>“In all seriousness, next time he does decide to go and make a Smash Bros. game, I’m seriously going to tell him, ‘Put in Travis Touchdown. Come on, put him in the game.’ So every time we talk about this, partially in the middle he listens, he starts to laugh, and that laugh trails off into, ‘ha ha…’. This time Sakurai-san, I’m not going to let you go. You’re not getting away.”
Sakurai: *laughs*
Justin Bailey
Why is Sakurai such a hack?
Ryder Wilson
I'd say it couldn't happen considering NMH's general atmosphere and all, but if Bayo can get it (albeit slightly cleaner), then I don't see why Travis couldn't.
Christopher Phillips
>hack i think you mean FUCKHEAD
Tyler Nguyen
>put Travis in smash >every time he kills someone the other characters have to yell MY SPLEEN
Jose Ortiz
>So every time we talk about this, partially in the middle he listens, he starts to laugh I don't know what's better, Travis getting into Smash or Travis not getting into Smash.
Jordan Allen
Jaxson Rodriguez
Nolan Perez
bayonetta was the furthest they're going to go
Elijah Clark
C'mon Sakurai, I'm your bud, just like Kojima is, right?
Mason Bailey
>No cursing >no blood There now he's Smash compatible.
Michael Rivera
>Bayonetta gets in >Travis doesnt
You gotta admit thats pretty bullshit. Travis was on nintendo hardware first
have you ever made a game?
Easton Sullivan
Jackson Walker
>no cursing thats like 40% of his personality
Evan White
I never even played NMH, but I'd rather see anyone but another fucking Fire Emblem character. Sakurai must have lost all feeling in both hands because there's no way you can be so out of touch to include that many characters from a series so few care about.
Dominic Russell
>series so few care about So few USED to care about, they started forcing it so hard on us that a lot of people think they care, and consider themselves huge fans now.
Even if we got another fire emblem rep, I want someone with a fucking lance or axe, hell maybe even a bow, or a dedicated mage.
Mason Anderson
It's big enough now for it's own Direct to announce 4 entire games, and that certainly justifies having many characters now. The question is, did it get this big by having so many characters in Smash shilling it until it actually did become big enough for it to self-justify all the attention?
Owen Ortiz
im down for it. he was one of my ballot picks.
Mason Turner
based sakurai
Dylan Fisher
Travis is so much better than Bayo. Fuck you Sakurai.
Benjamin Davis
I would main him so badly, it would pain me.
Noah Flores
Jaxon James
Compare Fates sales to NMH sales and see who prleople REALLY care about. Yeah, thought so, weeb ass BITCH keep drinking that haterade. Your tears are delicious
Chase Murphy
>it's been nine years
just fucking kill me
Justin Morales
>down taunt: pulls out a rolled up anime poster and shows it to the camera "moe~"
Jace Anderson
Travis's catchphrase is literally "fuck head"
Eli Morales
I could see Travis in Smash.
The trick would be making him feel different from being just another dude with a sword.
For sure they would want to add in his suplexes, and it wouldn't hurt to have plenty of kicks for his normals. I could see them saving his beam katana for special moves, with his neutral special being the, uh, "waggle fest" to power them up.
I'd also love to see some of his otaku tendancies coming through vai special interactions. We had the Snake intel comms, Pit's updates, I think Travis geeking out or getting dossiers from Sylvia could work.
Chase Walker
Fire Emblem has been around since the NES.
Matthew Myers
>stuff like snake's intel ocmms, pit's updates
I can see Travis almost dropping the f bomb, but Sylvia stopping him because they're in an E rated game ala Suda51 style
Luke Jenkins
Yeah, he's getting in the next smash (not port) for sure. Arent they buds? They both have that spastic personality, if they arent I'd see sakurai and YEAHHHHH nip man being tight.
Bayo shows that he wouldn't be a problem, I believe Kamiya and sakurai are friends too, would be a good addition. Only his swearing would be completely gone, rest might be some slight tone down since bayo sheds an shows skin and has her guns. Dont think he'd shake the saber in that exact position though. You know the one.
Though fuck just bump it to Teen again, not like 10 year olds wouldn't by it
Wyatt Brooks
it's a popular series, but the actual injustice is the lack of variety though robin was a step in the right direction, and corrin's pretty cool
Elijah Parker
Let me know lads. Is NMH worth $30? The series has certainly piqued my interest.
Jacob Sanders
Depends on what you equate with value, really.
It isn't a a super long game, a playthrough will probably take you 10 hours and it isn't a game with a huge amount of replay value.
The gameplay is okay, not great, not bad. You are mostly going to be playing for the humor.
Owen Nelson
it's not like he HAS to say fuckhead, he could work just fine. Instead of gory finishers, he can just do wrestling moves for flashy stuff.
Dylan Walker
it's got some questionable design decisions and the combat isn't on DMC level or anything but there's a good reason why it's built up the cult classic fanbase that it has