Name a better bladed weapon in any vidya

Name a better bladed weapon in any vidya.

I'll wait.

This is now a keyblade thread

Go on deviantart, find a wacky keyblade, bring it back.



really shitted me how good this one was, i didnt want to play with the worst franchise


literally ow the edge
How do you even hold that piece of shit without hurting yourself

So much strength it subtracts from your magic.

Not even scratching the surface of the kind of fan keyblades that exist. Why don't you brave the wilds yourself?


Can someone post that image of the final looking keyblades just stacked on top of one another.




So what do I win?



The Keyblade is a dull weapon 90% of the time though, it just cuts with magic.

Which is good, Clubs>Swords.

itt: autists

>christmas tree blade.

would beat the whole game with this one.

Wreck-It Ralph world in KH3 would be legit awesome, honestly.

>"kingdom hearts 2 final mix is hard just try to beat the superboss by mashing buttons"

>Spend years grinding to get the strongest sword
>It looks fucking stupid
Thanks, Dark Cloud 2!

I hate Kingdom Hearts so damn much

ur just a hater

I was always more of a Dark Cloud user myself, but there's no denying the Island King's power.


>gurp of friends


You can't, that's why only the darkest souls may wield this blade




>it's shaped like a house key
what did they mean by this?

Cringe thread?


That's a car key

he can't keep getting away with it.

What if stan lee is also xeanort? that would explain so much, he planned to be bought by Disney, he manipulated people for the games to exist.

"greeting true believers... of DARKNESS"

That's actually really neat. What stats and effects would it have?


heals enemies

Subtracts both strength and magic, maybe hps too, adds some mad finisher attack, something like a black hole, or gets exponentially stronger each time you connect a hit, resetting after finishing a combo.

whose soul will he devour next?




KH faggots

>this whole thread

Is being a Kingdom Hearts fan a symptom of autism ?


Either that, or addiction.
Both options are equally grim, and definitely negative.

And I say this as a KH fan

No, it's when you take it seriously. If you read the sentence "the lead villain travelling through time to assemble thirteen clones of himself is retarded fanfic-tier garbage" and feel a little twinge of anger, you're probably on the spectrum.

>"the lead villain travelling through time to assemble thirteen clones of himself is retarded fanfic-tier garbage"
Today, I shall remind them

>Only my perfect OP Donut Steele can wield this mighty OP Donut Steele weapon!

I hate how the internet lets these people "express themselves"

Yes, but have any of you considered the fact that Hi a gun.

anyone have the other parts to this?