What is the absolute shittiest city/town you know of?

What is the absolute shittiest city/town you know of?

My friends and I have to make a game for a class. We're going to do a survival/crime hybrid but need a good setting. A place that's run down, crime infested, dangerous, but is actually still inhabited.

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Detroit isn't even that bad, plus it's going through a revival due to all the hipsters.

Source: am a hipster that moved to Detroit two years ago

Cowloon walled city

but it was already in the new Deus Ex


gary indiana

Came here to post this

Paris, France

detroit or east LA

Camden, New Jersey
Gary, Indiana.
East St. Louis, Illinois
Utica, New York
Lagos, Nigeria.
San Pedro Sula, Honduras
Manila, Philippines

Norilsk, Russia

It also happens to be the coldest city in the world at -55°C, and has two months of complete and total darkness each year.

Norilsk, Russia

Most polluted city on the planet and it's also in the arctic circle

Jesus fuck, i knew Russia had some shitholes but i didn't know it was this bad.

Vallejo, California

arguable the only place in California worse than Bakersfield


Englewood, Chicago

any south american capital
except chile, they're rich

The antelope valley, it's just north of Los angeles
Hundreds of track homes were built before the housing bubble burst and all of these homes were donated to section 8. All the black folks in LA waiting for a free house suddenly had homes and brought there friends/families. The only jobs out there are aerospace and retail so now there are thousands of jobless nignogs fucking everything up everyday.

Do you read the NYT too?

Fresno, California

Complete shit hole. When I was there I was given a leaflet in the airport not to trust little old ladies who invite tourists to their house for tea- because they take the tourists back, give them drugged tea..and the tourist wakes up naked, raped, beaten with all belongings gone 36 hours later. Touched down, got my luggage, hailed a taxi, took me to my hotel, we're sitting there right in front of the hotel with cops nearby and the cabbie turns around, points a gun at me, and demands $100 (it was a roughly $25 ride per the meter). I give him the money, get out, he's still parked there trying to pick up other riders, so I tell the cops he robbed me at gunpoint. They just shrugged. At least he was nice enough not to demand all my money and belongings.



Fuck you I'm in Fresno right now, it's a paradise compared to the AV

no other counties can compete with russia in terms of terrible climate
temperature ranges is from -30 to +30


Came here to post this.

Another example is Kadykchan, I'm pretty sure it still has plenty of gopniks.

There's a place in northern Russia, can't remember the name, where everyone is unemployed. Literal 100% unemployment. There's nothing there and everyone just drinks the cheapest booze, trying to kill themselves with it. Nothing else to do. If you go there the first thing you're likely to see is some toothless granny offering to suck your dick for vodka. That's a true shithole.

Plenty of other shitty places on the planet of course. Africa has villages where everybody has AIDS and every girl gets raped before they're 10. Don't see those in the travel ads.

This. definitely Gary is an absolutely irredeemable shithole

Downtown boi?


People drink "bath oil" because it's cheaper than vodka and then go blind and die. They also cannot afford meat.


Surprised San Bernardino wasn't named.

I live near San Bernardino

ayy my indianabros

Seriously though gary is the detroit of indiana. awful, terrible place to be.

ottawa ontario

>most polluted city in the country, possibly the world
>completely frozen year round
>literally a gulag for most of it's existence

jesus christ

Karachi, Pakistan

t. meth addict

Gelsenkirchen, my hometown. It's completely in the hands of gypsies, albanian clans and turkish families.

englewood chicago. nobody is topping this one.

Moston, Manchester, North West UK.

Any western city with population above 100000


Have them do a chav riot survival simulator.