ITT: Discussing what emotions "good" Souls players felt when they realized they're shit at For Honor duels

ITT: Discussing what emotions "good" Souls players felt when they realized they're shit at For Honor duels.

What did he meme by this?

neutrality from gravity
i'm losing against the game not the players

stop fucking standing near ledges and hazards then

making use of the environment is part of the game

I hate souls combat in PvP. I play a lot of warband, and played chiv before they ruined it. Will I like this combat?

Nah the combat actually feels like it has weight and power to it and isn't ballerina's waving their swords above their heads

I highly prefer Souls combat than For Honor's.

The only thing that I like from For Honor is the Domain and the conquest of territory as you play.

Duels are meh. CTF are meh. The game is meh.

Its price is not worth.

>the conquest of territory as you play.
>The only thing that I like
You have no idea how bad you just made me feel

wanna hear a secret how to win? just spam grab heavy hit

Sorry, dude, but if I want to play a sword-fighting game, I won't expend $60 having better games in my Steam library.

And we're talking about UPlay, dude. UPLAY!
I had to uninstall it before my PC got cancer in the cancer.

maybe you will pick it up on sale at some point or pirate it and see
it is a well made game gameplay wise

That's what I'm going to do, lol. You're a fucking wizard.

>Upcoming patch is going to make countering guardbreaks easier

This game is fucking dead. They should be discouraging defensive play, especially with the meta being what it is, not fucking encouraging it.

you afraid to get dat ass handed to you or something?

I got it refunded from Steam after playing it for two hours. The combat is alright seems like there's a bit of depth to it but the game lacks content, netcode is pathetic and for $60 I expect better.

No, I am afraid that playing defensively will be even easier than it already is, further solidifying the already existing parry-baiting meta in which it is the best choice not to attack and wait for your enemy to do so.

>My situational awareness is bad
>Its the games fault

Sounds like you're shit.

Surprisingly, I'm alright at the game. I approached it with the Souls mentality of dodging and striking in openings, but it's really more about utilising your moveset before your opponent does, or forcing them to make a mistake so you can take advantage. And you can still get fucked by a bad player, especially if you treat them like a better one.


>He doesn't option select his parries to feign all parry-bait attempts
I want noobs to stop trying to lecture other noobs

>I want noobs to stop trying to lecture other noobs
this honnestly, not even that good myself, but holy shit are those easy to tell

If you're fighting somebody playing defensively, all you can do is hope to catch them out with a feign. GBs in that situation are pointless because they're easy to tech when you expect them. Either that, or you hope they're fucking stupid and try to attack after you intentionally whiff, which isn't gonna happen much at all.
None of that matters if you have unblockables though.

Guard breaks are broken at the moment and the peacekeeper stabs after the first literally dont work. It'll be patched later so I refunded it and told them I would buy it later :3

You write like a faggot desu.

>If you're fighting somebody playing defensively, all you can do is hope to catch them out with a feign.
And if you're playing someone good, they literally will not get feinted. all you have to do is press feint slightly after every parry and it'll parry the real attacks and feint the baits for you.

>None of that matters if you have unblockables though.
Yep, unblockable meta. Unless you're peacekeeper of course and your zone attack is plus on block, your lights are unparryable on reaction and you have infinite fullscreen bashdashes whenever you run out of stamina.

Feint you illiterates.

>I stand near giant spiked walls and cliff edges
>People notice im standing in stupid places and knock me off the cliff
>The game is bad because of this


>weight and power
>heavy attacks dont fuck someones guard unless they get hit 10 times
im sorry but if im trying to slam dunk you with a giant fucking axe i should at least stagger you to the ground

>You have experienced the entire game after 1 hour of playtime
Sure is fun

I mean feign means to pretend, there's no need to be an autist about it

I hope we're still in the stages of learning tech so we can discover something other than unblockables to counter defensive play. I don't really see what else they can do.
Feint works better, and is what I meant, but feign isn't necessarily wrong. Anybody that understands the word wouldn't have an issue with it.

