" literally translates to pedophile.
On the Western web there may be the distinction of the limitation the 2D, but that is not the original meaning of the word.
Why anyone would run around with a badge marking him as a lolicon is beyond my understanding.

RPG maker game, better than VNs.

Us weebs

to act ironic of course