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How is the PS1 port? Will flipping between Fightcade and it throw me off? Also I wonder if this thread is going to talk about the game or about the anime :thinking:

It sucks, stick with the arcade version

Is that?
Could it be?



But why does it sucks?

Death to Jojofags!

I'm an anime-only faggot
Post spoilers

Stands look horrible, the game is floaty and some combos are changed




You got the Star Platinum version of this?

Funny Valentine isn't always going to be a manlet.

My little jojo : friendship is unbreakable?

You do realise that JoJo has been popular on Sup Forums since 2004

Was that ever explained? 'cause that was a really odd thing, where he just STOPPED being short and fat as he got cooler.

Kill yourselves, jojobronies

kys this isnt vidya you bronies

It was implied that he just swapped bodies with a buffer and taller Valentine from another universe since he couldn't be charismatic if he was a fat manlet.

yes it is

Useless, useless, it's all useless.

>Jojo has been a popular IP on Sup Forums since its inception
>Cool edgy newkids run around screaming about jojobronies to try and fit in


Nobody knows, they want to hate anything remotely popular

Why aren't you all in the lobby?

Muh licensing. How active was it, anywho?

Yeah and it doesn't deserve to be.

Death to Jojofags for liking such caustic shit dressed up in pretty colours!

It literally is you fucking moron.

Your post seems like bait to get the thread bumped, and I won't oblige you.

probably because the popularity of it has grown so much that it's essentially an entry-level anime at this point. ยด


>impyling i'm not a jojo fan

It's not implied, fans just wanted an in-universe reason as opposed to the usual case of Araki just changing his mind with established characters.

Great Days is the best OP and if you disagree you're wrong

end of za warudo is better, you poophead.

but there is an in-universe reason. If he has a superpower that explicitly lets him do things like that then why wouldn't it be the case?

It's not like he'd make a speech about it
>"Hahaha Johnny Joestar, I am no longer fat so I can kill you now!"

only if it's UNITS-ver

wtf I hate Jojo now

Which rom does Fightcade use again?

I really like Chase

makes it worse
using some australian's lovelivefag forced memes

my nigga

>that Jojo tatoo

>hate wearing jewellery
>wears jewellery


Japanese ver.

I knew this shit was gonna happen.

fucking degenerates

Can I get a mega link or something? I don't have the rom anymore after reinstalling windows, and the one I downloaded isn't recognized by client.

Because it's completely typical of Araki and just a coincidence that Funny's power can explain something so trivial.

A lot of things can be chalked up to "Araki forgot" but I'm fine with trivial things like this existing if it can be explained in universe.

I don't mind it being a fan theory, just with the idea of it being "implied".

the thing is it's so trivial that it's hardly a theory to begin with. He has been shown to be able to swap places with other Valentines to heal himself, there's no reason he didn't look in the mirror and decided to stop looking like a fat gremlin.

>girl power
>Jolyne fucks up harder than any other Joestar

that valentine is always gonna be a fat gremin. hes just switched with another valentine

but was that the original valentine?

>we'll never know

it probably was the original, but when he swaps with another one he just assumes their identity, sort of.

I thought the body part of the corpse made him /fit/

In case anyone else needs the link:

same actually

Wouldn't you at least attempt to make yourself look attractive if you're making an idealized drawing of yourself?

>UK Size 22
Fucking hell what a whale

>Your symbol is the JoJo that got the world destroyed
Symbolism, amirite?