
>that part of the game

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blitzball in general was fucking shit
heres hoping they make it full teams in FF14 and not team manager shit

I spent more time playing that damn game than I did that damn game.

It sucks the first time, but when you get the hang of it, you end up treating FFX as a sports game and ending up playing that most of the time instead.

First round is rigged, it's very fun but since the first round is boring everyone hates it

best minigame

just swim into the goal

>run up to goal
>jecht shot
>hide in your own goal and watch the AI shit itself for the rest of the game
so difficult


You guys better not have lost with this music playing.


having to win blitzball to get that ultimate for watto made me enjoy it

although my team ended up being so overpowered that it lost some of its fun

>tfw you score the winning goal with Wakka in overtime

The first match is bullshit, but you can use its own bullshit against it if you got the jecht shot
After that even if you stick with all the original aurochs players it becomes too easy after a few games. Still fun though.
I never could get into blitzball in X-2 the same way

Circle of Magi in Dragon Age Origins. I get bored senseless.

BB isn't that bad until you try to get the Jupiter sigil, what it needs is either a reset prizes option for the leagues, or anyody besides the al bhed psyches to be good.

>didn't get the Jecht shot during the first playthrough
>found out later you could get it during that part in the boat

I wish the remaster had have expanded Blitzball a little, or at least had a hard mode that wasn't as piss easy once you got used to it.

Indeed OP, the best part of the game.

>get brother
>run circles around other teams literally
I know it wasn't the focus of the game but Damn it could have been better.

Blitz ball vr when? But not like in game blitzball more like that CG before sin attacked.

What was the blitz ball in X2 like?

>He didn't solely train the Aurochs until they became the best

If you recruited other people you literally deserve to go to the hellfire.


PES but with blitzball

I actually kind of liked the fade section after I knew what the fuck I was supposed to do.

Literal casual, god forbid you actually put some thought in, filter.