Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

The Aldmeri


stormcloak bear is so kawaii


Skyrim fans

Fuck you man

You wanna settle this in the ring?



all the people who bought this piece of shit

How many times have we talked about this? The Stormcloaks were tools of the Aldmeri Dominion so that they could divide and conquer Tamriel. Imperials want to unite the empire against the knife-ears.

The impotent Emperor dies in the Dark Brotherhood questline, and the whole ULFRIC IS A THALMOR KEK SPY thing was clearly tacked on so you'd have a reason to not side with a failed, non-Dragonfire Septim Empire.

> t. Aldmeri dominion

>Savior of Akatosh, Auri-El is a punch cat on Skooma

Aedra are sure a funny bunch

Who thought forced third person for Werewolf and Vampire Lord was a good call? It's so off-putting and awkward, especially in enclosed areas. And being unable to interact or pick up stuff is compounding the reason no one really used these forms.


I wanna see that dick.

Stormcloaks. Thalmor were baiting the Civil War.
>Ban God Nords worship above all others
>Oh gee I wonder what'll happen
>Nords chimpout
>Ulfric cries about muh oppression even though he himself didn't even have a claim to the throne
>Gets caught over and over again and only escapes due to the Thalmor AKA greatest ally
>Doesn't have the foresight to see something is amiss
>Gets captured again because he's dumb as dirt
>Empire decides to execute him ASAP to avoid anymore """escapes""" and unfortunately the player gets caught up in it

Ulfric is just a cry baby who hides behind muh freedums when confronted with actual facts. He has the foresight of a dead dog and probably is an elf too.

The Storm cloaks are in the wrong here. Why would I ever want to help them? They show Khajit no love so why should I try to help their rebellion?

Never understood how people can play a race other than Nord in Skyrim.

Why? The Dragonborn was trying to cross to the border illegally so it's not like Skyrim is his native home or anything.

How do they even keep tabs on who comes in legally? It doesn't make any sense that they busted you. What about all the caravaneers?

You, for ever choosing a side.

>a cat with tits has dragon blood in it
how would you even headcanon that

The Dragonborn does not have to be a nord. The Nereverene does not have to be a dark elf.

Honestly the hero of Khavatch has no arguments on what he can and can't be.

Still makes most sense for DB to be a nerd.
You can be whoever the fuck you want if you don't bother with the main story ofc.

>use werewolf
>die way too quickly unless you have the dawnguard expansion
