Dawn of War III thread

Every day until Macha becomes real.


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why have they not announced a release date? What the fuck is there problem

>there problem
Their problem

Why can't you write basic English?

yeah, whats they're fucking problem

your the one with the problem. you should fix it than come back to me

They have to finish the necron DLC so they can release it along side the game.

I see. I'm guessing they're going to go full jew with the factions and sell them total war style then

Is it going to have a linear campaign or will it be like Dark Crusade and Soulstorm?

I really pray for the later

Probably like Dawn of War 2


This weird bait again... Déjà-vu...

Before anyone gets any ideas - this is a troll image, posted in every Warhammer thread to goad anons. Do not respond to it. Do not take it seriously.

it is more like Winter Assault actually: you'll play as Marines, then Eldar, then Orks, then go back to Marines, etc.

Put some effort into your bait

Just let it go, dude


Fair enough


you didn't

I get why you didn't though: there are STILL people stupid enough to get hooked by your shitty image, and one has to make the sacrifice so that fewer anons give you your (You)s

That's SEGA for you.

This is bait

just started Chaos Rising, got past the opening level and now i'm in the Strike Cruiser Retribution.

i have no idea what i want Thule, Thadd, Cyrus and Ava"I hate guardsman, waagh"tus to spec into.

Mostly Thule and Cyrus though. I abused the minigun sweep to clear out nids, but i see Machine Duel and think "might be fun?"

Same with energy for booms. Max energy, instant revivals, melee for explosives to stop being consumable, then as far into ranged as i can.

Let's list off our favourite DoW moments.

>DoW's 1 entire campaign
>Playing as Gorgutz in the Dark Crusade


>This Music

It looks like garbage.

It also looks like they dont have the faintest idea why large-scale battles were wanted so badly in DoW II, and they just added it back in because "it just works."

There's gonna be a fuckton of meaningless DLC

I'll probably still fucking buy it because I'm a hopeless virgin neckbearded fanboy. Fucking god dammit

Well theyre only launching it with three out of the 15 to 20 playable 40k factions.

So yeah, probably full jew.

>3 factions

Goddammit. Fucking SEGA at it again with that ultimate hand rubbing.

too bad is not canon

Technically, there are 8 factions.
>Imperium of Man
>Dark Eldar
>Tau Empire

But when you get into sub factions, like Space marines, the Inquisition etc. I guess that could make up those numbers.

Macha will die this game.


>In combat

>At the hands of her Biel-tan brethren

>Or she will become an Avatar of Ynnead at the moment the infinity circuit is split.

I would say that, generally, the Imperium of Man is usually regarded as seperated into Imperial Guard and Spess Muhreens, but yes, technically it's one unit.

Wonder if they'll add an Adeptus Mechanicus army. That'd be nice.

Too WoWy/cartoony. Skimping on the grimdark. If it plays like DoW and its expansions, I might buy. If it plays like DoW II, then probably not. Also, if it plays like a MOBA, definitely NO BUY.

She's a woman, I don't think these devs are the kind of people that would kill off a current day special needs person. They'll probably kill off a male.

I was hoping to see some that hadn't been done before atleast. Like Dark Eldar or Ad mech

One thing is for certain

She will die a virgin

>Dark Eldar


>I didn't try and find any info about the game and judged it was shit into with the 2 first screenshots
>also, I didn't watch the video that clearly show the scale is much bigger than DoW2

Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Grey knights/sisters/inquisition have always been separate in DoW games.So its three not one.

Even more so in the last few editions which have given rise to Knight titan houses, Militarum tempestus (a whole army of Karkashins!), a full fledged inquisition army, freaking custodes rules.

Chaos is marines and daemons, both play quite differently. Legions are back and different from the marines as well.

Let me join the chorus of all the people lamenting no IG in this fucking game at release

I was saying in terms of lore and not gameplay.

That was my point, lore wise there is only 8, but in gameplay, there is a lot more in just the Imperium themselves.

If only Macha dies some spergs will say it's unfair for the Eldar or something
Either all 3 leaders survive, or they all die imo. And as Gorgutz is known for his escapes I figure they'll all survive

Am I allowed to be excited for Orks? Because I'm excited for Orks.



>that would kill off a current day special needs person
She's too attractive for SJW devs anyway

They made her ugly as shit so they can worship her strong and independent face. They won't kill something they praise.

>tfw getting into DoW3 trailers and stuff
>gets me excited about 40K for the first time in ages
>go do some digging around
>apparently we're in the stages of new rules being teased for release somepoint soon so best not get into it
>hmm I guess I might as well check out Age of Sigmar while I'm at it, I mean those SigMarines looked fucking trash, I'm in for some disappointment aren't I, but whatever I haven't even played Fantasy for nearly a decade so what's the harm
>free rule resources, rules are simple as fuck to pick up and play, no big fucking expensive rulebook to carry around
>very small model requirement, you and a friend can just pick up a box or two and start playing, don't even need to worry about points and balancing
>instead of going full retard, it actually brings back the Chaos that I loved a decade ago that got taken away from me, being able to freely combine chaos warriors and daemons as well as any other Chaos Alliance unit

holy shit I was not prepared for this, this is actually the kind of tabletop game I've been looking to pick up for me and my friend. We've been playing some of GW's remade board games, like the new Blood Bowl, and we just never have the time for big old fashioned fantasy battles that take 6 hours, so AoS actually looks perfect for us.

Thanks Dawn of War!

Orks iz made for....

