End up buying all my games because pirating feels like a chore nowadays

>end up buying all my games because pirating feels like a chore nowadays
>realize i'm getting too old for this

Other urls found in this thread:


Too old to buy games...?

Too old to make an effort.

More like too wealthy to make an effort.

>not knowing Sup Forums - if not Sup Forums as a whole - is populated exclusively by people whose sole fom of currency is spare time
>'you stopped responding to me, therefore I WIN'
>making thread after thread after thread to force pet issues, then shrieking about BOARD CULTURE
You're growing up, OP. Nobody else here will ever know that feel.

I can't play 4X or RTS' any more, simply because of the time needed to sink your teeth into the guts of the game (so to speak).

This cartoon looks really comfy. Are moomins worth reading/watching?

>tfw pirated Mass Effect 1 yesterday and playing it now because I never finished it before

You just need to find more video games you forgot to play, user

>Are moomins worth reading/watching?

I can't believe you're actually asking that

imagine being in such a state of arrested development that the only way you can relate or reach out to other human beings is through the medium of video games

It's probably the best thing produced by a Swedish-speaking person.


Books are great. The animated cartoon is meh, but the one with marionettes is creepy in a good way.

I recently reread moominpappa and the sea, it was pretty nice and worthwhile, it's enjoyable how a lot of things are in their heads.

>That chilling moment when the groke starts following them across the sea


Stealth Sup Forums thread without Sup Forums autism?

Moomins please tell me what the best cbr reader is for Android. Been fucking with it a bit since I wanted to read a few comics in bed and on the shitter, but thus far everything has been pretty miserable.

I even tried tackling it from the other direction by looking for a PC program that would sync/share with my tablet, but the two I tried were absolute ass compared to CDisplay.

What the fuck is going on in this picture

it really makes you think


This book was kinda scary, but also awesome. Moomins were my favourite series as a child

There's a comet coming towards moominland, iirc they're on a journey to an observatory figure out if it's gonna hit them.

I think that's supposed to be a dried up body of water and they wanted to investigate the ship since it was on the way, so they used stilts.

It was a while since i read the book or saw the movie, but i think that's more or less the full context.

tfw no walking simulator where you can explore Moomin valley and talk to the characters

What's Sup Forums got to do with it? It's a book series. Not comic book.

I remember reading that post in the pic before, wish I had taken its advice then.


Stand down men. Just came across Perfect Viewer. Does exactly what I wanted, minus syncing location between tablet and PC which isn't a big deal anyway. Crisis averted. Now to read Saga and become a genderfluid pansexual otherkin.


I haven't read this one. How depressing is it?

>Moominvalley in November (Swedish: Sent i november, 'Late in November'; Finnish: Muumilaakson marraskuu) is the ninth and final book in the Moomin series by Finnish author Tove Jansson, and was first published in both her native Swedish and English in 1971. Set contemporaneously with her previous novel Moominpappa at Sea (1965), it is the only installment in the series where the titular Moomin family are actually absent. Instead it focuses on a set of other characters, including Snufkin, who come to live at Moominhouse during the onset of winter whilst its inhabitants are away, and the various interactions which they have with each other.

>Like Moominpappa at Sea, the work is more somber in tone than previous books in the series, and it has been suggested that this is a direct result of the death of Jansson's mother, Signe Hammarsten-Jansson, during the year that it was written. Because of this, it has been described as being a "textbook on letting go, being a mature orphan, existing spiritually alone" and features a young orphan looking for a mother as one of its primary characters. Following this work, Jansson later stated that she "couldn't go back and find that happy Moominvalley again" and so decided to stop writing the Moomin books.

>pirate a game
>open the crack instructions
>it's written in terrible broken English and signed by a guy named Muhammed
>don't understand a fucking thing he's written
>try doing it just the way it used to be done
>computer starts sounding like a jet engine before even starting the game thanks to all the malware
>have to spend an hour trying to delete every trace of this Pajeet fuck from my computer

But yeah Denuvo is such a nuisance ugh...


maybe don't download cracks from some third world shithole website


I've already decided I'll seriously consider killing myself when my mother days depending on how fulfilling my life feels at that exact moment.


