X2 CONFIRMED FOR SWITCH! "Interesting: The graphics chip, obviously a Tegra X2, uses the Pascal architecture of current graphics card models. It is estimated to be based on the solid performance of a Geforce GTX 1050." Source: computerbild.de/artikel/cbs-News-Nintendo-NX-Switch-9208832.html

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Little bit of backstory for the article. Source broke into their Switch early, revealing a Tegra X2 inside.

Lies, it's an intel pentium.

How until we get an emulator


>How until we get an emulator
what in the literal goddamn fuck did you mean by this


>almost no replies

Figures, we are in the era of misinformation, how many people are now going to believe its a shitty X1 forever and will never know the truth?



>This kills the Sony




Why is the performance so garbage then?

Time to start directing my shidposts at sonyggers.

You are fake news.

All the shills are bumping that new open world rpg.

In what? A WiiU port and some low effort AA games?

I just want to know if they use gorilla glas?

I mean I know the screen is glas because it is capacitive touchscreen, but is it gorilla glas?

Because if so I won't even buy a screen protector.

So what's your endgame Nintendo? Ship 2 million orders on initial launch then to flop when people actually crack these fuckers open and realize the chip set is incomplete? I guess it's another lottery to see who gets an actually good screen also.

Switch stronk confirmed.

Ponybros on suicide watch.


Sorry but I will wait for a legit source

>only american or english gaming sites can be a legit source


And nintencucks call sonyfags a bunch of black people

Fuck off Sonygger.

>mexican literally who website says the switch has powerful specs
>Zelda BOTW looks like shit and has frame drops
>Mario Odyssey has no AA and terrible pop on

Gee, I wonder who I believe in this situation.

Oh shit that's important and a big deal. Hadn't thought about it.

Knowing Nintendo and their dedication to child-proofing their shit, I would be surprised if it wasn't Gorilla Glass or some variant.


I will wait for a more legit source than a deutsch site

>looks like shit and has frame drops
So just like every PS4 game?

>mexican literally who

It's a major german newspaper

An X2 is an X2 sonygger. It's only a matter of time before ninty comes over the fucking top.


I want to believe you're baiting, but I truly think you're packing an extra chromosome under the hood.


wait what? that doesn´t make sense. First they are telling "these are specs from internet board" and then saying but there is a x2 in it. How do they know?


Megaman X2 is the best in the series


They cracked the nigger open and viddied the board

So the switch is more powerful than the PS4?

X2 > ponyshit 4

Therefore, yes.

Eh, between Xbox One and PS4 if this rumor is believed. If it's X1 then it's slightly below Xbox One.


So computerbild did that? I mean it´s still bild so I can´t trust them.

Mario Oddysey looks like a 360 game


Jesus Christus, wie entsetztlich!

I'll wait for a more confirmation but this is not as good as a GTX 1050. Mere architecture will tell you that.

if this is real Sup Forums on suicide watch

because as with any console. the early dev kits dont have the last hardware and games take more than 5 months to do/ port. so early games are done with faux hardware that is usually weaker than the final product. this is why late games on a console always look and run better

Nah, just a bit below it.

But it's a fucking handheld you can play on the go, which is amazing.

Only the city area, take a good look at the forest area, looks gorgeous.
I think the city area was a late addition

You know the Germans always write good stuff

A Tegra X?

>Desert also looked great

Only the city looks bad because of the lack of AA in that trailer.

Only thing they're good at any longer. Video games and technical shit.


>even reddit calls this out as bullshit

they say: early on a web site gave out documents, which shady credibility, if they are to be belived, then under the switch we should find ...post list

then they proceed to say what really they found in the switch

Google translator is your friend

>still weaker than my 5 year old GTX 680

>when the toddlers becomes so desperate they go to a fucking no-name source to validate their $300 hardware from 2006

Huh, there could be something to this then

you lost weight chad

>Tegra X2

Puckered Sony assholes confirmed.

>has pictures of the open console
>bu-but they are not legit!!!!
Sup Forums is lovely when they cherry pick their leaks

I speak german user, I don´t need google translator.

Like I said I am just a little bit cautious because it comes from Bild.