You can say that about almost every online game that isn't an MMO.

>all the clipping and stretching issues

Probably a mix of "Im losing and this is gay" and "you're gay for beating me".

Don't be a retarded nigger...?

>Come up against group of Dark Souls youtuber/streamer memers
>Shit on them

It really upsets me that the game is being shat on purely because of some minor connectivity issues. Because underneath its flaws there's a rough diamond that needs a bit of polish but could be amazing otherwise. Let's hope it does exactly what Siege did over time and improve constantly.

Also Peacekeeper is best girl.

It feels like something Koei could have put in their Warriors game as a multiplayer mode.

>he thinks some jacked knight in full plate is going down because of an axe swing

Most of them are mindlessly bitching after getting their asses kicked 10 times in a row when they expected to be le masters and show everyone who was boss.

Note how they're not talking about how the game is too easy like a bunch of smug cunts, which is what they would be doing if they were any good.

Instead they're just yammering about how the game wasn't worth it.

To be honest, I can't blame them. I'd be in a pissy mood if I got assraped too.

What's this talk about unblockables countering defensive play? All unblockables can be parried.

Well having connection issues in MULTIPLAYER games is really fucking bad

>Have the most fun just duelling with friends.
>no xp or steel or anything

Oh well

They usually have weird timing and people hate adjusting. I love spamming unlockables as raider because faggots refuse to parry.
Unblockables being bad for the game are just the complaints of people that rely on overly defensive turtle play.

Some aren't like Warden's and fat fuck's is bugged to be unparriable if done right.

>Some aren't like Warden's
Warden doesn't have an unlockable. And you can still dodge.

Warden has an unblockable?

But wouldn't those who actually know how to play completely scoff at unblockables, since they do nothing to disrupt the parry meta?

shoulder bash

They do need to tighten the code up. I know I'm not the only one getting phantom kills that revert and attacks slipping past guards.

While technically an unblockable, it's not an attack in itself, it's a mixup setup.

>mediocre to good at dark souls depending on build
>shit on kids all day everyday in for honor

So what is this thread supposed to tell me?

>nothing to disrupt the parry meta
Most unblockables are cancelable.
If they are trying to focus on parrying guard break and throw them.
Most people with unlockable also have a stun so your direction can't be seen.
The parry meta is a meme for people who can't play the game and need to explain how they lost without admitting they are bad.

Not him but you do realize there are many ways to toss people huge distances?

in a 1v1 duel the maps are very small and filled with environmental hazards, and raiders and lawbringers can almost cover the whole tiny map.

it gets even worse if you play modes with stats as throw distance is literally a stat that can be maxed.

dark souls are shitters who cant play real games where everyone is on a level playing field

>Good players ever getting guardbroken
>Good players ever getting thrown off by a stun

If you think any of that is possible against someone who knows what they are doing, you're the one who is bad.

If you don't mind your positioning and can't dodge someone running pell mell at you in an obvious tackle or stab that's completely on you.
Is it frustrating to get killed that way? Sure.
Is it unfair?
Not in the slightest.
Everyone can throw just as easily as get thrown.

>I lost but it wasn't my fault!
>it was this damn parry meta!
>grrrrrrr I would have won if it wasn't for you!

not him but
>raw GB
your opinion is not to be taken seriously

Nigger, I'm the one playing ultra defensively and winning. Just because someone has something negative to say about the game doesn't mean they are doing poorly.

Not everyone likes their games as deep as a puddle.

so its
>im going to generalize an entire playerbase based on vocal shitters because i hate X community.



Opinion discarded. Anyone who gets hit by a stun in the first place is a shitter and even more so if they get hit again due to the effect of losing the indicator.

Raider can actually carry the enemy after a parry as GB's are untechable after being parried.

Law has the same as a heavy attack but his heavies are so slow he can't guarantee anything but a side heavy after a GB.