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What's the point of this thread?

I'm wondering that myself.



King's Quest V

yep same here

This game was pretty good



Mickey mouse and the castle of illusion
Super Mario world in Japan

Half life


Super Mario Bros 3


newfag shaming


My nigga

Same day

>looks up 1996 video games
>Super Mario 64
>Duke Nukem 3d
>Resident Evil
>Crash Bandicoot
>Tomb Raider
>Harvest Moon

WTF Sup Forums why was 1996 the best year in video games?




>a bunch of good games came out and I was too young to appreciate them
I don't think you're bragging about what you think you're bragging about


My birthday is the day A Link to the Past came out in America, 4-13-92

Pokemon. Well that was easy.

Christ the underage


Apparently FF7 was the first good game that came out in 1997. Huh,I could have sworn it came out in 1995...



Bunch of children in here.

Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs.

It's 2017, do the math.

I appreciated them later, and still do from time to time. I'm not even really bragging, just wondering why there can't be an objectively great year like that again.



>thread btfo

Pretty good year for video games


>Super Mario Bros
>Ghosts n' Goblins
>Ultima IV
You're welcome.


Super Mario Land

>all these supposedely born in the second half of the 90s folks

nice bait

how's the future?

The Last of Us.

>that one guy browsing the thread who was born before videogames were invented

>A Link to the Past
>Sonic the Hedgehog

At least that's only one i remember

>Grandpa can't stand the thought of people being younger than him

Sup Forums's primary audience is 18-early 20 year olds.... whats not to believe?

Chrono trigger

Sanic the Hedgeheg

Conversely, Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters for a less mundane pick.


Nah, have you seen pol? everyone there fought in ww2, and lost.

Contra 3: the alien wars. (92)


I feel old.


>in 2 years pic related can be posted in these threads

u were born in the 50s?

'88fag here.

Sonic the hedgehog! My favorite mascot growing up too.

Classic Doom.

wasn't that 90?


Thanks God I was 13. ;)


Because I was born in 1996, it was destined to be the best.

Forgot to mention that I also tried VR for the first time in 1996.
With Duke Nukem 3D.

Get off my motherfucking lawn, you cuntshitting whippersnappers.

video games didnt exist when i was born

feels fucking good

nigga you old.


You're TOO old



MegaMang 3.

Final Fantasy VIII

this and Super Mario All--stars are my favorites from 93

I'm Ridge Racer Arcade
Released in the year, not named after it, grandad



Follow me.

>These too many late 90s fags

A good game to be spirit born with.



Kid Icarus


Sonic. No points guessing my first game too.

