User, will you buy my game?

>user, will you buy my game?

Other urls found in this thread:

ye, but I've got some important tests to do during the release week

no way fag

Not on release no, but eventually, yeah.

First day emu mehbeh :33333

nah I grew out of nintendo stuff


Yes, on day one.

Someone post the Zelda is cute! pasta please.

Auf keinen Fall, Schwuchtel.

I will pirate it but she doesn't need to know that.

Yup, for the WiiU though

Fuck off, I only buy for glorious Link.

uh, honey, there are other people in "your" game, does it even have your name on it? don't get ahead of yourself.

No, I will be pirating it on Wii U

No, because you're ugly and you offend me.

That's not Mifa.

Why would I buy a Wii U game when they're all free?

it does

>implying i'm buying it for le strong independent female and not for link's tight boipucci

sorry I only buy games from Todd sama

I'll buy a PS4 pro instead, thanks for the offer though.

Afraid I can't; I bet it all on Todd Howard's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

>does it even have your name on it?
Nigger wat?

I need to wait until I get a Switch. The Wii U framerate will tank at one explosion yet alone actually playing the game in full.


If you fart on my face

Oh, I'm not an user. I just play one on the internet, m'lady.

Maybe, but not on that shitty swooce console theyre putting it on

*block your path*

Why is Mifa the only cute one?

Halt die Fresse, Hans.


That's not funny, I just lost my job

more like you only buy to watch bokoblin raping Link

Cute eyebrows!

>Implying the emulator will boot BotW

Deine Mutter lutscht Rapefugee Schwänze du Hurensohn.



For that ass, I'd do anything sweetie. Now lie down and spread, so I can kiss my face between your thigh and sweaty asscheeks

Only if you shave your eyebrows.

Meine Mutter ist AfD-Wählerin, du Depp.

Sure if you have any ingame music other than the trailer theme.

No. I will buy the true GOTY instead.



Have fun with your terrible animations

I love those mugibrows.

you mean horizon 0 frames?
yea no.

They are all robots, so it's a feature.

>tfw never had a nintendo home console
>tfw nobody in my circles had a nintendo home console
>tfw never touched nor played a nintendo home console or its gamepad
>tfw only ever had the gameboy color and gameboy advance for the pokemons
>tfw never played a zelda, mega man or metroid game
>tfw never played a 3d mario game or any mario besides the first map or two on the first 3 games on the family computer
>tfw never played any game that most of Sup Forums and the american 20-30 year olds would consider "everyone's childhood"
>tfw never had and never will look at nintendo games through nostalgia goggles
>tfw never hooked into the neverending stream of rehashes and rereleases nintendo supplies to its fanbase
>tfw never gonna spend my money on the financial trap that is the switch
>tfw never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Knowing all that, should I look into Cemu? If so, what games should I try, assuming they're all new and that none is inherently appealing to me due to lack of brand loyalty?

They're robots so the "bad" animations are cannon.


>4 eyebrows

Four. 4. 1+1+1+1. Four.

No. Fuck off, weebcandy.

One can dream

that's just horrible
horizon: zero out of ten

I would, but not sure I'll buy your console
