Play resident evil 7

>Play resident evil 7
>Bored out of my mind because it's literally just jump scares with no need for actual skill
>Game feels completely un-interactive
>"The family" isn't even interesting
>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
>This is essentially an outlast rip-off.

It doesn't even really feel like a resident evil game. Where are all of the zombies? It's more like I'm playing silent hill than trying to survive a horrific prelude than anything.

god youre fucking retarded. it's literally classic re except in first person

Why did you post this again?

It's classic RE, but it's heavily antiquated.

>It doesn't even really feel like a resident evil game

Spoken like a fucking baby whose first RE was 4.

>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror

No it fucking wasn't, it was an action game any way you slice it.

there is that meme again

video games aren't a replacement for your failure of a life

>heavily antiquated

Nothing is more "heavily antiquated" in this industry than shooters, and yet your OP is praising a shooter to high heaven like it's something unique.

I said skill, but I really mean difficulty.
There's no dopamine to be had in clicking like a brain dead invalid and hitting space bar when appropriate.

The melee system should at least be on par with condemned if they're going to force me to engage enemies.

Nothing but a bait thread. OP ignorant. so ignorant....they all ignorant.

I'm being completely sincere.
This is not a joke.

This game sucks.

You saved best girl, didn't you?

>dat ass
zoe is a fat pig, so yes, I did save best girl.

it was just way too casual

It isn't even jump scares

All of the scenes are more comical then scary

yeah i remember those forced cutscenes of a CREEPY character grabbing me by the face and screaming directly into the camera in the classic re games

they used to pander directly to VR faggots back then too

You just hit the nail on the head.

This game is terribly casual and bland.
Sure, it's classic RE, but it's also not intrinsically a good RE game just for hitting that criteria.

The setting is poor.
The scares are cheap when they're there at all.
There's nothing really engaging about it, and the puzzles are terribly easy.
The family (the primary antagonists in the game) are too campy/cheesy to be scary.

It sucks.
You can feel yourself being strung along as you play. It's more like watching a movie than playing a video game.

>I'm not a troll, I'm just an idiot

>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
>It doesn't even really feel like a resident evil game. Where are all of the zombies?

Marvin basically did do this in re2 when he turned. Also the licker in the interrogation room and Mr. X on the camera at the factory are similar jumpscares. And that fake door loading screen where theres two zombies behind the door.

>look mom, i posted it again

>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
That's not dead space

I believe the only thing that would make this game playable/worthwhile is a VR headset, and that's for the sheer novelty of it.

I give it a 5.5/10.

It's ok.


game started out pretty strong, but kind of got meh as it went further on. Still decent though

also what happens to zoe if you decide to save mia?

OP is mad he can't afford a Pro with VR.

This game is one of the most visually immersive games I've ever played. And while it could have been harder, or have like one more enemy type (since the fat guys are boring), it was still a real thrill to play.

There is no good reason to boot up RE7 when you could boot up a myriad of other, better horror games.

I've had it.

I'm going back to playing bad company 2.


>There are better games in the same genre guys

Then why bother playing anything? Why play re3 when you could play re2? Why play dmc4 when you could play dmc3?

lucas kidnaps and rapes her

You can lie to yourself all you want, it's not a real resident evil game. It's literally REvelations in first person.

Hard to be scared of something you can blow through on the first day


she dies immediately and you have to kill infected mia later on

No and I regretted it. Of course when I reloaded that save after beating the game I was disappointed.

Dude stop replying to yourself.

So that's what he looks like.

The game was enjoyable from the beginning until Jack is "killed off". It gets mediocre then onwards.
Lucas's parts do have some good camp moments though

So is this anything like classic RE? I've played them all and they're games where you dodge zombjes and blow up heads and get cool guns.

Would I be disappointed by this?

>So is this anything like classic RE?

>Would I be disappointed by this?
Not until you get past the mid way point

there's little to no gun porn and enemy variety in re7 unlike re2/3/cv
The central part of the game has similar exploration to older re games (as in find certain keys to open more doors and get a key item to solve a puzzle to unlock more rooms) but it's around 1/3 of the game, the rest of it is extremely linear

So it's just puzzles and exploration? This fucking meme needs to die that was the weakest part of these games.

fuck outta here and go back to playing cawaduty

>he didn't fix the double barrel shotgun

I had the weirdest fucking dream about these assholes. Like, the guys in that fucking house. I don't even know much about the game, let alone the series. I just know the basic plot of the game. And I don't even think it qualifies as a nightmare.

I just ended up in their fucking house, except it was in my city. They wouldn't fuck with me or anything, they just acted super passive aggressive constantly. And like in the game, regrew limbs and shit. Except the fucked up part? Whenever I'd try to escape, which I usually would, I'd just somehow magically end up BACK in their fucking house.

It was like a fucked up Groundhogs Day except with some super passive aggressive rednecks with regeneration abilities. I didn't know what the fuck TO DO. There was a sports car there, I think the dad tried to have sex with me but like, not rape? He was trying to get me to consent.

I'm a dude.

I don't fuck dudes.
And I especially don't fuck REDNECK dudes.

