Game is drastically slowed down

>Game is drastically slowed down
>Can only summon one fusion/synchro/xyz without setting up first
>Pendulum mechanic nerfed
>The position of your cards on the board actually matters now adding depth to the game
Is yugioh saved?

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I want to say yes, but knowing Konami, they will probably ram up the powercreep later on as usual with these things.

Same thing with Fusions
Same thing with Synchros
Same thing Xyzs

Also, slowing down the game opens up a lot of decks that can still easily drop floodgates until they eventually get powercreeped by newer archtypes later on.

I've been playing this game since the early days of heroes and the way I see it anyone who has enjoyed this game competitively on any level should be disgusted by this.

The only people who think this change is good are shitters who want the game to be like it was in season one....anyone arguing that this promotes "skill" will be btfo when an archetype designed to rush a link 5-8 into play gets revealed and it's the same fucking game.

>Herofag with shit opinions
Nothing new there.

It's an interesting direction to take, but it's also going to be rife with its own problems. I think it's too early to say how things are looking right now.

YGO was doomed from the start. Name one 'strategy' that is part of yugioh. Ill wait.

There wasn't really anything wrong with synchros so this seems quite the bomb to drop on them.

>kozmo back
>mermails back

>YGO was doomed from the start. Name one 'strategy' that is part of yugioh. I'll wait.

Marketing Strategy

I said I've played since heroes were a thing faggot, did I ever say I actually ran them?

The first deck I actually took to an event was the first incarnation of Six Sams, after that I was a Gbeast player, then blackwings, etc.... At least my current deck (Kozmo) is largely unaffected by this bullshit but that's hardly comforting when most of my friends are playing archetypes that this neutered straight to hell.

I'm sorry that you're a shitter that always went 2-6 with your skull servant deck.

I'm sorry that you

>Mermails back
>only 1 Extra Monster Zone unless you play Link Monsters
>Link monsters already requires resources just to be summoned
yeah ok then

so how do the new special zones work
like what do they count as if you claim them, are they your "side of the field" or are they immune to shit that specifically targets the field instead of "cards your opponent controls" like raigeki

So to summon them you just send numbers to the graveyard? I can already see this becoming the most broken extra deck typing because of how effortless summon spam is with a requirement like this:
"X amount of monsters"

>needing extra deck

I dont like how mandatory they are for a lot of older themes since it hurts us budget players with new required bullshit, but I like the linking mechanic and the interactions it creates with your opponent.
I'm excited to see how it all works out.
Also I like how it makes extra deck based themes mode vulnerable to my big king swing.

Why is the new zone above? Is it due to autism? Why cant Kikenami make link monsters free up zones without anything to do with stupid arrows? This is fucking retarded.

Shut up hero retard. No one cares what you think.


>YGO finally discovers mechanics for positioning

>It sucks

Stay bad

>position of your cards now matter
>yugioh is now chess level shit

Every other cardgame is now casual BTFO shit.

Until everyone is used to Link monsters and all the nostalgiashitters stop being so mad wewont be able to have a comfy Yugioh thread will we?

>finally discovers
you mean rediscovers
position on the board/field mattered just under a decade ago

Aliens confirmed tier 1

>new rules make duels like the old g1 days
>new rules make monarchs good again

nostalgiashitters are never satisfied about anything unless they are catered to their delusions.

And even when they are, someone will push their shit in with Goat Control.

This is a good thing tho, I'm sick of how every deck is the same and just shits out the same synchros and xyz's. It's boring and at least this can limit that.

>lol dude xyz is too strong
>what do we do?
>how about we print cards that dont have cheap special summon to make it effortless to get xyz?
>fuck you I got a better idea ok guys link monsters monsters with fucking arrows that that designate which zone can ve used to extra deck summon
>Sir thats a dumb idea as since the first days of yugioh the extra deck has been an important mechanic to the game. What you are suggesting is destroying decades of hardwork and consistency.

No. The change did hardly anything to hurt Zoodiacs. All it did was add a few extra steps to their usual gameplan.

True. Nostalgia shitters rarely played anything besides schoolyard summon Dark Magician cause he looks cool play. They didnt even play GOATS. Goat format is pretty fun though to be fair to anyone nostalgic for Goat.

>Play against an extra deck spam deck
>Summon mega Zaborg
>Get rid of all their Link monsters

What is this? A Kaiba for Ants?

Are Skull Servants the most manly deck in yugioh?

>Is yugioh saved?


As I understand it all the Link bullshit is is just shit that places a hard limit on Extra deck summons while the Link cards just bypass that because they keep opening up new slots as you make them.

It's little but a demand from Konami to buy new shit.



Part of the issue is that apparently a bunch of places are threatening to stop stocking the game because of this shit effecting the price of their singles and shit and making a lot of old stock near worthless.

That's dumb just dropping the game when it's the source of their income.

I mean what are they gonna do? Rely on Vanguard?

It's not as bad as you think. If your opponent's link is on the top part of the card, you get a free spot to place an Extra Monster since it counts towards the link.

Though I'm all for slowing down the game since I run Charmers.

As they should, this will be the change that kills this game for good.

>>lol dude xyz is too strong
The real reason is because they needed a gimmick for the new series.


>implying Xyz suffers at all

All this did was kill shit like Harpies and Red-Eyes that can't use their ED strats anymore.

>a bunch of places are threatening to stop stocking the game because of this shit effecting the price of their singles

Konami was already fucking with the secondary market when they changed the rarity ratio for the boxes because people were buying lose s.

Maybe these faggots can now stop demanding high prices for pieces for a fucking cardboard.

So links are extra deck or main deck monsters?

Extra Deck monsters.

Should Pot of Greed or Monster Reborn be unbanned?

>should a free +1 or monster recovery in a slower format be unbanned

hurr durr what could possibly go wrong