Western video game """"""""""""""""""""womyn""""""""""""""

>western video game """"""""""""""""""""womyn""""""""""""""

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Her expression doesn't change..

>in 5 years they haven't been able to design a better character


They can, they just choose not to.

Because attractive women are bad.


>They can

When have they ever? Miranda's entire design was to be attractive and they somehow turned a knockout mocap ugly.

Bioware can't into faces.

What is OP's gif from? New ME video?

Is this the screenshot from PS2?

Frostbite my fucking ass.

That's fucking dog shit.
Turians are physically stronger than humans and i doubt limp wristed turian would be a bodyguard


s-she looks cute in the skills menu

rape sfm when

Cute, she looks like NuLara

It seems that Bioware fixed the manlet and goblin


>all femshep sfm is her frecklemutant face instead of perfectly fine default face for first 2 games.

At least Miranda had T&A though. FemRyder, Cora, and the asari have nothing.

Combat looks much more fluid though. Writing and shit has always been cringe.

the combat looks fucking stupid

I still can't believe they thought this was acceptable to present

I still can't believe a friend of mine pre-ordered this game

literal kek


All they did was make his waist 3 inches longer.

He still can't reach his own dick.


this is like an evolution of the potato heads in oblivion, bioware is this fucking bad at 3D modelling, they should have just stuck to isometric

legs still too short, knees wouldn't reach collarbone level in this pose

>todd hooking up his buddies to pad their resumes while skimming off the top for lady boi puss

whats biowares excuse?

>baby hands
Choose only one

>those cold emotionless faces

he still looks like an action figure

Cool now he looks like your average every day manlet instead of a retarded homunculi
Still wearing a fucking diaper though

Literally just a change in camera angle and focal length.

>people saying "B-b-buh you can customize them!!"

Despite the fact that within the story the MC has an entire family so its impossible for the customization for any 1 character to go beyond certain limits, ex. old man Ryder isnt possible

This. Some people in this thread are retarded.

bioware is fucking garbage, holy shit.
i havent followed game much but is rhis all because of some sjw bullshit? Is rheir staff made of edgy nuage females nd shit?

How so?

Because I said so, don't question me faggot

Jesus Christ.


Don't worry guys they said that they will "improve it"

what is up with sjw devs and their ugly faces fetish?


What the fuck kind of thing is this to say for a multi-million dollar product?

Why the fuck does this read like a shitty tinder profile. What's wrong with Bioware?

Why are they fucking up so bad compared to Shepard?

>when even a ten year old game has better facial animation
Admittedly they're mostly cutscenes but surely this would've bled into the main gameplay by now?

It's 29 days until release. They can't do fucking shit. LMAO

>it's a bug

Damn, that looks like LA Noire levels of freakiness. Where designers for the body and head are two separate teams and they just stitch them together later.

Remember this shit? youtube.com/watch?v=O0Dp7HeW9vs

Remember how the control scheme on PC made the game unplayable unless you had the patience of a saint?

you can still create your own mc right?

then again maybe bioware probably rigged all the options and sliders so you can't make a cute man/woman so the game is more 'realistic'

I can't look at that male Ryder image without laughing, it's just too perfect.


paycheck when

His head's kind of small, fix that and it's perfect.

Ribcage width of an average male is 2 heads wide so....

Plus he's wearing wearing a suit that thickens the appearance of his body


Slightly exaggerated, beefier proportions are important in making a manlier male hero.

>that underbite

holy shit

There's so much wrong with this animation I don't even know where to begin, somebody got paid good money to do this

left looks like a human being.

Right is a ratchet and clank human with big head mode on.


Small heads for heroic proportions has been a thing since forever user.


They want their art style to be this way on purpose. The way Bane wanted to cleanse Gotham.

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence"

Bioware have never proved they can model or animate well. Assuming they can, but just haven't, is stupid.


>Meanwhile 10 years ago

doesn't matter if you give great tools to a shitty smith, his products are still going to be shit

In this specific case they have admitted to malice.

When EA buys a company they purge all talent, or the talent ends up leaving. Then it's stocked with cheap workers who can do the bare minimum just to save money.

This isn't even touching on the writing and dialogue.

she stole his look

I see no difference between this an OPs

How can you be so incapable of doing something as simple as dynamically aiming a weapon? Even Bethesda gets that right.

>DAI dlc is still fifteen bucks apiece and totals far more than the base game

Oh, didn't know there was a new video. The combat looks nice, actually. Gameplay wise it looks like a good time.

You know what also makes good, memorable characters? Good writing.

>Mag acceleration
>Recoil and shot dispersion

>big ears
>big cheeks
>big eyes
>teeth always showing
>wide nose
Ryder's a Troll

I ask this in every thread: Does anyone remember a youtube video named like a timecode, which mocks Bioware? I believe it was from TORtanic, it must have been Star Wars certainly, as the characters were talking about droids or maybe even to droids. And I believe someone intervenes by saying something along the lines "Get your hands off those droids".

I believe the whole scene was featured in a trailer, hence the timecode in the title of the video, which specifically refered to where the scene in the trailer happened.

>PC master race

>works for Bioware
>uses a quote from Charlton Heston

op pic looks like a blacked edit without the black guy

>that lets her down here.
I think Flynn meant, "...lets her Down's here."

Gross user

>Pointless vague greentext



In all honesty she doesn't look that bad. I'd rather have her look the way she does, maybe with some tweaked facial features and different hair color, than a perfect anime bombshell. Or maybe rather I'd like to be able to choose between the two

>In all honesty she doesn't look that bad.
She looks like she's on healthy botox diet, user.

Anybody know what armor set Sheploo is wearing in the pic? It looks fucking great. Gif unrelated

Not trying to defend BioWare here but I really don't care how the default Ryders look if DA:I's character creation returns.

La noire did a fine job with their character models

My thoughts exactly, user



No matter how ripped Vin Diesel is, you can still see in his eyes that he's a giant pussy

he likes halflings in D&d after all

Wait, you can't customize your character?

At least post best waifu, you dolt

Saw this posted by normies on Facebook change.org/p/ea-games-remove-manveer-heir-from-his-position-at-ea-games?recruiter=2124212&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=des-lg-no_src-reason_msg

>At least post best waifu, you dolt

But that's not best waifu