Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with voice acting?

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with voice acting?

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Miku is so cute.

I guess it can sell games.
See LoK

>Holding up a script
Do you want to get page-ruffling sounds? Because this is how you get page-ruffling sounds.

>posting Miku
What have you done

They want Jap voices when Jap games are brought over.
They also want Australian voices when localized.
Is that so hard to understandu m8?


Because she's qt and her voice is also qt so I only play games that cast her

Any time a game gets dubbed in English they either pull some guy off the street and pay him 10 bucks to say a few lines, or they look at a narrow list of "established" actors and recycle them over and over again until we hear them in every fucking game. At the very least they could have those popular actors use different voices, but dubbing companies are obsessed with typecasting for some reason.

the fuck is this?

What games did miku voice in?

Tokimeki Memorial Online (Mina Yayoi/ PC Online Game)
Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Kira KiraHappy Festa! (Momoha Odori/ PS2 Game)
Agarest Senki Zero (Alice)
Agarest Senki Zero: Dawn of War (Alice)
Rune Factory Oceans (Quinn)
Nora to Toki no Kōbō: Kiri no Mori no Majo (Mellow)
Tales of Innocence (QQ Selesneva)
Street Fighter X Tekken (Elena)
Super Robot Wars UX (Fei-Yen HD, Hatsune Miku)
Kantai Collection (8 different ships, see list)
Ultra Street Fighter IV (Elena)
BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma Extend (Cajun Faycott)

Peace Walker

ayy lmao what the fuck is this


delet this

Delete this

Hmmm video games

I want to anally impregnate Miku.

Is Wokada the Akariot of Miku?

Edit the resolution and post it twice.

No, Wokada is actually a good artist.

miku is not for lewd

Miku and her sisters exist solely for lewd.


I'm obsessed with Miku.


>doesn't know how to spell artist name
>implies implications

Wokada is a meme artist.

Isn't it only the PSP version though?

>in your house
>see this
What do

Thank God that I installed a two-fold, self sealing, intruder detecting, steel security door.

It was clearly a smart move.

Why do you think Sup Forums is obsessed with voice acting?

>want a rhythm game on my PS4
>friends took my Rock Band 4 stuff with them when they moved, so I tried out the new Miku game
>224 songs for $54, hell yeah I'll get that
>the songs are catchy as fuck, the game and characters are aesthetically pleasing, and there are catgirl costumes

Wish at least one of the idols had bigger tits but otherwise 10/10. There's no hope for me anymore is there



because im too lazy to read

its the same reason i cant stand playing single player games on PC that arent RPGs, if i want to watch a movie im gonna sit on a couch not a normal chair

>Vita cartridge in disc tray
unexpected keks were had

this artist is fucking shit why does everyone suck his dick

Dumb Luka poster


I want to lewd that miku.

I need bigger

Tell me about the Miku
Why do they model her panties even though you should never be able to see them?

Because they are part and parcel of her totally-not-slutty brand.



Because Honda from the modeling department is a madman

>should never be able to see them?
But that's wrong.

Because shitty, american voice-acting ruins games.

Are you serious haha

Wow, really? That's pretty gay

Why is Len always portrayed as a fuckboi?

You saying he isn't?

They want you to work for it.


It's just an audition, I doubt they read far enough to turn the page.

what meme is this?


Less than 12 hours, or 18


Until what?
If you're counting down to Monday it's already time here in New Zealand.

>only Luka get's called a dyke
>Miku get's away scott free
why is this allowed?

Good point

Nobody cares about Luka


It's pretty common, at least in japan, to hold you script. The script writer is not so dumb as to continue a sentence between pages. And even if you don't hold your script the mic is so sensitive that you'll get ruffle sounds anyway. Speaking from experience.

I just hate how everyone's navel has that line above it. I get what he's going for but it shouldn't be such a bold straight up line.

Miku was kind of cool in like 2011, shits old and busted now

Because when I hear a 14 years old japanese girl voiced by 35+ years old woman it's just fucking pathetic.

I'm looking at you, Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice. They didn't even put the tiniest effort to make it believable, like setting the voice actor's pitch up so she actually sounds like a child and not a fucking woman in her forties.

Fucking duh! Because it's important for immersion. A game doesn't need voice acting but if it does have it, it should be fitting to the game itself otherwise all immersion is lost. Just like an animated cartoon doesn't need voice acting but if the voice acting is terrible it can ruin the whole cartoon (or make it hilariously bad).

Games have leeway as gameplay is the most important thing after all. But if story is a BIG part of the game, like uncharted for example, and the voice acting is bad, a major part of the game would be fucking worthless. Good VO is always Important. Even if you wanna make a campy, 90's horror game with intentional bad acting.

No wonder Alice was so shit

Quit posting my waifu.

what does miku armpits smell like


My cum.

After a whole day worth of recordings and auditions

Why the fuck is this shit thread still here when mods already deleted this garbage in the mean time?


It's a thread about video games