Am I the only one that emulates Nintendo consoles out of spite...

Am I the only one that emulates Nintendo consoles out of spite, rather than a desire to actually play their mediocre games?

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>Am I the only one
You know what? Just this once, you might actually be the only one who's retarded enough to do something like that.

If this is real it is both the saddest and most hilarious thing i've read in a long time.

I hope, wasting your time that way instead of doing something worth it is just sad.

>Am I the only one that emulates Nintendo consoles out of spite
embarrassing yourself free of charge again?

it's never a good idea to sell your stupidity at a loss, don't you wanna raise a family?

I hate to admit it but every time I fire up Dolphin, Citra, and Cemu, in the back of my mind I'm thinking "this is for Brawl, this is for Super Paper Mario, this is for Sticker Star, this is for Tr4sh, this is for Color Splash." Most of the time I'm not even THAT interested in the games I'm emulating, I feel like it's just more theoretical money that Nintendo will never see from me.

good thing hed be spending his money on his family rather than childrens games

>I-i don't even like these games, I am just emulating them to prove something to someone!

We all hope you are, we have been disappointed with the people of Sup Forums enough times already


Actually, he could be spending that time acquiring a family in the first place, rather than playing games he doesn't like and jerking off to the idea of not paying money for it.

You realise since you have no intention / ability in buying Nintendo games in the first place then they don't lose out.

I play some emulated games because they are impossible to get hold of.

Anyone else excited for Wind Waker HD with good performance?




What the fuck is this

runs perfect on the wii u

saddest post of the week

Yall just jealous of Op is all
Keep up the good work based OP! Though if you REALLY want to hurt Nintendo, you should buy a dozen WiiUs and burn them all on livestream. That'll teach'em!

I'll probably just buy all the ones from local stores and flip them for 4 times the price.

Im pretty sure it doesn't run at 1080p.

Are you legitimately retarded?

Stay mad, Nintencuck.

looks like it doesnt on your shit computer either

Nice falseflag, Nintenshitter. Go cry about Sony some more and leave PCbros to play their games

you could spend that time working out or walking your dog and still deprive Nintendo of that theoretical money

There are no good nintendo games to emulate other than the handheld ones.

ditto. Nintendofans are such cancer anyway I refuse to be part of it

I downloaded Dolphin just to play MGS twin snakes and never used it again.

well there are a lot of stupid fucks on /v, so probably not.

You know what I realized? These threads are mostly around because of shit posters wanting to trigger nintendrones by saying they'll be emulating Botw day 1 in 4k, and I'm sure once we get to release day the board will be full of CEMU threads trying to trigger them. What exactly will be the point though? All nintendrones will be avoiding the board like the plague to avoid spoilers so who the fuck will those threads be for?

What good games are there to play ?

How many years before CemU is actually viable? Meaning 30+ fps on games without a super computer or game breaking bugs.

You'll never know if you pay attention to Sup Forums. Didn't you know that Denuvo was completely BTFO and everything is cracked now, or that Cemu emulates 100% of the games anyone would ever want to play, on a toaster, and has been doing it for months?


Wanna play N games? Just buy and hack Wii U, it's dirt cheap now.
If you fucking with CEMU for no reason? Hell, you better check yourself kid.

>avoiding spoilers
>in Zelda

Congratulations. You fit right in.

Want a prize?

>I'm going to waste the finite amount of time I have in my existence playing hacked up versions of five year old games from a company I hate out of spite
>that will show them

No one care. I wish we can drain your life essence and give it to someone less autistic and more deserving than you.

seek help