Nearing plat

>nearing plat
>get a streak of bad luck
>rank drops into bronze territory
>just had seven matches in a row where my team would run off one by one into the enemy team, dying alone, and completely ignore any attempt to group up
>and yet there are still people who swear on their life that rank is a measurement of skill
>people who bold face lie that they got to master alone
it's a measurement of luck when playing solo

Competitive play would only be available to teams of 6

Pretty much
Solo queue I have an almost exact 50% win rate, I group with a couple of decent players and it's around 80%
Solo queuing is complete and utter dogshit.

Rank is a measurement of how likely you are to have bad teammates. The higher your rank the less likely you'll see a Sombra main or attack Bastion. Even in top 500 you'll see dumb stuff but more often than not you'll be playing the meta and most of the time people tend to group together and communicate.

>people who bold face lie that they got to master alone
I did

>D.Va player lets the whole team die to Pharah Rocket Barrage
>I didn't see it happen since I was already dead but I immediately tell the D.Va that I better see them using shield matrix in the play of the match replay
>"I was almost dead though I didn't have time to react"
>Replay shows the team hit by Rocket Barrage at full health with harmony orb on top of D.Va and she's shooting straight ahead instead of at the Pharah above, shield matrix comes out right before mech is destroyed
>Check their profile
>70 fucking hours on D.Va and several minutes with 2 other characters
>Call them out on it
>"But I got gold medals in objective time and objective kills and that's what's more important"

>"But I got gold medals in _______ and _______ and that's what's more important"

ELO is a terrible fucking thing to have when you remember it was invented for 1v1 chess matches
Individualized point setting is the only thing that could save MOBAs and OW

Overwatch is about leveling up, not winning

if you're going off badge count, you've already lost the game. You need to be selfless as fuck and be willing to do stupid shit to help the team

>ITT: Autists rage at the most casual shooter released in the past decade

off yourselves

This isn't CoD

Wow its almost as if in a team game you can't actually measure skill properly if you don't que as a team

Hate that fucking reasoning.

If someone's got gold medals it means they're doing a better job at whatever they are doing that the other guy in the same role, assuming it's a 2-2-2 meta.

If the Bastion has the three gold he's supposed to have then maybe instead of screaming for report because you lose you should switch the fucking 76 who's been touching his dick for five minutes.

It's worse.

and at least CoD knows what it is. Overwatch kiddos like to pretend they're hardcore, without realizing they're just playing TF2 with tits.

>focus on kills, ignoring teammates completely
>teammates are getting picked off because the enemy team is actually working together
>end the game with three gold medals
>but you did absolutely nothing helpful the whole match
This is why people hate Widowmaker
This is why people hate Hanzo
Because their kit encourages the player to ignore everything besides a possible kill

You are singlehandedly throwing the match because you refuse to be a team player.

>and yet there are still people who swear on their life that rank is a measurement of skill
>people who bold face lie that they got to master alone

how i know you're garbage. i played on a smurf for one day and went from 2400 to 4000.

>but you did absolutely nothing helpful the whole match
Except killing the most enemies both on and off the point, and doing the most damages. But I'm sure that didn't help.

Now read the whole post instead of cherry picking

>rank is a measurement of skill
This is absolutely false.
Everybody knows that.
But then, you see these diamonds or lowmasters trashtalking plats or anyone below their "lol i'm actually good now" threshold which is always basically 10sr more than their rank thinking they're hot shit because they got into that rank by pocket mercying a 6 stacks of grand masters.
Yeah, sure, you're master with 90 hours of mercy all by yourself, soloqueueing.
We're all going to believe that.
Overwatch has probably the worst competitive mode of all time.
And you have literally no reason to play that shit unless you really want your golden guns skins.

I don't know what's worse about this game, the fact that the MMR/ELO system is a complete trainwreck, or the fact that the /vg/ board is almost an unaproachable area of just circle jerking and backpatting "everyone else sucks but me"

Granted, in the higher ranks you should start getting worried when you see an enemy choose an unusual pick.

There are people that main one character, no matter how bad they technically are, and do good with them in every map, every situation.

>using this shit app and not understanding how it works

"Grandmaster" doesn't mean you play at a Grandmaster level, it's from 1-100 based on their own scale. You're still bad.

