Free Steam Codes


Go nuts guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

is some kind of DLC and I was too slow for the first code (what was it?)

>duplicate code
>please activate the original game
what is this

First code was golden axe 2

The second is DLC for endless legend.

I've finally won something from these threads.

sushi delivers

>mfw I have a bot and was still too slow

how do you get a bot

Programming, you dunce.

From the Bot Store.

Anyone gifting in this thread?

Here, have one of mine.

not him, but I just nabbed it
and I'm not even planning on playing it

What was it?

golden axe 2

i could really use a code right now



don't ever post that damn face again it brings back bad memories from a time when someone made me look stupid on Sup Forums and I had to leave the thread


hey boys ~


what's going on here

>be me
>see this thread
>mfw when
(^_^) -> (o_o) -> (X_X)

Actually, was going to ask for a specific game

Her spine is not going to have a good time in a few years, let alone when she's old.

Great. You don't deserve to get it.


Thanks user

It's free shit from MWNL anyway. I have 3 extra copies of each game they're giving out.


what was this

duplicate, what is it?

Oxenfree. Got it from a humble bundle.


I don't have it, I wonder why it said duplicate code

well it says duplicate when you havent? are you newfag?

you gotta go faster, user

do you know how to read

That's not what duplicate code means.

Is this a sushi thread?

what the fuck



all duplicates, fuck these bots

thanks for this man you are awesome

not really. ive used c/p and it worked. gotta go fast m7


Grim Fandango Remastered.

Point and click shit, don't activate if you don't have the attention span for it dear user

Oh shit thanks a ton user

which one you got

>tried a code
>already owned
>tried another
>already owned

too many activation attempts made me lose grim fandango
fuck this shit :'(

Mind saying what these games were?

The third one I think

One was Stanley Parable.

guns of icarus
stanley parable
thirty flights of loving

i forgot the last one

Cool, thanks.

Guacamelee Gold was the last one.

yeah true

[H] Bad Rats
[W] Dishonored 2



bad trade

PM me.

sent ;)

sent ;)

unsent :(

wow thanks, I got two copies now.

[H] Dishonored 2
[W] GTA V, Fallout 4 and 10 CSGO keys

[H]: Crypt of the Necrodancer, MGSV: GZ and Ghostbusters: the videogame

[W]: idk, jsut hit me up, anons

Which Ghostbusters game? The awesome one or the shit one?

I actually don't know


Where are you getting those copies of necrodancer from? You always seem to have one.

what you want for the mgs gz?
i have octodad key :/

I got it from an user at christmas 1 or 2 years ago.

Anything you'd like from the freedom bundle for GZ? I barely care about the game so I don't think I'll be able to give any of the good stuff though.

Nuclear throne, maybe. im looking through it right now

how about retro game crunch?

>selling my present
don't ever talk to me again.

anyone want to trade something for a bunch of serious sam games


doesnt look like my cup of tea, sorry fampai

I'll give you a refined metal

That's one of the good things I'm keeping. Probably better to find someone who's actually willing to offer decent stuff in return.

a virus named tom?

no ty

the thread is dying,

fuck it, I'll just trade GZ with basically whatever, since I don't want it


octodad xd

Do you usually think of old women when masturbating?

give me your steam adress so i can add you if you want octodad

Pick a few of these if you want.

Day of the Tentacle
World of Goo
No Time to Explain
Stanley Parable
Team Indie
Chroma Squad
Dusty Revenge

first person to reply to this post with a picture that makes me laugh gets any 60 dollar game they want. respond with your id too


sent :)

No id because I just like posting funny pictures.



Chroma Squad looks pretty cool



>proceeds to cut alex's legs off