It's like darksouls but X

>it's like darksouls but X

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I love Dark Souls.

i don't

Did I fucking ask?

I like Dark Souls, but I hate the fanbase.

no :]

"The Dark Souls of Fantasy RPGs"

duuuuude, Platinum should totally make an X game!

So that's where this is from

GAMEZONE the Dark Souls of Autism.

What's wrong with this statement? Dark Souls is not an RPG, it's an action game with light RPG elements.
The only people who claim otherwise are underage faggots who never played a real RPG.


Action-RPGs are still RPGs, and Dark Souls is fantasy.

Mainline trying to pander to Personafags was a mistake

The real underage faggots are people who argue about what is RPG and what not.

I'm not arguing, I'm just stating a fact.
No. Grow up, kiddo.

You just have to accept the fact that RPG now means "any games where the numbers are shown to you"

>light RPG elements
No. Monster Hunter has light RPG elements. Dark Souls is a straight ARPG.

Dude, listen to me. It's a game in which you pick your starting class, and each starting class has different stats and attributes, as well as starting weapons and armor. You can then gain experience by defeating monsters, and level up these attributes in the way of your choosing, allowing you to create a character that plays in a certain way. Playing a role, if you will. The player is also able to progress through the game's world in a semi-nonlinear way.

And user thinks it's not an RPG.

What the fuck action RPG has 'heavy' RPG elements then?

>The Dark Souls of ARPGs
>Not Dark Souls

>Play style equals roleplaying

I bet you think Call of Duty is an RPG, Fucko

It's an Action "RPG" designed for kids with a short attention span,with next to no dialogue or story, no real classes, and stats that barely influence the gameplay of your character, other than being able to roll faster, or equip a heavier item load, et cetera...

This is where the similarities end.

If you call this a roleplaying game, you're either underage, just plain ignorant, or both.

And people just sound like utter retards when they claim otherwise.

Dude wtf, if you make your own character it is objectivel an rpg, I know faggots like you think DMC and shit like that isn't an rpg because it's a set character you play as every time, but come the fuck on retard.

>the dark souls of roguelike platformers

In Call of Duty you roleplay as a soldier :^)

>wah wah, its not muh traditional RPG with turn based combat and tons of text boxes!
You sound like an autistic little baby who can't accept anything that you don't like being in your favorite genre, there's a reason why RPGs are split into multiple categories such as Western, Action, Strategy, Turn Based, etc. Its because RPGs can play very differently from each other, while still being RPGs.

>No dialogs
You don't talk with NPCs then.
>No story
You need someone to tell you the fucking story instead of inspecting the objects, the ambient, the enemies, why they wear what they wear, why they move as they move. I prefer that they split the story in the objects, and the scenario than they tell me in HUGES wall texts that nobody read, except you, I see.
>No classes
Rly? Have you played the game or you are just blaming it by viewing gameplays on YouTube?

>doesnt even know what an RPG defines
>propably just got into the hobby recently
>considers himself a 'hardcore gaymer'
>thinks he is in a position to belittle others for being unable to handle the truth about his button mashing babbies first 'hard' game
Just end yourself please.



>the Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs isn't Dark Souls

>never played a real RPG
>posting anumu grill

I'm hazukashii to be a weeb because of omae wa

I've been into RPGs for well over 10 years now and didn't get into Souls until last year.
If you want to be autistic about the definition then every game in existence is an RPG because you are playing a role in a game.
Feel free to keep expressing how butthurt you are over Souls, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc. being RPGs even though you don't like them.


>The Dark Souls of fantasy RPGs

I'm not butthurt. In fact, I played and liked all the games you listed. However, I'm not idiotic enough to claim they are RPGs, which they are not.

Claiming otherwise just makes you come off as the casual normiecuck you are.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking cute anime girls or roleplaying as one.

Sure whatever you say bud, just keep on dreaming in your own little world that those are not RPGs.

souls games are so fucking mediocre, its embarrassing how popular it is. We get it, this is one of the very few challenging games that exists anymore. We get it, your life is so devoid of achievement that doing something difficult like souls games gives you an unrealistically high amount of satisfaction.


720p vs 1080p isn't even a comparison. One is just objectively better than the other.

This whole list reads like it was written by a high school student who only did cursory google searches to write their paper.

Games Journalism in a nutshell I guess.