Is this the truth?

Is this the truth?

Other urls found in this thread:

No OP you are stupid!

Is this video games?



Is this five the truth?

No, but this three is

Use sage you faggots

Bumping just to spite you

newfags dont know what sage is user

So from this, am I to infer that mlp = libcucks?

Seems about right. Not vidya though.

Aren't most libs not white?

commit sudoku Sup Forumscuck


At least in terms of endearment, yes.

Sup Forums is a fucking cesspool of hatred and scorn towards other Anons, and /mlp/ really they're more wholesome and all want to fuck each other.

You can't deny this.

Sup Forums is OBSESSED with Hilldawg

Sup Forums runs this shit nigga. I'm sorry you plebs can't accept the truth.

We run dis shit.

I dont even watch mlp, but damn their porn is so fucking good.

I have like 2000 images saved.


How do you pronounce sage?


That is grossly overestimating the intelligence of Sup Forums

That's still being degenerate.

My dubs will guide you

Flip it upside down

>Sup Forums

Where are you going with this?

>mfw Sup Forums is always right

>before mlp
>didn't like horsecocks
>after mlp
>fucking love horsecocks
mare vag is fine too.

The pic got it right, you talk like a brainless nigger

pathetic shitposting, let's try this one more time

If by "run" you mean basically burning the country down then yeah... you run this shit.

We'll make sure to hold you all fiscally, socially, and criminally responsible for all the damage when we regain control in four years. There were so many warning signs and you willfully ignored all of them. Can't plead ignorance to that.

Keep hating while we keep winning cuck boys you will all hang soon enough


>this delusion

Ban all horsefuckers

How do you like paying more for vidya?

I hope this happens. Trump's antics are funny but it would be fucked up if the repubs got off scott free for bowing to such a retard.

I miss when /mlp/ was fun

Weren't you doxxed about four months ago? Why are you still doing this?

check my fucking 9

eye am the stronkest

Let him have his fun, this website is a safe space for him

I'm not worried. A.) I don't live in a shithole state B.) I CC so start shit with me at your own risk


>Sup Forumsfags

>mfw /trash/ activates my almonds