Not picking Shield and sacrificing Sword

>Not picking Shield and sacrificing Sword
don't talk to me if you didn't do this

Staff was objectively the best choice

You don't need to pick shield if you don't get hit

Shield is for pussies, staff is for smart pussies.

On Proud, I picked the wand.
On Standard, I picked the Shield.
On Easy, I picked the Sword.
On Proud+EXP Zero, I put the controller down and just stop.

Staff + sacrifice shield is best option

The last sentence to all of those choices is fucking retarded

>10 year old kid
>i wanna kill shit
>you think im gonna pick a dinky old shield or a wand to do it

pick away

I'm gonna need a truth table to work out what you said.

don't talk to OP if you picked something other than shield and sacrificing sword

whatever gave me Scan the fastest

+shield/-sword master race
>start with 3 AP
>get lucky strike at 15
>swordfags have to wait until 69 for lucky strike

Picking Magic and sacrificing Shield is the closest thing you can have to an actual game.

You can only speak to OP, by his request, if you picked Shield and sacrificed Sword.

He can defend himself otherwise.

Picking staff and giving up the shield is the best option honestly. That extra MP and additional AP is pretty fucking useful and you get good strength to boot.

Personally I always pick sword or shield and give up the staff though.

I think Pick Staff/Give up Sword or Shield makes the most sense. Extra MP is ridiculously useful and boosts magic power and summon power. AP is also important, and don't really care about item slots. It's just extra elixirs for babbies.

Whatever gets you leaf bracer and second chance is the best option because once you have those the game becomes stupidly easy on any difficulty.

I think it's shield.

It's all meaningless if you turn on EXP Zero, though.

>doing a level 1 run on any game besides 2
why would you torture yourself like that

You should not try to speak to OP, because there is a higher chance

Because the pain reminds me that I can still feel something.