Why aren't you playing space station 13 user?

why aren't you playing space station 13 user?

Other urls found in this thread:


>shitty graphics
>terrible controls
>terrible UI
>every server is 500+ ping
>muh ebin clown autism

retards who want to powergame and grief, that will be breaking into the captain's office 30 seconds into a round, or who will immediately kill people or put them in a locker and weld them

to avoid servers that have that shit you go to bad ping ones where barely anything happens

ive had amazing moments but also incredible frustration at how other people hate roleplaying in a roleplaying game and just play team death match, that's just super frustrating

not on VG

>ss13 thread on Sup Forums

I really hope this thread dies fast so we don't get shitters on the server again.

>not on /vg/

vg is the worst of all. Powergamers and waifufags everywhere that pm admins the moment they get slipped in the hallways.

But user, the server is shitters already. Probe "what is the bunker?"1 will never do what is needed to save /vg/ from hippie players.

rin was JUST banned

Wew lad. That takes me back.

a full non-byond remake never

>breaking into the captain's office 30 seconds into a round.
Captain's Spare ID was a mistake.

Borg and Janitor are the comfiest jobs.

i've heard about space station 13 for YEARS and yet i never understood how people play it. I remember seeing threads about this in 2010 yet i never understood how people were playing it. did someone finally make an actual SS13 video game?

it is a real video game, just google it and download byond.

Daily reminder that if you use a the same name every round you're an attention whoring faggot and should kill yourself.

Don't you mean "if you don't have every option possible as Random"?

Shitty communities that run on the idea of drama and popularity, shitty admins, the only people worth saving are pomf and hippie

Metafaggots, heavy bad rp and powergamers

Only worth playing with friends on hippie so you can do anything with them and not anyone caring

Probe is decent last I checked, the fucker needs to retire for good though

>the only people worth saving are pomf and hippie

Why would you save a shitty server with no roleplay and a shitty server overtaken by a metaclub hellbent on turning it into hippie?

Never said their servers are worth saving, the individuals are the ones who are decent, imagine having to deal with retards on diapers that have to control lower retards that generate constant drama and want this people banned, this feature added or removed, etc.

Pomf's shitposts are great and some Hippie's videos are funny

But after all, between all the shitty servers, my favorite poison was /vg/, it had SOME decent admins

I'm not that autist.

>why aren't you playing space station 13 user?
i already got Rimworld

only good thing about this game is that facecam people cannot make it work



Oh no, tell me the bad news

He's depressed and barely returns to ss13 anymore, hasn't posted in the thread for weeks

SS13 is honestly the best game ever created but its hampered in every way by what its players do and obviously the engine. I love it when everything goes great but for every round that is great there are 10 which are fucking boring as someone spends 4 hours retiling escape after the antagonists fuck off in the first 15 minutes.

I don't understand it.




40u coffee
40 cryo
10 hyperzine
10 Discount Dan's special sauce

Why aren't you playing SS13 in a submarine with non-shit UI and controls

I got tired of coders adding ridiculous meme shit, nobody has an ounce of sense or taste when it comes to game design.

SS13 could legitimately be one of the greatest games ever created if someone who know who knows what they're fucking doing made a remake with a clear vision behind it.

I downloaded BYOND. How do I join vg server?

Because I'm not a NERD!


name? is it free?

See the filename, yes


dont eat like a noob

The servers are really shit.

It's either some furry shit or Goon Safe Space Station.

SS13 isn't the same without atmos, and nobody wants to deal with that shit.

I don't really enjoy it.

Too much admin interference and reliance on human moderation, means the game becomes more about "Who can bullshit the admin" rather than any in-game mechanics.

Plus, there'll generally be a brief period of action surrounded by several minutes to an hour of boring.
I get that it's just the type of game it is, but spending half the time waiting for something to happen and half the time dead is not very enjoyable.
Same reason why I don't play counter-strike's default mode, but I prefer gungame + deathmatch. Less time spent waiting, more time spent doing things.

I dunno, maybe I just don't get it. But this Admin-message-and-waiting simulator isn't really my thing.

It's not really a roleplaying game tho.
You can roleplay in it, but you don't have to.
You have official objectives as an antag, and unofficial ones (stop antags) as non-antag.
Granted, the UI is clunky, but given that you have objectives you can play to achieve them.

Huh, that reminds me of some autism that usually pops up in /tg/ where people get really [TRIGGERED] about playing games with game mechanics and loss conditions as play-to-win number crunching things.

You don't have to play it that way. You can roleplay if you want.
But I've seen people on /tg/ get really autistically screeching and full [TRIGGERED] about people who'd rather skip the roleplaying and roll some dice.

I absolutely love complex games with emergent gameplay(think Dwarf Fortress), but this game is too roleplayish and lacking in objectives for my tastes.
Also the round-based aspect is shitty, you get excited doing something, then 15min later people call the shuttle and all you did meant nothing.
And the shitty controls, your success in combat("robustness") is determined with your ability to click on a shitty sprite moving erratically in a lagged engine AND server.

Mainly this. Theres no such thing as medium RP. If its low RP its he is who is robust and prepared wins, if its high RP the mechanics aren't really adjusted for this fact and you're expected to run a gimped character. Medium RP is just the powergamers pushing the line harder and harder and something nice happening 1 out of 100 rounds.

>non-shit UI and controls

Because the roleplay is either non existent or full on autism on the available servers.

because the game was take over by furfags.