911.00 hours on record

>911.00 hours on record
>Not recommended

that's destiny for me

How will you know it's shit if you don't get deep into it?

What's the correct playtime to not recommend a game?

IGN says less than an hour if it's too difficult.

depends on the duration of the game

>game that is 8 or 9 hours long if you do absolutely everything
>have 99 hours in it
>have posted in the forums and people asked me how i could play the game so much


>early access/beta
>tons of fun as experimental new content is constantly added
>community is enjoyable as a lot of people aren't apart of the beta or not willing to spend money on an incomplete game
>Devs simi-listening to feedback
>game is out for over a year
>suddenly devs take a new approach
>fuck up all the fun content and add shit that ruins hundreds of hours of work/enjoyment
>game goes gold, has a sale, attracts tons of cancerous people
>game isn't what it was anymore, will never be again
>1200 hours on record
>not recommended

There, now fuck off with this daily thread.

>0.15673 seconds on record
>this game stinks
>2.7 millennia on record
>this game stinks

I assume the IGN answer is, a number of minutes equal to the number of dollars the publishers paid IGN for advertising.

Both responses are equally valid.

What game?



5-25 hours probably

Who would you trust more, someone who's played for 100+ hours telling you it's shit or someone who played for three hours telling you it's GOTY and literally Citizen Kane?

>really enjoy game
>fun as fuck
>gets an update
>game is no longer fun in its current state

Does the fact that in games which haven't changed much there are still people like that delude you. So not every game fits the thread, just because there are exceptions doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

This. Fuck off with this stupid thread. Probably bait.

I wish I had the free time to dedicate hundreds of hours to a game I don't even like.

Depends on how much time you expect to get out of the game desu

It's shit senpai

It doesn't take much effort to find these kinds of reviews on games which haven't had large updates, so how does the fact that some games have updates invalidate that?

I read books till the end all the time just to have a proper general perspective to confirm they are bad.

The more hours you have put in the game, the more reliable your review of the game more often than not is.

>100 hours into using heroin and blowing men for money
>wouldn't recommend it

Well I've played runescape since 2003 and I wouldn't recommend it.

Not only has the game changed a million times since then, there have been factors beyond the game itself like my addictive personality and having no friends in the summer that kept me playing.

If I recommended it, I would be lying if I said enjoyed all them hours.