
I've been playing wow but my guild went to shit so i feel kinda burnt out i need something fresh and new, suggestions?

Play a real game and not mmos you fucking autist

good comment fuck head nice stereotypical bm insult here is one back "kys". All I'm after is suggestions for new games doesn't need to be a mmo but multiplayer games is something i prefer

How about competitive bleach drinking, cuckboi?

you guys are so edgy with you up to date memes

Why so triggered about a game that someone else has been playing?

Just play FFXIV or something.

Warframe's free to play.

For Honor just came out and people seem to like it.

>playing wow legion
You're tainted forever my man. You might aswell find other hobbies that arent related to vidya

I think u will like path of exile

I still like wildstar

also warframe is good

i'm unironically about to re-sub to wow:legion

like i play cs aswell and over watch but nothing just seems to give me that urge to no life a video game anymore i like to be competitive and to be able to play with friends.. also im from Australia so ping can be an issue

dude wow is a great game and re sub is a good idea im just kinda burnt out

I thought it was pretty good until you hit the point of unending grind.

Seriously, this shit is like twice as grindy as vanilla wow.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Suramar reputation? If so you're a god damned idiot who almost definitely never actually played Vanilla.

No, I'm talking about the constant AP and legendary grind along with the fact that most high ilvl gear is rng as fuck thanks to titanforging you complete shitter

Wow...two pseudo-grinds...

Sounds like someone never spent 6 full hours preparing for one raid or desperately farming fire resistance gear in Vanilla.

No, I've only spent half the day trying to get into a raid that gives gear 5 ilvls lower than my average thanks to everyone wanting to be carried and 4 months trying to get a legendary.

That has happened for a long time, its nothing new

do yourself a favor and quit wow. Legion is complete trash

i hates games other people play, my friend.

>get 850 ilvl on my warrior and leave around november since no legendary and no motivation
>come back a few days ago
>just do LFR since kicked from guild
>already 866 ilvl with legendary bracers
>come up with decent looking transmog
>near exalted with factions
>got Power Unleashed achievement and all my artifact traits for fury
>and it got buffed and is top dps
>23 Artifact Knowledge level

Time to be on cloud 9 until they nerf fury in favor of arms. Again...

whats with the really shitty names my man


hehehe KYS xD

no but if you're getting tired of legion, you could always play on a private server. Right now elysium is the shit for vanilla, wrath has some good servers aswell such as Gamer District and even Cata has a good server called Atlantiss