"It is published in nine countries, and is one of Europe's best selling computer magazines." I don't see how it's not a viable source.

Switch can have a graphic card made by aliens that can run your mother in intergalatic resolution. It doesn't matter.
Nintendo is a company that make games for children or to play in groups and I doubt that anyone in here that will buy the Switch have someone to play with. I admit that Zelda have some fun games and that Breath of the Wild will be a good one, but that's it.
You will try to convince me that Nintendo does not make consoles for children, right? Check that fucking parental control ad. How do you feel playing in a console knowing that it was made to be treated like a bitch?
I never post my opinion like this but you know what? Nintendo fucked up.
You can choose any console from this generation (doesn't even have to be the "enchanced version") and it will beat ANY Nintendo console. EZ.

Now you mandchild neckbearded nintendrones are trying to justify and convince yourselves that the Switch will be a good console.

Screencap this shit
Nintendo will kill this console in 4 years. There will be a bunch of "this game will be in the Switch" and it will be just lies.

pic related.

>I speak german
>I get confused when presented with an open question vs later presenting facts
then you are either lying or brain damaged bro

Why are you so self conscious and obsessed with being an adult

I mean

If the Switch is so powerful

Why is Zelda running at silky 30fps and 900p?

Yeah! Make everything bloody and gory or it's for kids! HARDCORE GAMERSSSSSSSS!


Looks like AMD won

"How long" you literal goddamn retard

Its a port

because Bild is the mother of this corporation and Bild is in Germany not a real newspaper. You know these newspapers with gossip more pics than actual text, that´s bild. It´s a tabloid.

He's a child. He's one of those children that says "I'm really mature for my age!"

Never. There's no web browser.

That's irrelevant

someone already explained why user. lurk more

Fuck, it's packing an X2. Well this changes everything.

Because he's a child.

everyone already knew it had an okay chip, but its underclocked and 25% of the ram and one core is dedicated to the OS.

this is meaningless. it ends up being just as shit as having a full power x1.

Would you buy a car that you can't fit in because it's made for children? So why would you buy the Switch?

Look at the parental control ad. You are Bowser Jr.

nah dude. I just didn´t read it completly.

Well I am still careful, it´s still the bild. We just need to wait 2 weeks guys.


The newspaper that this magazine is related to is pretty notorious.

Anyway, I don't think they would straight up lie about the specs, but it's very well possible that they misinterpreted what they saw.

Another point though, are they even allowed to break open the console? I know Nintendo sent some Switches out to gaming magazines, but didn't IGN say that they weren't really allowed to show anything yet?

If they're a garbage tabloid, what's with this article? It seems to be be technical.

You realize all modern consoles have parental controls right?

It is though, how is it not? Wii U is totally not compatible with the switch


You can restrict the use of games that have age limitations.
In addition to [Allow], there are 11 parental control levels. The lower the parental control number, the tighter the restriction. The default setting is "9".
The combination of the parental control level you set on the PS4™ system and the parental control level for the game determines whether a game can be played. For example, if you want to restrict use of a game with a parental control level of "4", set the PS4™ system's level one number lower to "3". Setting the level on the PS4™ system to "3" prohibits users from playing any games with a level of "4" or higher.


so far going by the pic and the comment about "you should not try to change the battery on your own" it seems quit legit tho

>a garbage graphics chip
>"480p TV setting"

Did you check the Sony ad about it?
How about Microsoft's?



Finally! I was sure of it!
Switch in on a same level with ps4, and much much stronger than Wii U.

where are the goalposts now?

Bring back those goalposts son.

Children and teens are restricted from changing Xbox privacy and online safety settings on their accounts. Only the parent or other adult in the Microsoft family can view or change these settings for a child account, either on a console or online.
If you own both an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One console, we recommend using the steps on this page to update settings for both consoles in one location.


The PS4 has a 480p mode too, you ignorant fuck.



On the off-chance you're serious and thus clinically retarded, it defaults to a standard resolution when there's no TV hooked up.

>portable more powerful than the PS4


this thread

>It's a major german newspaper
It's the CIA funded German newspaper known best for its fake news.