TP scrolls.

Says so right in the description.

a BKB.

This dick.

Why did they make a merchant look Jewish?

Your finest potions.

Name one jew that isn't or hasn't been a merchant.


Depends on the hero, SWM needs a good ass pounding.

They NEED Nyx.

A good team

>create a religion that threatens to send people to the shadow realm if they don't give money to the church

Jesus was the greatest merchant of them all. He literally sold you words.

he was peddling a bullshit religion. Close enough.

Ah, I see you two are men of intellect as well.

*tips fedora*

>they made fun of muh religion
>better call them fedoras

Hell nigga, I go to church too. If you can't take the heat, get out of the frying pan.

A rollback to 6.83

>wanting people to give money to the church

I've actually got used to 7.XX desu, they just need to fix some talent trees and it's all good.

Prove that he didn't.
Show us some proof, then. Come on. I'm waiting. Where's that proof, user? I'll just be waiting until you post that proof. Is that proof coming up soon? Don't keep us waiting, now!

>prove something didnt happen
You sound like youre from Sup Forums

Im enjoying 7.0 now that mk is nerfed. Talent trees are a cool addition to vary playstyles. Shrines are op

Whatever makes me invisible and lets me blink across the map like every other hero.

To go back to 6.79. Carries that come online in five minutes are not heroes.

You were the one who said he wanted people to give money to the churches. Where is the proof?

Yeah there are lots of snipers amd juggernauts running around getting kills at min 5

hurrrr durrrr 7.00 killed dota DAE???