Have you ever Been censored by a dev?

have you ever Been censored by a dev?

pic related Was my experience with the dev of fnaf

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It's a Sup Forums doesn't know what censorship is episode

Stop playing horror games for children.

>shitpost on someone's community
>get banned for it

You deserve to be banned from everything for your usage of capitals, what is wrong with you?

What's with the random capitalizations?

Anyway, get lost with this crap.


If youre gonna waste this much of your life to bitch about something so insignificant, spell shit correctly please?

An Evolve dev banned me back when the DLC crap and the flood of negative reviews.

>"Get lost with this crap"

Learn to spell. You deserve that ban.

.....I hate retards

he gave most of his earnings to charity..the other was to fund new games.

he knows he can't do much now cause the fandom is dying.

this desu

I've never seen anyone other than autistic children type like that.

>adding random caps to words mid sentence

Must be 18+ to post on Sup Forums.

What's worse: censorship or people who bitch about censorship?

People like you devalue the word censorship.

I feel like there needs to be distinction of some kind between protests against prolonged needless Military Law in Taiwan, and crazy NEETs ranting on forums.

I figure the line is "Is someone going to DIE for saying this?". Anything less needs a different term. Censorship and censorsquabbling.

Oh, you're mad white people exist and think it's censorship when people tell you to fuck off? Censorsquabbling, get lost with this crap. Oh, you're going to be beaten, stripped and thrown into a cage full of starving dogs for even thinking too loud about North Korea's regime? Alright, you're in, go nuts.

He will need income again if he just makes and gives everything out for free you ding a ling.

People who make posts like this.

no because i am not autistic

Kf2 forums when I told yoshiro nobody asked for a shitty clone of l4d2 versus.


>I don't need income for making games
>Shit on him for wanting a little money

I don't need to eat chocolate cakes, but if I want to eat one, I damn well better have the ability to eat one.

>that fucking random capitalization
>complaining that you will receive salty replies when you're saltier than the fucking Mediterranean
>complaining about fucking FNAF of all things

Waiting for the "merely pretending"

this is the most underage OP I've seen all month

I got banned in runescape for making a character named BlkMan69 and running around the cotton fields picking cotton.

wtf i Cant believe thos jagex Cucks censored u

There's a shitty visual novel on Steam called "Major/Minor" which revolves around furfags and the dev's character. He has a reputation for flagging negative reviews and banning people from the discussions who say anything bad about his game.

There's a whole archive some people saved of his shit.


Look at the filename

>I don't need money
>Thus everything I make should be free

That's fucking retarded. He never lied, he's under no obligation to make his stuff free. Go back to school.

Oh I get it now, hilarious.

How new do you have to be?

I got banned on the Terraria forums for openly calling out Tiy before he quit the team.

I'm still banned even though everything I said was proven right.

I got banned from the Starbound forums for leaving hidden messages in my posts and saying Tiy had aids.

Ahahaha holy shit

not that guy, but regardless of the filename, OP is implying that that was him. He said it was his experience with the dev, and he also made some weird capitalization in the post

you deserve your ban you autist

Tiy mind.

you sound like a tremendous faggot OP

I got banned from the starbound forums for saying the mods are spastic children that ban anyone who calls out starbound as the shit game it truly is.
I was banned again when I mentioned the whole puppy incident was quite a shock to the system.

To be fair your grammar is horrible and those arbitrary caps make you seem like a crazy peson.

So you don't know how to change a file name?

fnaf world was removed like a year ago

Your opinion is absolutely retarded, even if someone does something not for money but for enjoyment then it's still nice to get money for it though I would agree with you that it's bad he is increasing the price if he doesn't need that money however as far as I know Scott does it for work, he needs money to survive as he has no other income, it is both his job and hobby so if previous price wasn't giving him enough money he had to increase it no matter if he wanted it or not.

However while I disagree with your opinion no one should be banned for it, you literally stated your opinion without shitposting, whoever banned you instead of providing counter-argument should just kill himself.

It's still available on Steam just not publicly, you can still download it from Steam via direct link and the community page is still there

You deserve your ban just because you play FNaF.

Got banned for the Starbound forums after asking when they plan on finally adding the game to their spriteart collection.

>puppy incident
I haven't been up to date on the Starbound drama since the days of the pre-order

What's this "puppy incident" ?

>be a faggot
>get banned

stop wasting your time on steam forums and Sup Forums and reevaluate your life choices

Whoa, one and two thirds ellipses, watch out OP this guy seems tough.

>everyone on Sup Forums taking the fucking bait

jesus fucking christ where did you neets come from. look at the fucking filename.
it's a shitpost. god fucking damnit Sup Forums every fucking time you fall for this shit.

It's a loaded question anyway, it's impossible to answer without upsetting people.

>I do it for the money

>I don't care about the money

The community manager, known as molly, managed to electrocuted the puppy by keeping its bed next to exposed power sockets.