There are people out there who thought curing the genophage was a good idea

>there are people out there who thought curing the genophage was a good idea
Are they fucking stupid or what?

Why not cure it? Not only is it beneficial in the short term to fight the reaper threat, it will make future alien interactions interesting.

It's only a good idea if you also saved the Geth and the Rachni.

That way if one loses their shit you have at least two others to cancel it out. There's no way for the balance to tip since the Geth are back to being the Quarian's bitch boys and the Rachni just want to go fuck off and be bugs on some shitty inhospitable planets.

couldnt Mordin modify the cure to give them a more steady and normal birth rate?

Because Krogan numbers will grow out of control and cause massive galactic instability. Realistically, the females can't protect themselves forever so they can't use fertility as a bargaining chip for Krogan unity. Krogan nature will lead to them fighting all over again and repeating the past.

>not genociding all 3

>we need to defeat the Reapers at all costs or go extinct
>genocide the three most effective ground war races with the Geth also having a nasty fleet

Still a threat though. There was one snippet with EDI -
She mentions that 1 female cane give birth to over 1,000 eggs in a year, and that even if 1% of the females become fertile, they can give birth to 10 billion young a yr.

Don't even need them. Krogan in their current state were fine, don't need the Rachni or the Geth when you have the Quarians or Leviathan. Can easily win the war with everyone else.

Krogan are an incredible resource just waiting to be properly tapped. Krogan could easily form the head of future galactic conquest, as the Krogan have both the numbers and strength to spearhead the assault on any future threats that may arrise.

If it means more Krogans like Wrex, I'm all for it.

I've had it with you fags so here's what I think:

Everyone who is against curing the genophage says "Krogans are the niggers of the universe" but that's not true. Krogans are the white males of the Mass Effect universe. Think about it.

What threats are out there that other races couldn't handle? Why wouldn't they threaten the rest of the galaxy themselves? I'm assuming the Rachni were all killed and the reapers were all destroyed. Krogan under the genocide were able to fight fine against the reapers, they can do so against future threats if any actually arise.

More Krogan to overrun and take control of Earth, if that's what you mean.

Krogans are more like Soviets, they're intelligent but it's really numbers on their side that enable them to fight effectively. Do you want to deal with these commie aliens user?

The genophage gives them the same birthrate as humans or other species. They just are so violent that their constant killing of each other makes it difficult to sustain a population.

theyre just bootleg klingons

>More Krogan to overrun and take control of Earth, if that's what you mean.
Nah, Wrex is a total bro. More Krogan like him means more total bros.

What's worse is that there are people who kill Wrex on Virmire when the only casualty there should be Ashley.

And what happens if Wrex dies and someone like Wreav takes over?

>not killing both

LOL that's why the infant mortality rate is 1/1000

No, curing the geniphage with wreck in charge is an okay thing to do, as long as it is looked at a few years down the line to make sure that they are not getting too crazy

Under no circumstances should the cure be administered if Wreav is in charge

Given the history of the Krogan, don't you think they'll go crazy again? Wouldn't you take the safer bet of not giving them the chance at all rather than risk the galaxy being overrun and destroyed?

And there are plenty of Krogan who had the same views as Wreav.

The happy fairy tale ending of the Krogan becoming normal or uniting again is just BS to me. Realistically, I just can't see it given their nature and some kind of coup or uprising with Krogan like Wreav would happen down the line.

Because they have 1,000 children at one time.

Krogan breed so quickly that they were able to colonize, overpopulate, and destroy a garden planet in one century.

Krogan are bunch of violent space niggers
Felt no remorse for destroying the cure

Krogan homeworld is a fucking horrible place, many many many krogan children never got to grow up. Along come one of the council races and uplifts krogans with tech they arnt ready for.

They were rewarded with planet fars better than their homeworld after the rachni war. Now almost every krogan child can grow up and they have alot of children. They filled those planets extremely fast.

The genophage takes them back to the original odds, but one thing wasnt accounted for: When your child is eaten by predators, you mourn and try again. How many stillborns in a row before you lose hope stop bothering?

I'd rather have badass super soldiers kick reaper asses than than Asari, Salarians, Quarians and nigger aliens like Batarians and Vorcha