Delivered as promised yesterday

Delivered as promised yesterday.
Firmware version 1.0.0-A memory dump.
Hopefully someone smarter than me can do something with it.


This better be dolphin porn

It's the Switch memory dump I got through the NVFLASH APX interface.
It has a bootloader mode.

I miss the old Sup Forums sometimes. No one uploads dolphin porn anymore.

post it on the vg homebrew thread

>tfw switch gets hacked before it's even out

gonna decrypt this tonight
expect something by 5 pm tomorrow
might be able to crack some security here and find out what's possible as far as code injection goes

>posting with a screencap of the leak video instead of timestamping your actual console

Come on now anona

It's because he's bullshitting. Probably malware.

Useless. Even the 3DS before it had console-unique NAND encryption. Assuming your tiny-ass dump (NAND would have to be way, way larger, like 32GB) is legit, we have no way to decrypt it.

Why the fuck are you naming a zip file bin?



Wait is this actually something real?


last month someone on /vg/ uploaded a drawing of a guy fucking a dolphin copied hundreds of times pretending it was danganronpa spoilers. it was low effort but worth a few keks.

>by studio ghibli

Where do you live?

i just watched lostboy on youtube am i now haxed?

in a house

This is definitely something legit. I'm not sure what to make of it. You say it's a memory dump? Interesting.

That makes sense.

great vid saint

>gets dumped days before its out
Really fires those pulse canons.

Do you have any further details on what exactly you dumped? There are way too few strings for this to be a main memory dump.

This is probably an elaborate ruse.

>warning [dump.bin]: 1157466597 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile

Where do you get off, uploading 1GB of shit just for a stupid troll?


Wait until another big Denuvo game is cracked and people are begging for mega links.

I just downloaded this and now my mouse is emitting mustard gas