Do we even know what kind of gameplay Death Stranding is going to have?

Do we even know what kind of gameplay Death Stranding is going to have?

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I think I remember somewhere that Kojimbles had said that it would be kind of action-y like Uncharted.

"We’re thinking about everything all at once, including the plot, characters, and game systems. Since certain parts are fairly new, we cannot help but experiment", Kojima said. "While not to say that it’s open-world, users who enjoy today’s AAA games (The Division and Uncharted, etc.) will be able to easily enjoy it. When it is announced, you might think ‘that’s not that outstanding’, but you’ll understand when you see it and play it. The genre is action”.

Found it.

open world cart racing

Oh so I'll save my money for some other games.

the bad kind

>yfw it will have a great story and shit gameplay

please no.


Turn based strategy obviously

I play mobas for the story.

How could he have made it any clearer for you retards?


no, but i'm guessing it will be similar to one of those wrestling games

So is this game about cords that turn into sticks? I can get behind this, though I'd rather be in front.

Cinematic sections and QTEs.

>tfw Hideo becomes gook David Cage

gg wp good night sweet prince

None. It's gonna be an interactive movie.

No damn it, the gameplay is about using STICK (weapons) to defend yourself and using CORD (those black retractable ropes from the trailer) to protect those you care about.


TPS like uncharted, Kojima said that after the first trailer.

Kojima is so fucking dumb.

No, he said it was an "action game like"
He could mean literally anything by that, he's a senile old chink

Based on what we saw in the trailers at the moment, I would guess something like this :


"Cinematic action" like TLOU and Uncharted, meaning as close to a movie as you can get without encroaching on David Cage's territory.

It's a MGSV clone, he's just not allowed to say that

Certainly like MGSV, mostly stealth but with action sprinkled on top.


I don't know why everyone's popping a boner over this when we know nothing about the game besides the fact that Kojima is already spending incredible amounts of money getting real big name actors for his game.

I'm a very big fan of MGS series but what kojima did in MGSV was strange. He defined what this generation of games should be like in that they're open world with loads upon loads of customization.

But his storytelling was absolute shit and he just tried pulling a fast one over us with it.

If this death stranding game has the same kind of story as MGSV I'll be very disappointed.

Tried explaining this to a friend and he didn't get it. Faggot

>I don't get it

>a stick is an invention

Not any stick by itself, but sharpening it to turn it into a weapon.

what i've gathered from his interviews, spoilers:

>Singleplayer is typical Kojima style with deep lore and cinematic experience
>plays similar to mgsv, division, uncharted 3rd person, 1st person elements
>gameplay should be as always solid
>will have decent multiplayer, said high focus on it too
>open world game with high freedom
>tons of customizations
>different melee weapons, guns confirmed
>eventually shields, bows included
>sticks and ropes confirmed
>Sci-fi atmosphere with some horror elements to make it more exciting but not overwhelming horror
>all the famous actors in the game
>tons of puzzles, love and detail to explore
>female / male playable characters

Should be pretty good if you followed up all the ruse from MGSV / Radio from PT which has a connection to DS

forgot to add release Q4 2018 apparently

Decima engine from guerilla got modifications to it and when the leak happened on Sup Forums they game was already about 20% done.

Also PC release confirmed but later because Kojima doesn't want it to be data mined upfront. But steam games will and has Kojima covered even before that on twitter and his visits.

follow E3 this year
they will show gameplay / trailers


>mfw it has shit story and 10/10 gameplay

But what about all the gameplay webms ITT?

>implying he wasn't already

data mined?

It seems to indicate that Koji still knows what he's doing or hasn't lost his touch, but something's fucking with him.
Hopefully being free he'll now be able able reach his full potential.

It's going to be like those same games interspersed with pre rendered cut scenes