>Teammates are shits and getting killed
>This is somehow my fault

Maybe if they weren't bad. You're describing an hypothetic situation where you assume that the guy with gold kills did so by chasing every baiting Genji for 5 minutes while his team got massacred, but how often do you actually see that happen? Basically fucking never.

But I'm sure you were more useful to the team because you killed that Mercy once before I ulted and killed 4 others guys, good job!

Now read the whole post instead of cherry picking
>inb4 he tries to do it for a third time
you're in the wrong no matter how many times you try to say you're right

That's objectively false.
This isn't a 30vs30 game, killing someone has a big impact on the game, especially if they're supports.
I see no reason why people should get fucked over by retards when they're singlehandely carrying the game.
It does, actually.
You fail to understand how Oversumo works, as it isn't pulling that shit outta its ass, it is based off the same calculations masteroverwatch and overbuff work with, which is roughly an estimate between all the profiles.
These are the stats of a grandmaster player who plays on a grandmaster level.
SR means nothing.
If you think only your SR should be taken into account you're purposely defending 6 man stacks and retards who exploit the matchmaking.
Soloqueue is a lottery in this already deeply flawed competitive mode.

Now read the whole post instead of cherry picking

Exactly what did I ignore. Do I need to quote your whole post, letter by letter, so you would understand my point, you retard?

Fuck, imagine having an opinion this strong about a video game.

>Exactly what did I ignore.
You're going off about how everyone but you is bad, ignoring the entire point of the post

Your kills are doing nothing unless you're killing the right people
>killed the enemy junkrat five times
>gold eliminations
>enemy team still caps the point because their junkrat wasn't a problem

>Reins earth shatter can't get a pharah if shes off the ground
>But it can get any player thats sitting on the cart
This is what pisses me off. So many of the ultimates are literal game changers.

>Your kills are doing nothing
>Kills 3 people
>It actually did nothing

In which world?

and this is why you will never improve

But this is completely false.
You're fabricating new hypothetical episodes to prove your already flawed argument.
How is not killing people not beneficial to a game's outcome?
At first it was just killing people, now it's just "the right people".
Yeah, sure, lets remove all the assault heroes or anything that can kill stuff and lets just stick with tanks and- oh wait, that's exactly what happened.
You can you bet your sick sack of shit that they're going to address this and fix the tank meta away.
Personal performance is what truly matters in terms of skill, since Overwatch isn't that complicated in terms of teamplay, as it revolves around doing ult combos and keeping the supports safe.
Mechanical skill and situation awareness are what most grandmasters and top 500 actually have.
It doesn't help that most people are required to play heroes whose skill ceiling is very low, like Rein or Mercy, to really make everything work.
If SR was dictated by your personal performance and not wins\losses, you'd see how quickly the meta would change, as using the same cookiecutter unswappable heroes like rein and zarya would be ultimately pointless, as you get nothing in return.

>do the best on my team
>get 4 gold medals
>make clutch game changing plays by stopping enemy ults
>we still lose
>team blames me because I chose soldier 76

Literally fucking kill yourself. What the fuck are the other 5 teammates doing? Why the fuck do you exist? Nothing pisses me off more.

>it's a measurement of luck when playing solo
t. bronze player

I know that feel.
There is no excuse for this kind of shit.
It's frustrating, bullshit and pretty much flawed in every possible way.
And you can see all these shitters in this thread who got carried to diamond maining lucio\rein\ana defending it.
For they wouldn't be even at bronze, because they can't aim.
What are you expecting from lol\dota2 babbies.

>overwatch takes skill
>ranking entirely dependent on your win/loss ratio


I chose soldier or Roadhog specifically so I can heal myself or my teammates because they fucking suck.

My main is almost GM, my alt is higher than you with about 8 hours in competitive and I only solo queue on my main. Pretty sure you just need to git gud.

It's the same ranking system as LoL or Dota2.
That's why shitters from these games are defending it.

I climbed from 2400 to 3700 by playing pharah 98% of the games and only in a couple of weeks, mostly just solo que.

Now tell us what you main, not just your rank.
Lets all laugh at you. :^)

this thread is full of retards that need to get good

>team game
>git gud

Thanks you too ;^^^)))

You are the reason Blizzard keeps doing this and ignores feedback.

this isn't league of legends

get good

>be shitty player who can't improve
>just tell yourself game is purely based on luck and you have no influence on what rank you play on
shitters really have the best mental gymnasitcs

Zarya S76 Ana Rein

A shit load of Rein though. I realized I could carry myself out of Diamond by just being better than the other Rein mechanically.

out of curiosity, have ever spend a minute on thinking what the alternative would be?
The only one is to have individual scoring after a game which just leads to people playing for their own stats no matter how the game is going.