>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
RE4 was literally action from beginning to end. Both RE4 and RE7 both contain sections where its nothing but action after action sequence especially towards the end of the game.

I did, so what? Would you compare that to all the gun porn in re2, 3 and cv? Those games even had multiple unlockable op weapons while re7 only had the circular saw and the albert.
I'm not shitting on re7, just stating a fact


Played RE before you were born, kid.


Did they ever say what happened to Lucas or did I miss something? I expected more than a "puzzle" I already solved for his section.

not really, only the central part of the game is puzzles and exploration with occasional enemy encounters (which are few and far between).
The beginning is basically a long scripted sequence with jumpscares and the ending is a linear corridor shooter which isn't that fun considering that there's three recurring enemies total in the game and one of them is a mini boss of sorts

What do you mean jump scares? The game more often than not has audio queues when somethings going to come out, and the legitimate jump scares number less than 5

I liked RE 4 but why do people act like it was scary?

>it's literally just jump scares
try again

>not playing jack's 55th birthday

So does anyone else want to fuck Eveline or is that just me?

Old Evie or Young Evie?

yeah i wish it'd have more foot fetishism

the first password lucas suggested was just an anagram of the actual password

the LOSER solution is every single lock digit scrolled down OR up 5 times exactly.

i'd make her a part of the family if you know what i mean

Yo, this same topic was put up weeks ago with the same comments that started this thread the exact same image as well. Spewing bullshit.

The Loser solution, they said, was to make it easier for speedrunners since that part is kind of pointless on replays.

The balloons in that room also have a set spawn pattern if you go straight to the room, but are more random if you do anything else first, for the same reason.

no thanks

There is a range for the right mix

re4 was more the campy horror that knows its campy, but also knows how to get to you.

dead space was the horror movie that takes itself to seriously but still manages to get you.

So Zoe dies regardless whether you cure her or leave her?

>itt: if you dislike RE7 you're a samefag

>>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
Shit ones.

If you don't cure Zoe, you just never see her again. It's safe to assume she dies. If you cure Zoe, she dies literally 30 seconds later, meaning the cure didn't work on her. Zoe is the bad ending, Mia is the good ending.

well it's not specifically stated if you leave her and there are two story dlcs coming, so she might be fine
She dies right away if you pick her though

That sounds terrible. $60 saved I guess.

The most annoying thing in RE7 is the dialogue and enemies

Even the first RE had a bigger variation of enemies
Also why are people perfectly fine with slow walking NON-zombie enemies while slow walking zombies is a nono?

And then there is the dialogue
>Mia, you have to tell me what's going on
>Not now
>Tell me what you know
>I'm telling you everything I know!

>Tell me what you're doing here in the middle of the night!
>Me? What about you?

>REvelations isn't a real RE game
If you said that about REvelations 2, I might believe you.

>buying games directly from steam

I only do that if it's a multiplayer game I am really, really looking forward to
Otherwise I buy from 3rd party sites, saves me 20-30bucks

>If you said that about REvelations 2, I might believe you.

Why? Because you don't like it?


If you said that about RE4 and every game released after that, I might believe you.

The episodic structure of REvelations 2 just doesn't work with the Resident Evil gameplay.

Which Revelations 1 has as well.

Shit wrong opinion.

People who chose Zoe, kys.

Dialog was indeed terrible and some of it cheesy. I did like Jack's lines in the first half though. I guess the mom was done well too, she sounded like a crazy mom.
Ethan though, fucking trash. It's like they hired some guy to read off a piece of paper.

Not sure what you mean by the slow walking crap since the MC runs slow as hell in this game.

>Resident evil 4 was the right mixture of action and horror
you mean 99% action and 1% horror?

so why is Revelations not a real RE Game?

I never said that.

I have no way of knowing if you're lying or not.

>literally the only helpful person in the game
>didn't chainsaw your hand off
>at the moment of choosing she's the one who could help you more in figuring out the cure
>didn't help create little girl BOWs behind your back

I stand by my first playthrough choice

Too far, I see you like fucking with dolls but this is the end for you, cunt, cure or not

REVII threads are terrible.

I didn't make that post.

And you still haven't explained why Revelations 2 somehow doesn't qualify as a resident evil game because of it's episodic nature when Revelations 1 is the same. Revelations 1 is even more fragmented than 2 in that regard.

And no the fact that all of Rev1's content came out at once is not an argument, has nothing to do with both of them as full games.

nigga what

confirmed homo

>you still haven't explained why Revelations 2 somehow doesn't qualify as a resident evil game
I never said that

>If you said that about REvelations 2, I might believe you.

You implied it.

that wasn't me

only marketer-kun claims this shit is good.

>back to the roooooooots!
>it's just like RE1!!!!
>it's better than 4, 5, 6!!!!

Yeah you did.

>back to the roooooooots!
>it's just like RE1!!!!
in a loose sense yes, you traverse a house and look for keys to open more parts of the house
>it's better than 4, 5, 6!!!!
it's not better than 4, it is however better than 5 and 6

prove it


Maybe play more than 15 minutes senpai. Game is absolutely nothing like Outlast.

Do you want me to start posting with a tripcode so it's easier to keep track of?