So why aren't you learning Japanese to play more video games?

So why aren't you learning Japanese to play more video games?
Thank you to the user from yesterday's thread who suggested Hellotalk, it's been quite helpful for applying grammar and learning words."

Other urls found in this thread:


Most Japanese isn't that hard
Classical and things like philosophy are though.

im thinking about it.i was in a local restaurant and a mother called out to her playing child "Mate somthing something and her accent was just like in the shows and very motherly. Im thinking about leaving the west and the US as it is all descending into sjwism and shit.

I'll get back to it tomorrow.

I only have about 200 kanji and 1k vocab kinda learned. I still feel retarded, but I can read parts of my doujinshi at least.

because im not a weeb

No you won't.

Is HelloTalk that useful? It seems like I'm just browsing Facebook statuses. I can't even see what other people have marked as their interest.

Being corrected is a good way of remembering how to grammar good.

but i am

I got kudasai on the bottom image, what's the rest say?

Delete this

I been learning for the past 5 or 6 months. Things are getting easier and can read a decent amount of things but my hearing and vocabulary is not good. I actually been neglecting my studies the past couple of days.

>implying I'm not already learning it.
two years in, things start to click, feels good man.

Because it's nearly impossible to learn

If the cucks at NoA can do it what's stopping you?

Guys aren't that big

Because I'm learning Cantonese instead

Looks like normalfag stuff.

>He's learning how to ching chong ping pong

just turn the ruler around when you measure

Why even bother if i don't plan on living in japan?

To play untranslated vidya.

Just for that? Way to waste my time

>been trying to into nip for years
>still completely incompetent
I wish I had drive, or smarts.

It is. It's the twitter/face book for multiple languages

Learning a new language isn't a waste of time, user.

refer to
I learned Mandarin over the last two decades and I fucking hate every single bit of it. I hate the bullshit history, the people, the modern culture, the music, everything. I also hate Japanese more because of weebs. Maybe Korean is a decent median between the two countries. Cantonese is also useless outside of very specific situations.

Entertainment. No other country puts out as much high quality stuff that appeals to the basement dweller.

Here's an example of what I did yesterday. I watched some GCCX, the latest episode that won't be subbed for months. I watched some variety shows for a good laugh. And I read some NTR kino that was 500 pages long, and will literally never be translated.

There's so much fucking shit in Japanese. Half the shows I like? They've got a decade's worth of weekly back episodes to work my way through. And I wouldn't have ever learned about most of them if I didn't know Japanese, because nobody translates this stuff.



>NTR kino

enjoy living under the 7 goddess overlords.

Because japanese videogames are shit.

What is the best way to start learning?

Ehhh, at least they don't constantly brag about their "5,000 years of history" and claim to have invented everything from wheelbarrows to firecrackers. I barely know shit about Japanese, but lingo in Chinese sounds so awful to me too. Plus, listening to other white people trying to phoneticize tones is the most cringe-worthy thing ever, I just can't explain it. I'll concede that Chinese, because of tones, is much harder than Japanese could ever be. Which is why the U.S. DoD rates Chinese as harder to learn (CAT4) than Japanese (CAT3) to native English speakers.

Hiragana and katakana. Those are the writings used for pronunciation. From there you develop a vocabulary and learn grammar. Check out /djt/ on Sup Forums.

learn the kana, then vocabulary and grammar. try tae kim

Do you want to try for 5 minutes and give up, or do you want to waste a year on it then give up?

I am

Korea is a completely fake, plastic facade of a country. I'd say it's worse than China, because it doesn't even have muh history. I guess it'd be slightly nicer to live there, at least.

Not required to play games and I already know the language

>mfw I'm natively fluent in Japanese and have unrestricted access to both English and Japanese media
Thanks, Mom


I've been to both countries extensively, and please trust me that China is one of the worst shitholes I've ever consistently experienced.

First off, people shit everywhere outside. It's literally Poo in the Loo: Ching Chong Edition in China, particularly on the heavily-populated coastal cities. Secondly, women are absolutely retarded when it comes to sex, yet there are massage parlors where you can listen to women moan and jerk you off for 200 kuai.

Third, the air quality has sharply been incredibly more fuckey and awful since 2007 when I first visited. My teeth look like I smoked a pack all day when I get home, and your clothes never feel clean. It really feels like a shitty, third world country.

Korea can get shitty from the Gobi blowing its sand over there in Spring, but it's otherwise ok. The women are roughly equivalent to Western women in that they're not sexually retarded, and drinking is way more fun than in China. Kind of prefer Chinese women though.

learn kana

complete a grammar guide: tae kim/genki (tae kim if you're a poorfag, genki is better overall)

start reading while keep going with grammar. I suggest every moege out there, they're easy to read and with ITHVNR you can look up for words and grammar point you will have to deepen. read every single day, no exception, for at least 30 minutes, 1 hour if you're NEET. Do you think it's too much? it's 30 goddam minutes, it's literally nothing.

Some people will suggest to you to start an anki deck instead of reading, but I personally think it's a time waste and boring as fuck. But, if you don't like eroge, give it a try, I guess.

For grammar, I suggest to use IMABI at this point, it's very comprehensive.

I also suggest to go to a japanese classroom, it won't teach you the language but it's good for reinforcing the basics of it.

Keep in mind that you'll have to study every single day. no exception.

>being a WMAF kid
I mean, it's fine as long as you never leave the house.

im planning to marry a japanese woman and instill white nationalism into our children

>, I just can't explain it

you don't have to explain anything mate, I'm learning Chinese at my uni, I know what you mean. tone fucking sucks, which is sad, because Chinese grammar is not that difficult (at least at the most basic level).

why I would give up ? Its really that hard or what ?

