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OP here,
>tfw just beat KH1 without having any problems on the final world
Feels good as fuck, the boss rush at the end used to kick my ass.

>implying you didn't cry when you saw this scene years ago

Don't you mean feelsbadman? The Riku fight was my bane when I first played but it's so goddamn mindless in reality. The Sephiroth fight was especially disappointing. Just spam strike raid and other limits and that's it.

>square is trying to hype us up with one(1) screenshot of kh3.

It looks good but god I hate this.

I don't know anyone could be into this shit.

Nah, feels good user. I didn't even have to cheese dragon Malificent with freeze. Feels good to git gud. Just starting Chain of Memories for the first time right now.

Riku Ansem fight is actually kind of hard on Proud.

Honestly .2 was more than enough to hype me up for KH3, fuck it's so good.

You like games that don't challenge you? Are you playing on easy as well?

No. Unless you never touch action games.

they're doing the same with FF

and you fucking retards just eat it up

>You like games that don't challenge you? Are you playing on easy as well?
What about my posts implies any of that? I'm just saying I didn't have as much trouble with the game as before, and I was playing on Proud.

True, I'm on my critical playthrough. I'm glad enemies have proper reaction of being hit by the keyblade.

There's a difference with ff7re since kh3 was in development before it. There's no reason for kh3 to get this treatment

Well, when you find the game was never actually hard, you're happy. You're playing through an easy game and that feels good. I was saddened to find it was a cakewalk. But whatever, I just hope FF7R isn't littered with iframes like KH is.

How was 2.8 Final Chapter ReMiX Prologue: Part One? Does it bode well for KH3 and FF7R?

>implying I wouldn't cry right now looking at it

>How was 2.8 Final Chapter ReMiX Prologue: Part One?
.2 was smooth as butter and satisfying as fuck. Could be challenging at times, but I managed to beat it without dying. Not played DDD

Which was the best nonnumbered game in your opinion? For me it was probably re:COM. BBS was alright, but the gameplay was too arcadey and shallow for me, and I didn't really care for the new characters, and I hated DDD's story and grinding with a passion. I hear good things about coded and never played days but everyone always shits on it.

I played DDD on 3DS. It felt like KH1 but with anime parkour, which felt sorta dumpy. Also Pokemon were there. How deep did .2 feel? On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being Kingdom Hearts, 10 being Devil May Cry 4, how would you rank it?

Probably around an 8. With the new style system things got pretty cuh-razy. Look up the Aqua mirror fight if you want to see some dope shit.

Are you serious? youtube.com/watch?v=Zw0rDZ9MWLU doesn't look deep at all. It looks exactly on par with KH2 (which, funny enough, is a 2/10 on my scale). I bet it still has that weird "you attack where the camera points, not where you're holding the stick" thing.

I'd say a 8 as well. Shit was nuts.
DDD was trash, and I say that as a huge KH fan.

Who the hell seriously thought dream eaters were a good idea

Try this video, youtube.com/watch?v=cHhfl_mxG3E
Actually playing it I can tell you it's leagues above KH2. The combat just feels alot smoother, using magic doesn't feel so slow now.

>watching videos of .2 after I posted this
>find this youtu.be/Uf1eWUTq5Fo?t=8m53s
I didn't even know there was a secret boss, fuck me.

here's my play by play
>Shot lock looks unfun and slow
>Agua gets hit down to 1hp, then gets hit a dozen more times, totally find. These second chance abilities are fucking stupid
>Why did this user link me to lower level play to demonstrate how the combat is better
>1:55 happens and I sink into a deep depression "this is what anons think GREAT action gameplay is" "this is Sup Forums now"
>i don't think anyone itt has actually played dmc4 for more than an hour
>The actual combat looks like Mash X to Flip Toward Your Target, one button one attack.
>Now she's spamming her air dash to get through some attack, x x x x x, and it's over
From here, having played KH1 and 2, it looks similarly mindless and linear. Tell me WHERE you're seeing an 8/10, I beg you.

Because watching a video of someone playing a game is the same thing as playing the game.
I can watch a video of someone playing the guitar and think, "Well this is how they're moving their fingers I could do the same thing!"
Just how autistic are you user? Christ.

Also, >1:55 happens and I sink into a deep depression
If you get this upset about videogames and some anonymous person's opinion of a videogame I highly recommend you kill yourself.

It's like watching someone play the guitar, when you've played ukelele and banjo. Just tell me what you think makes it so great if you've played it and you're confident it's a big step up.

It's hyperbole. I actually laughed when I saw it in the video.

>Just tell me what you think makes it so great if you've played it and you're confident it's a big step up.
I already said it's alot smoother, and I used magic being not as slow as an example. You can essentially play the game without having to stop moving, it's more fast paced, it's fun. Your only argument so far has been, "Yeah well it doesn't look very good."
Just try playing it, or not, I don't fucking care. KH has never been DMC levels of crazy and never will be, quit having an autistic conniption.

You're the one who said it was much deeper than KH1 and nearly on par with the DMC series. If it's just KH2 but flashier, then fine. What does "alot smoother" mean? The attacking, aerial movement, and ground movement looks just like KH2. She's not flowing into her cartwheels, she's not keeping her momentum when she does an airdash. I don't see what you mean by smooth, and I don't see how that makes the game deep. Again, if it's just the KH2 shallow, that's alright. Just be up front about it.