Gameplay > soundtrack > story > graphics

Gameplay > soundtrack > story > graphics

I agree

Gameplay > Story > Graphics > Soundtrack

Not an Englishfag, when people say graphics does it include artsyle or is it just technical stuff like fps and resolution? Anyways

Gameplay > story > soundtrack > graphics

What if the voice acting is terrible and cringy? Does that count as story?

I can't stand games with talking and you have to heard the same stupid unfunny joke every time you play a level, especially if you like everything else about the game.

Gameplay > Story / Audiovisuals

By audiovisuals (could be called atmosphere) I mean graphics/soundtrack. They individually can make a great game even without a story. Game can have great visuals and not so great sounds but it might as well be the other way around. Story can make a great game too even when it doesn't have good audiovisuals.

But they can't carry a game without good gameplay. If you think they can you are just enjoying a movie.


Gameplay = soundtrack = storytelling/exposition >>>>>>>>>>>> graphics

Graphical fidelity is such a non issue at this day and age.
Good gameplay and design is integral.
Great OST makes the game enjoyable, memorable and thematically appropriate and varied.
And a great story, or something to tell a story about or discuss is definately something that keeps the concept of the game alive past the first week and gives player incentive.

I'd like a game that looks great, but it shouldnt be the main focus.

Gameplay > Sound > Graphics > Story

If i wanted to design the "perfect game" i'd have to go Story>soundtrack>gameplay>graphics

More like "the game i want" but you get the point

I agree my man-dude

In an RPG, it should be Gameplay >= story > soundtrack > Graphics.

LOL tell that to SquareSoft in the 90s


Gameplay > soundtrack > art style > story > graphics

Gameplay > visuals = audio > story


I agree but add in sound design to soundtrack
People really do not understand how important sound design is to a game


>normal background
>fight background
>fight background
What did he mean by this?

no quote no homo

You've nailed it with the first 2 but the latter can be different depending on what kind of game it is.

gameplay > story > audio > visuals

for playability at the time:
gameplay > soundtrack = story > graphics

for replayability:
UI design = how much worse later entries are >>>>> everything else

whatever nostalgia you have for a game never includes the menus, and if it has a shitty UI or controls you'll have to grapple with the fact that you could absolutely be playing something that fixed these problems instead

If you want a good game, you have to make all of those things great. Not just a few.

ui design is a good point. You only notice shit ui, good ui is simply ignored and therefor not usually considered in these types of discussion

gameplay>ui>sound = graphics>>>story for me

Animations, sound effects and camera angles/changes can influence a lot in gameplay, is that part of gameplay to you?

As an example, take a look at the Souls series. DS and BloodBorne have a good gameplay thanks to the animations and variety of the weapons, enemies, and sounds when hitting/getting hit.

Any good fighting game can also benefit from good animations.

What about the how much fun you have when playing? Should that be something considered?

Depends on the person.

Personally I'd factor technical performance into gameplay. If a game runs at a low FPS but it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

Isn't that gameplay?


this is all personal preference so you'd be stupid if your rankings weren't what made something fun for you

if a game gets all 4 areas wrong and you still have fun you just have low standards

I really hate vidya story fags

cutscenes absolutely ruin games for me, and there seem to be more and more of them. Video game developers seem to think story is the most important part of their game, and then it is a shit story, ruining the game

I unironically think dark souls did story perfectly; it always takes a backseat, things are often told by how the world/area is presented, rather than exposition. But there is lore/story within the game, if you want that kind of thing.

Personally I rate it on the metric of "if the other 3 aspects were okay but that 1 was awful, would you still play?"

Still okay because if they were amazing, of course you'd play it.

Would I play a game with okay ost, story and graphics but all you did was press 1 button and it didn't even respond right? No, fuck off.

Would I play an okay game with an ost that sounded like a random asshole smacking his dick onto a midi soundboard? That'd getting annoying, but as long as I could mute it maybe.

Would I play an okay game that had a story written by dropdead retards, voice-acted by highschool students and you can't skip it? Absolutely.

Would I play an okay game that looked like complete ass, like all the colours were primary, fully saturated, all the objects were 30px x 30px tiles, there were major screentearing and fps drops? Honestly, no. No I wouldn't.

So it's gameplay > graphics > soundtrack > story for me, but people have their own rating systems and it's all arbitrary anyway.

Well that's just gameplay.


After playing For Honor's campaign I could forgive the predictable story and the same combat throughout but the lack of any good music whatsoever made it virtually unplayable.

OP is not a fag today.
If a game manages to have both an enjoyable gameplay and good OST, it will become one of my favorites regardless of story or graphics.

>rating them into separate categories.

How about, they're all equally important and no one is better than the other. That's how I've always felt anyways

gameplay (level/encounter/input/mechanics design, sound, visuals, narrative) > Jamal > your mom > (You)

It's what made HM so good.

Honestly this, though I would separate graphics with artstyle. I can play a game that looks terrible as long as I can see what I'm looking at. The best example I can think of atm is the SS1 remake While the game doesn't look like ass it's really hard to discern what everything is because the game has a blue filter on.

They're all necessary parts of the whole. They must all tie into and strengthen each other.

>putting graphics that low

hope you enjoy those pixels while I'm over here, enjoying my crystal clear visuals and stunning graphics at maximum framerates

Yeah, I usually watch movies when I wanna gaze and pretty stuff

Wouldn't the order be determined by genre? For example, a visual novel would prioritise story first and gameplay last whereas a puzzle game would prioritise gameplay first and story last.

there is no order, everyone's just being retarded

all these setting graphics as the lowest priority, yet you never hear the end of Sup Forums bitching about the functionality of reflective mirrors in video games.