>I'm playing perfect all of my games, it's just my team that's bad!

What does blizzard does with this level feedback? Tell me. It's true that you will get trolls or just uncarryable games but if you play enough you will either climb by making a significant impact or you will hover around a certain bracket if you aren't as good as you think you are.

Well time to stop playing competitive. Let the "good" players remain.

the system is shit but you can climb if you know what to abuse and how

The game IS trash, but that's not the reason for not being able to climb. You think it was easy and enjoyable playing fucking Pharah?

>The only one is to have individual scoring after a game which just leads to people playing for their own stats no matter how the game is going.
There are two different possibilities.
Either you put a legit, working and 100% accurate Elo system that promotes individual scoring over team scoring, or you just add a group finder.
Elo system in detail:
>10 placement matches calculate your actual skill and behaviour with heroes and give you a certain rating
>playing better than that rating increases you SR, playing bad lowers it
>this means that going lonewolf will not drastically increase your SR, cooperating with your team and getting good combos while also having an immense amount of mechanical skill is ultimately what wins overwatch matches, everybody will be satisfied, people who get 5 gold medals carrying the game and high competitive 6 stack groups
>with this method you automatically fix griefers, leavers and afkers, for they are ruining their own game, not everyone's else
>winning and losing matches should still be a focal point, playing good and winning a match translates in a lot of SR, playing good and losing a game means gaining very, very, very small amounts of SR, literally a 10th of what you would usually gain
>this applies with losing matches as well, if you did jackshit and lose a game, get ready for a big amount of SR getting removed, if you did jackshit but still win the match, you should get very abysmal amounts of SR, this fixes actual retards maining braindead heroes like rein\anything else that isn't a mechanical skill class being carried hard by actual pro people, especially in 6 stacks
This is the only possible way with Elo.
If you're actually good and playing good, your whole team will benefit with it, as despite what most shitters are saying in this thread, mechanical skill and situational awareness are the real deals.
If you're not, you dont deserve to be carried in diamond or higher just because you played lucio and spammed heals.

Either this or just add a group finder, like in pretty much every other blizzard game.
Soloqueue is literally a fucking lottery.
Add a group finder stuff where you can actually look up for members who are specialized in certain heroes and play with 6stacks who are tinkered very well.
>oh hey there is this dude who is up to play rein\and healer
>oh look there is also this genji main with 5000 hours on genji rated grand master in s1 and s2
>oh what's this, a bronze junkrat? nah fuck off
This is it.
It works.
I still don't understand why they're allowing soloqueue and 6v6 groups to play together.
No other game has this.
This is actually not a very good idea, as it could possibly have even more flaws than the current system, since people would be way more elitist, as seen in other blizzard games as well, mainly WoW, but it would ultimately be better to organize groups and play comp for what it is: a competitive mode where people aim to win, not just a stupid lottery.

I purposely get into high ranks only to lose a game on purpose. Nothing is sweeter than the sound of crying fags about to go down in rank and there is NOTHING they can do about it. Some people legit get emotional.

And my system would also fix retards like this baiting idiot.
Why it is so hard for blizzard to implement such a basic thing.

>you dont deserve to be carried in diamond or higher just because you played lucio and spammed heals
Oh boy lets just dump certain heros into the trash because they don't register as high impact.
That worked well last time.

you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
Elo is PURELY based on rating, win expectations and match outcome (and uncertainty when ranking in).

Pretty much all games with a ranking system do implement elo at least in an abbreviated form, meaning they alter the original elo algorithms so they can set the range of rating and speed you climb/drop and apply this to a team wide rating calculation.

all this idividual scoring nonsense is completely bullshit because of the complexity of it.
the more complex a scoring system is the easier it gets to manipulate it. This shit lead to poeple doing dumb shit just to boost shit like healing damage done.
And these systems can never factor in things like timings and situational awareness etc, anything that doesnt give a direct game correlation.

You'll get bloated stats by fighting exclusively against shitters/bads.

