Why do people rate 4 over DmC? The combat is shit in 4


The game is shit in DmC

DmC is shit in general

Not gonna qualify that at all, are you?

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I just bought 4 over DmC. I just didn't like the idea of DmC being a sort of reimagining. I just wanted something that felt like the franchise.

Kill yourself.


DmC has shit bosses. Most of them were just following some gimmick to knock the boss down, then just wailing on them while they sit there for 10 seconds stunned.

>Why do people
Why do you care?
Whos rating are you so anusannihilated about?
What impact does it have on your life?

I find it funny how people shit on nuDante while defending Nero. I mean they're basically the same character. NuDante is Nero: without Kyrieeeee bullshit edition.

Nero bathes.

>play DMC4 after DmC
>barely an hour in and the platforming and puzzles already require more thought than anything in DmC

hello newfag

the platforming is shit. DMC1, shit. DMC2, shit. DMC3, shit. DMC4, shit. DmC, shit.

Gee, I love trying to jump across invisible platforms with imprecise jumping mechanics!
Man, isn't it great how the depth perception is ass in this game?
Haha, the auto long jump is fucked in this part, necessitating that you use Devil Trigger to fly across.
Climbing this crystal structure sure is great, what with how you can't clearly see any of the footings!
What's that? Moving, rotating blocks ON TOP OF imprecise jump controls? Sign me up, baby!
And don't forget everyone's favorite: ceiling spikes!

DmC's platforming is just boring. The earlier games make me want to strangle a crocodile.

Honestly this is something that irritates me about the games. Bayonetta does it too.
Even Ninja Gaiden's occasionally frustrating platforming is at least challenging in a kind of worthwhile way, but these are just fucking annoying and get in the way of the good parts of the game, i.e. the fucking action.

All someone has to do is make DMC4 but with jumping that isn't balls to the walls stupid. Bayonetta was better but the camera/level design is real bad

I honestly found the floating platform section in Bayo1 Chapter 10 more agonizing than any platforming section in DMC, or any action game for that matter. The camera zooms so fucking far out and is consistently at a garbage angle so you can barely tell where Bayo is actually going to land half the time, it's fucking appalling.

I honestly don't remember any platforming parts in Bayonetta to be frustrating, but the one early on in the dungeon in DMC4 with the spikes everywhere and you're swinging around really annoyed me.

Couldn't say. I hate them both. They're my least favorite DMC games. One's a tryhard internet shitfest and the other is half of what is being transformed into a Sengoku with bright colors, super silly actions and overly flamboyant characters.

I tend to stick with 3 and one.

Nero was better designed, had a better voice actor, and actually knew how to banter


Go ahead, royal guard only in dmc 4

Nobody cares

ey so does special edition actually fix needing to get red orbs from breaking furniture for rank, the game being walking 1 direction half a game then turning around and doing it all again in reverse and fighting every boss like 3 times? or does it just throw more characters and thats it

I'd scream for dat ass too