60Hz gaming in 2017

>60Hz gaming in 2017

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You can't see past 60fps you moron.

>twisted nematic gaming in 2017
If you don't own an IPS monitor you don't deserve to call yourself a gamer.

>consoles are still at 20fps in 2017

>2048x1536 @ 75hz, zero input lag
15 years of pure bliss

If you don't own a 160Hz Trinitron it means you don't give a shit about latency and color reproduction.

Sony F520?

>tfw 1080p@240Hz with 1ms response, IPS, and Gsync




consoles should have aimed for 1080p 60fps this or the next generation

it blows my mind that 4k-ish sub 30fps is the new goal going forward for pro and scorpio

Fucking casual

>he fell for the 1440p and 4k memes

haha you idiot

The humane braint can't see pass 24 frames and second.

Isn't anything past 60 fps only really beneficial in competitive gaming? 1440p@60 has been comfy as all hell for me.

That's just what the memes tell you, slightly above 60 is the real sweet spot

No? A smoother image is a smoother image.

I have a 1440p@75Hz monitor, and when I bought a 180Hz 1080p monitor, I couldn't go back for any game.

blame the 4k tv meme. Console gamers want to get "the most" out of their console. Plus they're used to it. If I could drop the res of Bloodborne to 720p to increase the fps, I would.

Tbqh I play most most of my games at 30hz at 4k.


That good huh? Must be like when I went from 30 to 60 for the first time. Was like and night and day.

The sweet spot is either hitting your monitor's refresh rate dead on or having adaptive-sync and hitting 60+.

It's just comfier, I use my 165hz monitor side by side my 60hz monitor and the 60hz one looks choppy now.

consider that a standard light bulb refreshes at 60hz. 60hz is the bare minimum to give your brain the illusion of continuous non stop motion when dealing with artificial light

i want to get a nice ips 1080/144hz monitor but i dont think i'll be able to run every game above 60. is playing at a lower framerate on a 144hz monitor like playing at 720p on a 1080p screen?

>bought a GTX1070
>rarely play online shooters
>mainly just single player games

buying 1 of 2 monitors from a local store



which one?

Not really, although I do recommend you invest in adaptive sync so you don't get any screen tearing. Plus the 144hz doesn't only have to be for gaming, it's nice for general use as well.

get whichever is cheaper for now refurbished or ex-demo price

then save up for a 1440p@100+Hz monitor with IPS and Gsync. So whenever you upgrade youe card, you don't have to buy a new monitor.

Incandescent lights flicker at twice the AC frequency and fluorescents work at a rate of khz.

If 60hz was required to give the illusion of non-stop motion film at 24fps would be a disaster.

I don't think those 2 monitors would even be in the same price bracket if you consider gsync. Either way i'd go with the first just because tn panels aren't as bad as they used to be and the quality of life gain from 144hz and gsync outweighs 1440p and ips for me.

Ultra wide 1440p 100hz does me juuuust fine

what monitor, i find plenty of 60+hz 1080p but they're all TNs

>buy super wonder display
>get some games
>they're all capped to 60, 90, 120, or even worse tied to physics, so even unlocking fps breaks the game

>wtf 800x600 is all you need!

i've got a 480 so i'll be going with freesync, probably something like newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824116782&cm_re=1080_144-_-24-116-782-_-Product

the jump to consistent 60 was wonderful, i really want to see what double that is like.

>Justifying your poverty

21:9 ultrawide 1080p monitor or a 16:9 1440p monitor v?

Do most games support ultrawide properly?

my 270Hz 1080p monitor cost 4 digits

eat a dick

21:9 is a meme ratio that most games either dont support at all, or you have weird fov issues

1440p, you'll end up with more screen real estate anyways and actual support. Even some of the most popular games like Overwatch don't support ultrawide.


>they're all
Maybe you should stop playing shit games then senpai?

>Do most games support ultrawide properly?
lol no
21:9 is the movie res, games 'can' support it

I was on a friend's computer last time and his 60hz screen gave me eyestrain. I wonder how people use a 60hz screen all the time.

oh god, have fun playin 4:3 titles on ultra-wide screen (if you're into "4:3 only" games)

>Justifying wasting money.

PCucks are top tier Goyim