Brain tiers

Brain tiers

post em


Shin Megami Tensei > Final Fantasy > Xeno > Tales of

I'm afraid you're the brain at the top


pretty spot on


lol no

delete this


>This is what wrath babies actually believe


>Top of anything


Horrendous Cataclysm!? My sides!!



>the skull not being completely empty

really made me think


goddammit user don't make me have to summon him


Kingdom Hearts

>kingdom hearts


Swap Xeno and Tales and you've got it.

this was so good until you put tomboy in the best category, now it's shit


Xenogears is G Gundam with western sci-fi tropes blendered in.

Xenosaga/blade is so moeblob weebshit, it's pic related.


>i don't get it


trap is even worse


Did you get letters from Blizzard lawyers yet, Nostfag?

If i was a nostfag i would have put vanilla first
MoP was literally the most stereotypical depiction of asian culture, like a sort of McChina. It wasn't genius at all and it even further dumbed down what began full force with Cataclysm.




kill yourself for propagating this shitty meme

Everything except Warcraft 2 is brainlet-tier.


¡Hola Réddit!

If you completely reverse this, it's true. Or is that the joke?

Tales of is trash though. SMT should be bottom.

But SMT is just Pokemon for the edgy teenagers that think they're mature crowd.



they play absolutely nothing alike
it's like saying that gta san andreas is super mario brothers for edgy teens because you fly around in a jetpack collecting crack instead of jumping around collecting coins

More like SMT is more like a edgy JoJo clone without the fun and a tackled on date mechanic shit


W-where's Suikoden?

I think that was originally the joke of this meme, smallest to biggest brain;least to most contrarian, but then it reversed because that's easier to understand

but MGS3 has the least intelligent story of the 4

2 should obviously be at the bottom

Last one should've been brap posters

>he doesn't read books while playing video games in a way that is technically not playing video games

Persona =/= SMT you faggot, play Nocturne, Strange Journey, Devil Summoner, etc.

Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Persona is literally SMT. Shin Megima Tensei is just the Japanese title name of Persona, which is the English version.


fixed that for you

>Sup Forums has resorted to stealing facebook memes now

god help me what has the internet become? I remember when we were the innovators, when memes were our domain. What happened? What is our purpose now?


you can't possibly be this retarded.

5-tier version if anyone wanted it

in case you aren't baiting, this is how it is in japan
Megami Tensei or MegaTen is the overall franchise
Shin Megami Tensei is the main series within that franchise
Persona is another series that exists within the same franchise
It's confusing for westerners because the western marketers slapped Shin megami tensei on every game for no reason

>Playing WoW at all
>Being anything else than a poop-for-brains


The title of the first game is "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" in Japanese too fuckwit

>4 tiers
>all of the abrahamic religions aren't on the same tier

catholicism, hinduism
daoism, buddhism

the second part of still applies

Thanks fäm

Damn fine work, my man.

>brain tiers for jrpgs

just stop
>how dare someone like a series someone else dislikes
oh god the horror how dare I like and dislike one or even like all of them

For having taste so shit that you put tales over final fantasy, I find it comfortable that you at least have a rational top spot.


at least tales didn't spiral down to mediocrity and bounced right back up from zesteria, FF has yet to bounce back from 13 unless you count 14ARR

Now we're talking



>FF mediocre with 13
>If you count 14 it bounced back right away

That's about as fast as you can recover, friend... Not to mention that FF15 is better than any of the recent tales games.

While you're not wrong that FF13 was probably the weakest installment, no other entry has been anything less than enjoyable.


I don't count MMOs in the mainline

berseria is better than 15, but it's not amazing either. It did get the shit taste of zesteria out of my mouth, I'm still plagued by 13 after 15

>While you're not wrong that FF13 was probably the weakest installment, no other entry has been anything less than enjoyable.

I think you forgot the part where there were 3 of them

Sorry, I got the real activity list here since you seemed to have misplaced it OP.


Sorry I'm not a rich fuck.


>When Steam has become synonymous for PC now

no it isn't, it's megami ibunroku. Are you pulling my leg or what?
The first devil summoner was indeed called shin megami tensei: devil summoner in japan, but that one also spawned its own line of sequels and spinoffs.
You're never going to beat my megaten autism tbqh

I should probably switch tf2 and paladins

Only patricians will know

Sup Forums still hating Overwatch because its popular?

I meant the first Persona game you double fuckwit, which is titled 女神異聞録ペルソナ (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona) in Japanese

Traps are love.
Traps are life.

It's mostly nostfags and people who cling to f2p like Paladins and TF2 shit, along with brazilians and MLP fanboys, pay them no heed

listen user, you aren't wrong, but you must be a dipshit if you need to post your collection to make yourself feel better

fuck off

This is true




Muh nigga