Whatever. You can ask for any of those, but Nintendo isn't doing shit with them. So while there's no news about those franchises, I'm not getting this shit console
Joseph Baker
Zachary Ross
But it's not. Even the X2 is not on part with PS4Pro
Anthony Gomez
It says Nvidia Maxwell second generation. That doesn't mean Tegra X2
Jeremiah Thompson
No shit, no ARM is powerful as your average x86. Too fucking bad Tegra is a fucking housefire.
Luis Barnes
Just those 3? I'll get it as soon as Monster Hunter gets on there. Or maybe the new Smash.
Alexander Peterson
Disinformation to make this thing not shit, good idea.
Christian James
Looks heavy, I'll pass
Jackson Nguyen
It was confirmed to match digital foundry spec analysis.
Nicholas Morris
>over 80 launch games What?
Camden Brown
>256 cuda cores >4x2ghz A-57 arm >4 gb ram >32 gb storage
whew, lad, it's barely better than my fucking phone.
Jose Roberts
Speaking of MH Capcom talked about the system this was in the bullet points - Nintendo provided a GPU emulator which is capable of recreating the same shaders of the actual console on PC - the Switch version of the GPU emulator is enhanced, so it was easier for Capcom to create a PC emulator Can someone explain to to me? Also they did mention MT framework works and they are currently working on RE Engine support.
Evan Harris
What games does the PS4 have to offer, serious question. I hear people say to get a PS4 and PC but the PS4 has shitty exclusives. I don't care about sjw infested movie crap.
Lucas Adams
Because it's a cheapo tablet with shitty proprietary OS.
Justin White
nioh, yakuza, bloodborne, gravity rush, lots of japanese stuff.
Eli Nguyen
Switch is region free, fucking retard.
Jace Powell
>I don't care about sjw infested Yet you buy Nintendo games?
Jace Nelson
Have you seen the ouya it's pretty much that with newer hard ware a display and no andriod please stop trolling g
Isaac Powell
which would be fine if you could read japanese.
Leo Clark
>have to learn a whole new language just to play games the way they're supposed to be played No thanks other companies just leave the lewd stuff in the western version, Nintendo is the only publisher who goes into autistic screeching mode whenever a game has fanservice