This is accurate

This is a Warhammer thread. Get out of here with this stupid shit. I don't want to be reminded of SJWs in every fucking thread

It looks so static after DOW2. Models move in perfect sync, they shoot in perfect sync. Spacemarine modles look like lanklets and their walkanimation has them prancing around. Bolters lost their feeling of power. Just a general a downgrade from DOW2 in the feel of the game looks wise.

It seems good after they released the Generals Handbook. I haven't played yet but I got some deathrattle stuff for christmas I've been working on. I think they would sell more models if they put warscrolls online for 40k stuff

Ok, but I want to say one last thing regarding them before I stop completely,

Feminists belong in coffins.

>those helicopters with big ass saw blades attached to them
Even the fucking flying units can engage in melee.

>I think they would sell more models if they put warscrolls online for 40k stuff

I can only imagine it's what they're going to do for the new 40K rules, it's torn down such a huge barrier for entry getting rid of the compulsory huge rulebook and individual army books for AoS, and I'm sure most people who get past dipping their toes in end up buying physical copies anyway for the extra fluff and artwork.

So should I hold off getting my first army then?

Finally found my local Game's Workshop and I am looking to get Necrons.

That trailer made me laugh for some reason.

The Eldar just want their spear and then a fucking circus rolls around.

>Orks: Oi, I want dat! WAAAAGH!
>Space Marines: Fuck Xenos! For The Empruh!

>Bolters lost their feeling of power
>implying there was any feeling of power in DoW2's bolters, other than the OP campaign shit
I mostly agree with the rest of your criticism but come on

the buzzsaw is actually an upgrade for the deffkopta (you have to use scrap to upgrade it - the husk of an enemy vehicle for example)

Humanity belongs in coffins

Fuck off khorne this is human internet

I am personally holding off because it's almost certain from what I've read that they're going to overhaul their structure for 40K to make it as simple to pick up and play as Age of Sigmar. What that means for current armies is very unclear, things could change a lot or very little. New rules always guarantee that armies will start to get updates though, and Necrons haven't been updated for a long time I don't think so could be priority.


Good luck never being angry, IDIOT


I should replay Dawn of War 2 for the Ork campaign. I only played it once as the Blood Ravens to see how Gabriel became chapter master and all I remember was that one scout marine guy who could go invisible and just snipe people without leaving invisibility and I used him to solo entire maps and bases and even a fucking Land Raider boss fight all by himself.

Also a fucking Librarian falling to Khorne because I guess Khorne just didn't give a fuck about his no magic pansies policy that day?

>your the one with the problem

i'll will tell you that the issue lies with you


How the fuck does that thing land?

ontop of as many enemys as possible i would assume



like a hardcock.


>I mostly agree with the rest of your criticism but come on
Not him but the animation/sounds/particle effects don't make these bolters impressive compared to the ones in Dow2.

Like it matters. Posts like yours are a diamond dozen

Pretty much spot on

Is this game worth it?

Fuck off cunt

When the fuel runs out, it WAAAGHs into an enemy*
*everything it falls on is an enemy by default

Wew, that trailer in the OP might have fooled me but now I'm sure, this really looks like a crappy lowrez mod for SC2.

the best sound for bolters is from Space Marine though, hands down


yeah, I'd say definitely worth it if you plan on playing against other people. It is a boardgame designed for 1v1, so if you plan to play against just AI it might not be great.

Blood Bowl is probably my favourite offshoot boardgame that GW does.

Shill detected

Thats what i was talking about more or less. They had nice sound effects and looked good visually

>we live in an age where Dawn of War 3 and Total Warhammer exist

hell yeah, motherfucker

We can't know for sure if it's the good timeline before DoW3 is out but it seems pretty great so far, if we except SEGA jewery


I don't know, the actual gameplay looks pretty lame and generic.

>We are da Emprah's greenest

>but it seems pretty great so far
There must be another DoW3 that I haven't heard anything of.

inb4 monkey's pall/Tzeentch twist

Have you bothered to look into this game at all before opening your mouth?

I mean, I'm not impressed either but it definitely has fuck all to do with DoW2 or fucking Dota gameplay wise.

based on gameplay videos so far its more like warcraft 3 than anything

you've got heroes with unique abilities for each faction that can level and respawn when killed

base building looks to be the same as DoW 1 which was your basic RTS formula of building structures that build specific units or unlock tech levels so you can upgrade your units.

each faction also has an attribute unique to them, with the orks having looting mechanic which upgrades their units in different ways, and the space marines having their units be delivered via drop pod instead of spawning next to their respective structure. im not sure about what the eldar have but its probably going to be some warpgate or stealth based bullshit like the first game.

Wait, Orks don't have a Waaagh! meter anymore? I'll miss that.

Eldar have fleet of foot / battle focus - within a certain range of some building they make, they get a bonus to speed and attack (think creep from starcraft) as well as recover this secondary hp bar called Focus.

Also, their buildings can teleport within that fleet of foot range thing.

So they can literally move their bases around with their army? And get bonuses for being in range?

Dawn of War III: Third Dawn of Eldar incoming

if you ever saw that terribad bond movie tommorrow never dies with the helicopter with the huge ass saw blade thingies hanging underneath it, that's a real thing, they use them for tree lopping limbs on long roads and shit, and that's just a crap ass civilian helicopter with civil construction gear attached to it.

it makes sense for 'orkz' to make a melee helicopter

Completely wrong

fucking hell no. GW sell armies for the price of your firstborn's soul, for a cheap, pathetic army that isn't even up to standard list and basic points.