You got me there. Maybe i'll give it a shot. I've always been interested in what these moonrunes mean

I have an interest in learning Korean, but I can't seem to make heads or tails of it. I can pick up a word here and there, but that is about it. Trying to translate even a single sentence usually ends up being frustrating because of the word order and inevitable idiomatic rodeo (and particle fuckery).
I started to get the feeling expressed by

>Doing Anki
>Learning words
>Learn 電車
>MFW the word stuck out to me when listening to Viva Namida
>MFW I learnt and recognized a word outside my learning.

Well, I'll have you know that I am a translator, so I can play them already.

I basically went: Genki series textbooks + (2 years) > read newspapers and watch news (7 years so far, 4 before I actually became a translator)

I've memorized the meaning of ~600 kanji now, where do I go from here? I already know basic grammar.

>doing monkey work
I'd throw myself off a bridge before I debased myself as a fucking translator.

Depends on where you work, really. As long as you're not doing the same thing every day, it's not bad at all.

not him, but translating is fun

t. ita-eng translator wannabe

>I watched some GCCX, the latest episode

Can you tell me where you watch it from, user?

Considering how godawful their work is, I doubt they know the language either.

I have 80 cards due in Anki and I can't tell the kanji for 9 5 and 7 apart let alone all the retarded ways of counting things with them

Io conosco un po italiano.
Fuck, it sucks that after I forgot about most of the tricky shit like past/imperfect tense and most verbs. At least counting is super easy

I didn't do my reps for three day. For some reason I feel completely burnout and I'm hungry and sleepy as hell . Maybe today.

yeah, tenses are fucked up. and don't get me started with subordinates.

Some dude uploads HD raws on the gaki no tsukai forums

>when you're reading untranslated manga and you completely understand "I want everyone to come in my loli pussy and give me all of your dick milk" and then have a super intense orgasm for the first time

Is Rosetta Stone a decent program to learn Japanese?


>Rosetta Stone
kill it with fire.

Don't you mean stone it?

Thanks for the guide user. I had a similar guide back in high school that had a couple pages of verbs and all the important ones like fare or andare had all the possible combinations when it came to lui, lei, noi, voi, etc.


Thanks user :)

Been learning for about a month with genki and looking for what to do next. I got some kanji book and I'm trying to find a good intermediate textbook.


keep in mind that this guide doesn't take into account irregular verbs (we have many of them too).

How long would it take to learn Japanese or Korean for a reasonably intelligent person who knows multiple languages already?

Two years.

>Keep in mind that you'll have to study every single day. no exception.


Ideally, you should study for at least 30 minutes per day, and also spend time getting used to Japanese in actual practice (games, TV, etc.)

>read every single day, no exception, for at least 30 minutes, 1 hour if you're NEET.
Don't follow this user. Don't be in such a fucking pressure. There is no rush, enjoy the ride. Don't force yourself to do it if you don't feel like it or it will, in time, just make you dislike it all.

You are not competing with anyone for how fast you can learn the language. Just enjoy the fucking ride and make sure you fixate things properly, take your time.


How long would it take for me reading basic shit VN/Manga without looking at a dictionary a million times?

Okey. Any recommendation in games or TV ?

This, so long as you at the very least think about practicing you're still on the right track.
Anything but giving up is the right track.

Because I'd rather learn Korean but I can't justify spending all that time just so I can read untranslated shounen ai/yaoi manhwa from the source. Can I?

>Don't force yourself to do it if you don't feel like it

That is terrible advice. You don't get good at playing an instrument if you only practice when you want to. You practice every day, even just a little, or else it doesn't stick.

You don't have to be in a rush, but you do have to be consistent and persistent.

For games, it's best if you can find something that's fully (or almost fully) voiced. White Album 2 is a pretty good example of that.

As for TV, just find a program about a hobby or interest you have. Anime is actually a pretty good choice, as it's clean, well-enunciated and slightly slower-paced speaking than real-life shows.

And don't worry about understanding absolutely everything at first. The important part is getting used to it, which makes a world of difference in reading/listening comprehension in the long run.

>can't commit for just 30 minutes.

Nah, but I ain't gonna give up.
I got school, work and friends to worry about too but it really just laziness.

Why do some words just not have kanji at all like かなり? Is it because it's an adverb?

I've learned all hiragana and I'm starting on katakana now.

>got school, work and friends to worry
I have those too, this is why if I'm too stressed to study I read eroge.

>Those documents about rituals in Fatal Frame III written in faux old symbolic Japanese.

What a fucking pain in the ass those were. Two years later they're not as bad, but they're still certainly harder to understand than normal, modern Japanese.

I wasn't feeling half your self induced pressure when I learned English, and here I am.

Maybe you can only get shit done if you whip yourself into shape. Not everyone is like that. That are people who just enjoy the ride, take it easy and reach the same goal without having a heart attack.

Hmm, maybe I'll look for some fattywank raw doujins when I feel like masturbating. Make it an experience.

I'm very retarded and have trouble remembering katakana, fuck I remember more kanji and their stroke orders from 6 years ago than any katakana

So how long would it take for me to be able to understand "most japanese" in, say, videogames?

I don't need too, I'm happy buying localized games.

You can get to the point where you vaguely understand things and can look up stuff that you don't in most games within a few months easily, getting enough of the kanji and shit to read ALL of the ones you'll see in games can take years and years though.

>子, Child
>供, submit, present, serve (meal), accompany


Are there any good resources for grammar?

I'm retarded and can't retain information from grammar textbooks as well as I can with vocab through Anki.

Too busy reading manga these days to play video games. There are a lot of good Japanese PSP games to emulate, aren't there? My listening comprehension is pretty average so if the games are text heavy it could be pretty enjoyable.