You deserve grandmaster with Lucio if you're dspstanky, not if you're getting carried by your 6 man of actually good players.
It would still be miles better than what we currently have, which is flawed and stupid.
Out of the two evils, the lesser prevails.
Hardly, you should also get paired with people of the same skill level, if you're better than them you will play good, if not you won't.
It isn't rocket science.

>>nearing plat
>not being at least plat by default

>I should be in master I swear! Look at this stat app as proof!

>Hardly, you should also get paired with people of the same skill level, if you're better than them you will play good, if not you won't.
>It isn't rocket science.
And the way to play against shitters is by being a shitter yourself.
Farm those stats senpai.

this app is so fucking dumb

I could tank my SR and farm complete shitters and have stats better than top 500s

How it is so hard to understand?
Are you thick?
If my stats are close to the 1%, so grandmasters, i see no reason why i shouldn't actually be a master if i'm literally carrying every round and losing just because random retards decide to go 6 dps.
Gaining or losing SR based on victories and defeats it's bullshit.
And there is virtually no argument against this.
>muh teamgame
Not an argument.

You can't just drop yourself to bronze and then get matched to grandmaster because you have good stats thanks to shitters.
It would be procedural, not immediate.
If you manage to beat grandmasters, or at least be at their level, you're grandmaster.
That's it.

you need to realize that the stats a grandmaster gets in a grandmaster game are in a COMPLETELY different environment hence not comparable.
Getting charge kills on retards is easy as taking a shit. getting charge kills on other grandmasters is not.

>team game
>competitive ranking
>don't or can't play with a 6 man team

Defend this

You are so absolutely full of yourself that you'll never be able to actually improve because you're totally incapable of realizing that you aren't nearly as good as you think you are.
If you think you should be in grand master but you aren't, then you shouldn't be in grand master. End of story.
I knew Sup Forums was trash at Overwatch but wow

These two oversumo screens were taken after the placement matches.
You'd be right if my stats suddenly dropped when i got paired with masters, but they didn't.
Yet i lost the remaning games thanks to my teammates, so i got placed at diamond.
This is bullshit.
And i will not tolerate this.
If you're a shitter and like this system, then you're part of the problem, as you're just eating what casual babbyshit tier of mode blizzard is forcefeeding us since season 1.

Out of curiosity, what rank does Blizzard have you in, phoneposter?

>you're so full of yourself meme
I don't play comp, at all.
Because of these reasons.
System's flawed, stupid and frustrating to play.
I'm not going to be the caretaker of 5 other retards because the system is an actual lottery.
I could easily keep playing and reach grandmaster by myself, but i don't because it is absolutely disgusting to play comp.
It is utterly fucking frustrating and not fun.
It's pure fucking luck.
Luck isn't something you can force-squeeze fun from.

>you'll never be able to actually improve
There is hardly any improvement when 90% of the game is luck.
How do you want people to improve themselves over luck? Make rituals to not get shit teammates?

You realize wins and losses in placements matches absolutely do not matter right?
You realize that naturally low masters are going to get matched with diamonds right?
You realize if your team is full of retards then you're playing in a retard bracket right?
You sound like you should be exactly where you should be and your ego can't take it.
>This is bullshit
>And i will not tolerate this.
absolutely laughable
stay bad and play a different game if Overwatch is enough to give you conniption fits.

>It would be procedural, not immediate.

>I could easily keep playing and reach grandmaster by myself
>It's pure fucking luck

step up your bait game, son

It's a really simple concept
if you are better than everyone at your rank you will advance.

If everyone in rank X is worth 0-1 point, and you are 2 points, the math will always favor you in the long run.

Yes, there will be games where your team approaches zero, and theirs nears 6, but that isn't relevant to the overall methodology.

ITT people who play soloqueue and rage to gold damage and elim dpsses saying switch please or we lose, and then fucking dont do shit and lose

>your rank you will advance.
Nope because the system is based off team victories, not individual performance.
So i will just lose over and over again because i'm the only one having 5 golds in a team of mouthbreathing retards.
Again, luck.

wait a fucking second, all this autistic screeching is based on barely a handfull of placement matches? Are you literally retarded? stats in general only "matter" if you actually play consistently on a certain level for a considerate amount of time.

>And i will not tolerate this.
kek, what you're gonna do big boy? write angry forum posts? oh wait you're already doing it

Any specific match irrelevant to trends/statistics.

If you are consistently losing, keep in mind that YOU are the only common factor in your games.