When you see the current market value of a steam item you traded over 2 years ago.



i got a random drop in dota 2 2 years ago, back when shit was actually tradable, that costs 10 dollars on steam market
i fed down mid for the whole match when i got it

>Are moomins worth reading/watching?
They are only for true patricians.




Why is lean so shit?


> tfw waiting for ps4 to arrive from Amazon with like 6 games I ordered it with
> Probably will enhoy it less than my gamecube I got with just prime for six months in 2003

Books are great
Comics too
The TV series tries to fit them to a childrens show mold too much

>The TV series tries to fit them to a childrens show mold too much
It has god-tier soundtrack though


I'm just going to leave this here.

> tfw invest money in stocks
> tfw when stuff you sold two months ago is up 40%



The (relatively) recent moomin movie, moomins at riviera, was pretty loyal depiction of the comic of same name.

Id watch that at least if i were you.

Still managed to give me and many others nightmares as a child.

Hey, how's it going?

>It's a Mårran episode

Epic derailed thread bro

Toffle was one of my favorite stories as a child. This one was fun too.

I know that feel.
I can't remember the last time I pirated a game.

I used to do it all the time, but now I just feel like all of the games I pirate I didn't really care about anyway so why bother in the first place. And the few games I really want I just buy.

>YLE goes and sensors 3 episodes from the series
>Still manage to get nightmares from Groke AND THAT MOTHERFUCKING VAMPIRE, HOLY SHIT!

All mobile games are casu...

Tfw no horror game where you run through the forest being chased by the groke.

What about this one?

Granted, she's even worse in the books, where simply thawing the person she's frozen won't bring them back.

>Hear news that the Moomins get a new show or something
>"Well that's neat"
>Find out it's the same old show i saw as a kid
>With new voice actors and the missing 3 episodes on it
>"Oh, well let's see how it is"



I dunno, that one didn't give me as hard a time as the others.

Creepiest and most kino Moomin book coming through.


Ei mitä helvettiä

Hyi vittu

>Buying games
>Less effort than pirating

u fuckin wot

You didn't know? The new voice acting is basically treason.

That doesn't look like a book

Thank you for ruining My sunday

I knew they were making it, but didn't know they were already some and that it was so shit.
Sounds like Voice actors were there just for the paycheck, with no real motivation or enthuasism for the quality

>click buy
What's to explain?

>click download
>Don't seed

Why are they sighing so sexually? Am I projecting?

I have no idea and no, you are not projecting.

Sounds Even worse when you company it to the Old VA m.youtube.com/watch?v=f6A0nQ35U1o


It's called "Skurken i muminhuset" in Swedish, I don't know if it was ever published in any other languages than Swedish/Finnish. Basically it's a short story set in a physical version of the moomin house with puppets created by Tove Jansson and friends, the pictures are really great.

I was scared shitless of that book as a kid. Fucking hell.

Nothing will top the movie in my eyes. It's just nightmarefuel one after the other. Also a shit way for a kid to learn what a meteor is.


I always enjoyed watching it, the only thing that ever bothered me was that fucking octopus.

It was like a horror movie for me, I was creeped out by it but still unable to look away and kept wanting to return to it.

Moomins is hands down the best anime out there. Make sure to watch it with the finnish dub with english subtitles.

>tfw too dumb to mount games
>stuck with 200 MB indie games


And Make sure it's the older dub, not the new one

I'd really like to see the old '70s series just for the heck of it, but I don't suppose any fansubs exist at all.

you should just go to a game shop and randomly pick a game off the shelf based on how interesting it sounds and how cool the box cover is, just like the good ol' days. the whole system of everything being drowned in reviews either makes it hard to enjoy a game because it's hyped-up from good reviews, or too easy to avoid a game because it's full of shit reviews.


is dhis dhe finlan disgussions dhread :-DDDDdd

>Can afford PS4, have PC for slightly dated games
>Have no time for fucking vidya anymore

Aaah. Fuck.


that fucking music....


Nah m8

>The Hattifatteners are tall, thin, ghost-like creatures
>They are silent and serious, having neither the ability to talk nor to hear
>They also seem to be melancholic characters.
Are hattifatteners proto-gondolas?


If you can't even put in the effort to pirate how do you even play games?