>kek, what you're gonna do big boy?
Simply not playing competitive at all.
>stats in general only "matter" if you actually play consistently on a certain level for a considerate amount of time.
Funny that you say that, because that isn't what usually happens, as "lol i'm better than you cuz my rank is higher" is a thing.
And if you're better than them and your SR is lower, they will just call you an aimbotter\cheater.

this game has the most cancerous community im serious

>YOU are the only common factor in your games.
So you want me to ultra-carry these retards, right?
1v6 basically.
Bet my shit you do that every single day with relative ease, you superhuman bastard you.

What range of delusion are you in?

Why do you insist on playing a game heavily dependent on teamplay if you're so defiant of it? Just to reign over everyone beneath you as the king of shitters?
You win as a team. You lose as a team. No excuses.
If you're good, you will rise. If you're bad you will stagnate. Blame it on luck all you like, but you're exactly where you should be.

>try competitive for a few weeks, everyone always mad and only communication is to berate other players for mistakes that they make themselves in the same match
>go back to quickplay, people mostly dicking around with worse aim, but having fun, cracking jokes and enjoying it
>50% win rate either way

If you're not 4k+, why even bother?

Outperforming in a single game is also irrelevant to trends.

In what sense are they 6 when your team is 0? You are supposedly better than them. If that was the case, you would have a statistical advantage overall.

Did someone rape your mother?
I only asked a question.

Only play """"competitive"""" for the more balanced matchmaking, don't care for the rank. It's at least a lot saner than QP and Arcade.

>Funny that you say that, because that isn't what usually happens, as "lol i'm better than you cuz my rank is higher" is a thing.
kek which is basically what you're doing here, complaining that your stats for a few games were good and thus you should be ranked in better than all those "shitters" you have play with now.

fun fact: quick play has pretty much the same ranking system as competetive, you just don't see you ranking

I'm absolutely not defiant about teamplay at all, i actually defend it when it works, and that means all the time.
I'm heavily defiant about retards ruining my soloqueue games because i dont have friends to make 6 stack groups with.
It's frustrating, stupid and unfair.
Why must i get dragged down by random retards who are either afking or griefing with torb in the spawn hammering his turret if someone said mean things to them?
This is just bullshit.
Look, this just got worse and worse, as Sup Forums isn't the best place to talk about these things, but i would really enjoy a system where winning or losing a game isn't 100% of your SR, but more like 50% of it.
It would fix many issues, and it would be a way more enjoyable experience after all, as people would be more focused on what they're doing and not just acting retarded because "lol we lost anyway, so gg gonna throw the game eks dee".
Make it so and i will consume myself on comp and actually have fun with it, instead of just doing my 10 placement matches at the very end of the season just so i can get my competitive points.

>quick play has pretty much the same ranking system as competetive
Of course, there is a reason i'm being paired with high diamond and masters all the time in quickplay, but apparently i'm only a low diamond in competitive.
Fucking bullshit.

Best mode is Arcade: Mystery Heroes.

Sure you can sometimes get screwed by the draw (6 supps vs 6 tanks) but mostly you get a really fun game where you get to play characters you normally shouldn't (if you want a good chance at winning) and experience some interesting synergies. It's the only way I play nowadays.

You're just not as good as you think you are dude. Let it go. Play something else.

so instead of throwing a tantrum about your competetive ranking you could just keep playing competetive and get a higher ranking.
but noo you have to come here and whine like a little bitch about this one time you got ranked in too low after your placement matches and stopped playing competitive instantly.
fucking pathetic

cmon dudes if fistful of frags has better gameplay than this piece of shit you should consider getting a hobby, violin playings is a good hobby and geo cachnigng

I'm guessing you've never played League of Legends

They are literally aids

>you could just keep playing competetive and get a higher ranking.
No, i wont.
Why must i keep eating shit just to prove a point.
I don't give a shit about my rating or anything else, i don't play comp but i'm sure as hell going to be mad over it, because it's stupid, unfair and flawed.
I will not play a mode that is so fucking based around luck and lottery.
There is no point in going any further or try to play it seriously, if what really matters isn't your pure skill but your actual teammates and team composition.
Call me back when the system actually works based on your sole skill.

i have but i have forgotten because i am simply autistic

No system can be entirely accurate with such a small sample size, the longer you play, and thus accrue data, the more accurate it is. This is inherent to statistical analysis. Stop arguing against math.